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Molly Funk & Kevin Morton
0 Operant conditioning - a type of
learning in which behavior is
strengthening if followed by a
reinforcer or diminished if
followed by a punisher. (scene with
0 Latent learning - learning that
occurs but is not apparent until
there is an incentive to
demonstrate it. (scene in tower
shoving into closet)
0 Feel good do good - Peoples tendency to be helpful
when already in a good mood. (tavern scene)
0 Type A - Friedman and Rosenman’s term for
competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally
aggressive, and anger-prone people. (mother knows
Unit 8
Unit 9
0 Attachment - An emotional tie with another; shown in
young children by their seeking closeness to the
caregiver and showing distress on separation. (rolling
in the deep)
0 Erikson identity - Teenagers work at refining a sense
of self be testing roles and then integrating them to
form a single identity, or they become confused about
who they are. (first scene where stealing stuff)
0 Unconditional positive regard (Rapunzel coming
home/kingdom celebration)
0 Cognitive dissonance (field scene rupunzels mood
0 Normative social influence (scene in the cleaning)