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Name: Jane Doe
Date of Birth:
Date of Evaluation: 7/12/07
BACKGROUND: Jane was seen for an audiological evaluation as part of an intake evaluation. Jane has
had several audiological evaluations in the past, however they were inconclusive or incomplete. A report
from 5/30/07 stated that using play audiometry there were no responses observed in the left ear. The
responses in the right ear were boderline normal levels for 1000-4000Hz. It was also reported that Jane
pointed to pictures at a level of 25dB in her right ear. Jane had a history of middle ear pathologies. Jane
has cri-du-chat syndrome. Jane communicated through vocalizations, gestures and some sign language
for this evaluation.
PTA: For best ear 37dB
SDT: For best ear- id colors 20dB
OTOSCOPY: RE: drum did not appear “healthy” LE: Unremarkable
INTERPETATIONS: Warbled tone test results utilizing Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) in
the sound field suggests a mild sloping to moderate hearing loss for at least the better ear. Since Jane
would not accept headphones, ear specific information was not obtained. Jane was able to correctly
identify colors from a closed set of 5 at a level of 20dB. Tympanometry results were within normal
limits, which suggests normal functioning middle ear systems. Jane did push away the probe after the
tones for acoustic reflex were presented. Otoscopic examination was unremarkable for the left ear; the
right eardrum did not appear “healthy”. Jane’s mom stated that she would take Jane to the doctor. At the
end of the evaluation Jane covered her ears when a fake dog barked and moved, this sound was at a level
of about 65dB. These 2 incidences and the fear of the headphones may indicate some hypersensitivity to
 Exposure to communication partners, both peers and adults, who can use a similar communication
system, will be important. Jane may benefit from a program with children and staff who can sign
which will allow access for peer interaction and maximize incidental learning through spontaneous
 Jane needs to be accustomed to earphones, recommended to her mom that she use headphones at
 Continued testing to obtain ear specific information.
 Medical referral for right ear, mom stated she would take Jane to the doctor.
NYS Licensed Audiologist