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Grav. o. Kosm. Exercises No. 5 Notes on the Riemann tensor Parallel transporting a vector around a loop in some general space with metric gµν , will change the vector. This change corresponds to what we will call curvature, and is represented by the Riemann tensor, [∇ρ , ∇λ ]Aµ = Rµσρλ Aσ (1) and it can be calculated by the Christoffel symbols and the metric Rµσρλ = ∂ρ Γµσλ − ∂λ Γµσρ + Γµκρ Γκσλ − Γµκλ Γκσρ . (2) It is however not trivial to realize the symmetries of this tensor, so we will instead be using the one with lowered first index Rνσρλ = gµν Rµσρλ . (3) This is anti-symmetric in the first two and the last two indices, and symmetric in the interchange of the two first with the two last Rνσρλ = −Rσνρλ , Rνσρλ = −Rνσλρ , Rνσρλ = Rρλνσ . (4) As Joe’s notes tells us, in D = 3 there are 6 of them that are independent, and in D = 4 there are 20 of them that are independent. This saves some time, in D = 4 it is still a lot of them, and we will have to use tricks every time to make it manageable. But is is good to know how to identify these. Take D = 3, where we have to repeat at least one index (since there are 3 different ones, and 4 positions) and max repeat it 2 times (otherwise the anti-symmetry will make it zero), that is 1221 1231 1331 2132 2332 3123 (5) are the possible ones, where the numbers represent a specific coordinate, for example 1 (x, y, z) = (1, 2, 3). In D = 4 the 20 independent ones are 1221 1331 1441 2332 2442 3443 1231 1234 1241 1324 1341 2132 2142 2342 3123 3143 3243 4124 4134 4234 (6) with numbers representing a specific coordinate, for example (t, r, θ, φ) = (1, 2, 3, 4). From this tensor we can construct the Ricci tensor, Rµν = Rαµαν = g αβ Rαµβν (7) R = g µν Rµν . (8) and the Ricci scalar These together are combined to what is known as the Einstein tensor 1 Gµν = Rµν − gµν R 2 2 (9) 5.1 Consider the metric ds2 = R2 cos2 θdψ 2 + dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2 (10) a) Find Christoffel symbols. b) Find Riemann tensor. c) Find Ricci tensor. d) Find Ricci scalar. Solution a) The Christoffel symbols are Γθ ψψ = cos θ sin θ Γψψθ = − tan θ Γφθφ = cot θ (11) Γθ φφ = − cos θ sin θ b) The independent Riemann tensors we want to check are the ones with components ψθθψ ψθφψ ψφφψ θψφθ θφφθ φψθψ (12) after some calculation these components are found to be Rψθθψ Rψφφψ Rθφφθ Rψθφψ Rθψφθ Rφψθφ = −R2 cos2 θ = −R2 sin2 θ cos2 θ = −R2 sin2 θ =0 =0 = 0. (13) c) The Ricci tensor is then Rµν = g αβ Rαµβν = g ψψ Rψµψν + g θθ Rθµθν + g φφ Rφµφν (14) where we used that the metric is diagonal so that the sum gets simplified. Since we only had Riemann tensor components on the form abba, the Ricci tensor will only have aa components, hence we need to calculate three of them. These are Rψψ = 2 cos2 θ Rθθ = 2 Rφφ = 2 sin2 θ. 3 (15) d) The Ricci scalar then is R = g µν Rµν = 4 6 R2 (16) 5.2 Consider the metric ds2 = −dt2 + dx2 + dy 2 e2βz + dz 2 (17) a) Find Christoffel symbols. b) Find Riemann tensor. c) Find Ricci tensor, Ricci scalar, Einstein tensor. Solution Before one starts calculating one should notice some things about this metric. First the metric is four dimensional, and when we get to the Riemann tensor we need to calculate 20 independent components, which is a bit too much. However the second thing we notice is that this metric is quite simple, up to a sign the tt, xx and yy are the same − gtt = gxx = gyy = e2βz (18) so lets invent a new index i, j, . . . = (t, x, y) and we only need to keep track of the sign for the tt component. a) In the method we used to easy calculate the Christoffel components we tried all the different combinations of the two lower indices. With this new index we only need to check ij, iz and zz, and we find Γz ii = −βgii , Γi zi = β. (19) b) With the clever index the 20 components reduce down to ijji ijki ijkz izzi ijzi zijz (20) Rijji = gii β 2 gjj Rizzi = gii β 2 (21) The calculation gives that are the only non-vanishing. If we spell them out they are Rtxxt = −β 2 e4βz , Rtyyt = −β 2 e4βz , Rxyyx = β 2 e4βz , Rtzzt = −β 2 e2βz , Rtxxt = β 2 e2βz , Rtyyt = β 2 e2βz . 5 (22) c) The metric was diagonal and the Riemann tensor only have components on the form abba so the Ricci tensor is diagonal. The components are Rtt = 3β 2 e2βz , Rxx = −3β 2 e2βz , Ryy = −3β 2 e2βz , Rzz = −3β 2 . (23) The Ricci tensor is R = −12β 2 . (24) Then the Einstein tensor is diagonal, since the Ricci and metric is, and hence we get Gtt = −3β 2 e2βz , Gxx = 3β 2 e2βz , Gyy = 3β 2 e2βz , Gzz = 3β 2 . 6 (25) 5.3 Consider a Riemann tensor on the form Rµνσκ = λ (gµσ gνκ − gµκ gνσ ) (26) a) Show that this expression have the proper symmetries. b) Find the Ricci tensor, Ricci scalar and Einstein tensor. c) Show that the Einstein tensor satisfies the Bianchi identity. Solution a) The symmetries to show are Rµνσκ = −Rνµσκ , Rµνσκ = −Rµνκσ , Rµνσκ = Rσκµν . (27) To see that these symmetries are there, just shuffle around the metrics and extract some minus signs Rµνσκ = λ (gµσ gνκ − gµκ gνσ ) = −λ (gµκ gνσ − gµσ gνκ ) = −Rµνκσ Rµνσκ = λ (gµσ gνκ − gµκ gνσ ) = −λ (gµκ gνσ − gµσ gνκ ) = −λ (gνσ gµκ − gνκ gµσ ) = −Rνµσκ Rµνσκ = λ (gµσ gνκ − gµκ gνσ ) = λ (gσµ gκν − gκµ gσν ) = Rσκµν (28) b) For the Ricci tensor we simply trace the first and third index of the Riemann tensor Rµν = g αβ Rαµβν = 3λgµν . (29) Note, every space with Rµν ∝ gµν is called an Einstein space. Trace this to get the Ricci scalar R = g µν Rµν = 12λ. (30) The Einstein tensor then is 1 Gµν = Rµν − gµν R = −3λgµν . 2 7 (31) c) Does this Einstein tensor satisfy the Bianchi identity ∇µ Gµν = 0? (32) Yes. As we found in b), the Einstein tensor is proportional to the metric, and the metric is covariantly constant ∇µ gνρ = 0 (33) the trace of this must also be zero. 8 5.4 Consider the Reissner-Nordström metric ds2 = −f (r)dt2 + f −1 (r)dr2 + r2 dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2 (34) with 2M G GQ2 + 2 . (35) r r The following can be done in terms of the function f (r). a) Find Christoffel symbols. b) Find Riemann tensor. c) Find Ricci tensor and scalar, and the Einstein tensor. √ d) Analyze the invard and outward trajectories for a light ray when Q = M G. e) Study the Einstein tensor components as Q → 0. f (r) = 1 − Solution a) The Christoffel symbols are G (Q2 − M r) (r2 + G (Q2 − 2M r)) 1 , Γr tt = f f 0 = − 2 r5 1 f0 G (−Q2 + M r) Γt tr = = , 2f r (r2 + G (Q2 − 2M r)) 1 f0 Γr rr = − = (G(Q2 − M r))/(r(r2 + G(Q2 − 2M r))), 2f 1 Γθ rθ = , r 1 φ Γ rφ = , r GQ2 Γr θθ = −rf = 2GM − − r, r Γφθφ = cot θ, Γ (r2 + G (Q2 − 2M r)) sin2 θ = −rf sin θ = − , r = − cos θ sin θ. 2 r φφ Γθ φφ 9 (36) b) The independent Riemann tensor components that are non-zero are 1 G (3Q2 − 2M r) Rtrrt = − f 00 = − , 2 r4 1 G (Q2 − M r) (r2 + G (Q2 − 2M r)) Rtθθt = − rf f 0 = , 2 r4 G (Q2 − M r) (r2 + G (Q2 − 2M r)) sin2 θ 1 , Rtφφt = − rf f 0 sin2 θ = 2 r4 G (Q2 − M r) 1 0 rf = − 2 , Rrθθr = 2f r + G (Q2 − 2M r) 1 0 2 G (Q2 − M r) sin2 θ Rrφφr = rf sin θ = − 2 , 2f r + G (Q2 − 2M r) Rθφφθ = r2 (f − 1) sin2 θ = G Q2 − 2M r sin2 θ. (37) c) The non-zero components of the Ricci tensor are 1 GQ2 (r2 + G (Q2 − 2M r)) 1 , Rtt = f f 00 + f f 0 = 2 r r6 1 f 00 1 f 0 GQ2 Rrr = − − =− 2 2 , 2 f rf r (r + G (Q2 − 2M r)) GQ2 Rθθ = (1 − f ) − rf 0 = 2 , r GQ2 Rφφ = ((1 − f ) − rf 0 ) sin2 θ = 2 sin2 θ. r (38) The Ricci scalar is R=− 1 2 00 r f + 4rf 0 2f − 2 2 r (39) Put in the expression for f (r) to discover that R = 0. (40) This also implies that the Einstein tensor is 1 Gµν = Rµν − gµν R = Rµν . 2 (41) d) A light ray travels along null geodesics and hence their movement is governed by 1 2 dr + r2 dΩ2 . f √ We will assume no angular motion, dΩ = 0 and Q = M G gives 2 2M G GQ2 2M G M 2 G2 MG (r − M G)2 f (r) = 1 − + 2 =1− + = 1 − = . r r r r2 r r2 0 = −f dt2 + 10 (42) (43) This is known as an extremal black hole, it is ”as massive as it is charged”. This have some nice features, for example one can put two of these next to each other and they will not feel any net force, because the electromagnetic repulsion is as great as the gravitational attraction. Multiplying (42) with dtf2 to get dr dt 2 = (r − GM )4 . r4 (44) It is not so easy to solve this and study the behavior, instead we can look at the velocity 2 and acceleration a = ddt2r v = dr dt v± = ± (r − GM )2 , r2 the acceleration is given by the derivative w.r.t. t d 2(r − GM ) 2GM (r − GM ) dr a± = v± = ± = (r − GM )3 . 1− 2 dt r r dt r5 (45) (46) Lets consider the v+ solutions. These have positive velocity, hence are traveling outwards (towards larger r), even for r < GM . However a+ is negative, hence slowing down, and as r → GM , v+ → 0+ and a+ → 0− , so it stops at the horizon, at r = GM . Lets look at the v− solutions. Negative velocity means going into, so lets look at the light ray coming from the outside of the horizon, r > GM . a− is positive, that is v− is increasing, and as r → GM , v− → 0− and a− → 0+ and it again stops at the horizon. e) Above we got that Gµν = Rµν . And looking at the expressions we see that every component is zero if we take Q → 0. extra) The conclusion in e) is not completely correct. Even if Q = 0, there is still a source at r = 0: a massive point. How does this work? Let’s look at something you might know. For a charged particle in Maxwell’s electrodynamics, we have to solve ∂r (r−2 ∂r At (r)) = 0 (47) where At is the temporal component of the vector potential Aµ . The solution to this equation is A (48) At (r) = − + B r where B is a gauge choice, usually set to zero (zero potential at infinity). A however, is related to the charge. How do we see this? Consider Z ∂r (r2 ∂r (−A/r))dr = A (49) 11 according to the fundamental theorem of calculus. However, this cannot be true if the right hand side is identically zero, but it is not, there is a point source there. Hence, the equation we really solve is ∂r (r−2 ∂r At (r)) = Qδ(r). (50) The same happens here, it appears that it is zero, but if one where to integrate, one would get a constant. Look for example at Grr Grr = −1 + f (r) + rf 0 (r) 1 1 −2M G 0 0 = (rf (r) − r) = (−2M G) = δ(r). (51) r2 f (r) r2 f (r) r2 f (r) r2 f (r) 12