Download Bio101 Kurt Toenjes Review Sheet for exam #4 1. Why can`t natural

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Review Sheet for exam #4
Kurt Toenjes
Why can’t natural selection fashion perfect organisms
What is a species according to:
Biological species concept
Morphological species concept
Ecological species concept
Can you think of a limitation to each of the way to define a species listed above?
How do reproductive barriers affect the evolution of species?
List the different reproductive barriers discussed in class.
What is adaptive radiation and how might a mass extinction encourage it?
What is the evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs?
How do we mark geologic time?
What was continental drift and how did it affect evolution?
10. Do we have experimental data to support the formation of organic compounds in a very
primitive earth
11. What organic compound was very likely the first genetic material and enzymes
12. Can viral diseases be cured with any predictability
13. Viruses have which nucleic acids as their genetic material
14. Are viruses alive, think of characteristics that support them being alive, characteristics that
do not support the virus being alive.
15. What are the main parts of a virus
16. Will antibiotics help you recover from a purely viral infection
17. Why are anti-viral drugs tough to isolate.
18. What is the “best” anti-viral strategy
19. Smallpox. A vaccine success story, why?
20. Why are vaccines not utilized more?
21. What are “emerging” viral diseases
22. Prokaryotes are thought to be the oldest organism, why? What are their characteristics?
23. List some of the different shapes of prokaryotes.
24. Types of prokaryotic nutrition.
25. What key feature of the following was discussed in class
a. Rhizobium
b. Salmonella
c. Vibrio cholera
d. E. coli O157:H7
Review Sheet for exam #4
Kurt Toenjes
Borrella burgdorfer
26. Examples of Biological warfare
27. Positive uses of bacteria in bioremediation
28. Eukaryotic cells evolved from where? What would be the major steps?
29. Eukaryotic cells evolved from where? What would be the major steps?
30. Different types of protists were discussed in class. Review the major features of each that
were discussed.
a. Giardia
b. Trypanosoma
c. Dinoflagelates
d. Plasmodium
e. Toxoplasmodia
f. Ciliates
g. Brown algae
h. Green algae
Red Algae
31. Briefly define an animal
32. What are the two different basic types of symmetry in animal body plans
33. What are series of major advances in the development of animals in order to form
vertebrates after the evolution of bilateral symmetry?
34. Simplest animals are? Why?
35. Simplest bilateral organisms?
36. First organism with a complete digestive tract?
37. Are octopus “smart”?
38. Annelids had the first segmented bodies. Why was this such an important evolutionary
39. What are the main characteristics of an arthropod?
40. What are the main characteristics of insects?
Review Sheet for exam #4
Kurt Toenjes
41. What are the main characteristics of the chordates?
42. Do all chordates have a spine with vertebrae?
43. Which were the first organisms with two pairs of limbs. Why might this be important?
44. There were two major developments that enabled amphibians to move completely on to
dry land. What were they?
45. List several key characteristics of mammals.
46. In the evolution of Humans, what are the key steps in our evolution from a tree dwelling
primate to Homo sapians?
47. Why was an increase in cooling capacity so important to our evolution?
48. What are some of the key developments of Homo erectus?
49. Who were Homo sapiens neandertalensis? Did we evolve from them directly?
50. What were the major differences between Homo sapiens neandertalensis and Homo
sapiens sapiens.
51. What were two hypothesizes formed to explain the finding of fosil from a middle aged
disabled man?
52. Why is a big brain not an obvious evolutionary advantage?
53. What are the physical characteristics of humans presented in lecture.
54. Do animals regulate their internal environment?
55. What systems are involved in that regulation? What are their major functions?
56. Diagram out a regulatory system from maintaining the correct body heat so important in our
57. List the four main tissues discussed in class.
58. What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?
59. What is the advantage of asexual and sexual reproduction respectively?
60. List several modes of asexual reproduction
61. What are the three primary embryonic animal tissues?
62. What are the major differences between algae and angiosperms
63. The major characteristic that separates Bryophites from other higher plants is?
64. Do some plants have flagellated sperm? Does this mean those plants need a dry or moist
environment? Which types of plants discussed in class have flagellated sperm
65. The major differences between Gymnosperms and Angiosperms are?
66. A moss spends most of its life as 1N or 2N? What are the terms for each of these two
67. Most plants other than mosses spend most of their life as which form?
68. Could you diagram the life cycle of a angiosperm?
Review Sheet for exam #4
Kurt Toenjes
69. Definition of Ecology is?
70. Definition of the Biosphere?
71. Abiotic factors that influence the biosphere are?
72. The tilt of the earth’s axis effects the Biosphere by creating regional difference in which
abiotic factors?
73. Define:
a. intertidal zone
b. coral reef
c. estuaries
d. fresh water biomes
74. The major terrestrial biomes are? Give a major characteristic of each
75. Ecological communities are characterized by which three things?
76. What is interspecific competition?
77. A niche is a?
78. Competitive exclusion principle states______________
79. The competition between two species for resources leads to?
80. Predation is ?
81. Predation leads the prey to adapt. List several ways prey might adapt.
82. Does predation maintain diversity?
83. What do Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores eat ?
84. How do plants protect themselves from Herbivores?
85. Define :
a. a symbiotic relationship
b. a parasitic relationship
c. a commensal relationship
d. mutualism
e. ecological sucession
86. A tropic structure can be a food chain. What is being shared within that tropic structure
87. What is meant by the “energy budget” of an ecosystem?