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ch 13 test review
9. The bones that form the backbone are called
a. vertebrae.
b. metatarsals.
Multiple Choice
c. tibia.
d. carpals.
____ 1.
What structure directs the activities of a cell?
____ 10. What kind of motion is possible with a hinge
a. nucleus
b. cytoplasm
a. rotating
c. cartilage
b. sliding
d. cell membrane
c. backward or forward
Messages are carried back and forth between the brain
d. side to side
nd other parts of the body by
____ 11. A strong connective tissues that holds
a. respiratory tissue.
movable joints together is a
b. nervous tissue.
a. cartilage.
c. the circulatory system.
b. ligament.
d. digestive tissue.
c. marrow.
Which type of human body tissue can contract, or shorten?
d. vertebrae.
a. nerve tissue
____ 12. Much of a newborn baby’s skeleton is made
b. muscle tissue
c. connective tissue
a. hard bone.
d. epithelial tissue
b. soft bone.
Which type of tissue lines your digestive track and allows you to
c. cartilage.
digest and absorb the nutrients from food?
d. ligaments.
a. epithelial
____ 13. The spaces in bones are filled with a soft
b. connective
connective tissue called
c. muscle
a. blood.
d. nervous
b. water.
The process by which an organism’s internal environment is
c. cartilage.
kept stable in spite of changes in the
d. marrow.
ternal environment is called
____ 14. By eating dairy products, you are helping to
a. healing.
maintain healthy bones because dairy
b. digestion.
c. homeostasis.
a. stimulate the growth of new bone.
d. respiration.
b. enable nerve tissue to grow in bone.
No matter what the temperature of the air around you, your
c. help form the canals in bone.
internal body temperature will be close to
d. are good sources of calcium.
a. 24°C.
____ 15. How does exercise help maintain healthy
b. 37°C.
c. 72°C.
a. by decreasing the need for calcium in the
d. 98°C.
Which organ system makes blood cells?
b. by decreasing the need for phosphorus in
a. skeletal system
the bones
b. nervous system
c. by making bones grow stronger and denser
c. circulatory system
d. by making bones produce stronger outer
d. digestive system
Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeleton?
____ 16. Beneath the outer membrane of bone there is
a. providing shape and support for the body
a layer of
b. obtaining oxygen
a. blood vessels.
c. protecting internal organs
b. canals.
d. producing blood cells
c. spongy bone.
Which type of muscle is found only in the heart?
d. compact bone.
voluntary muscle
cardiac muscle
____ 17. What is the best way to prevent
smooth muscle
soft muscle
a. Exercise regularly and include calcium in
your diet.
Which type of muscle tires quickly during exercise?
b. Reduce exercise and add phosphorus to
smooth muscle
your diet.
breathing muscle
Eat more green vegetables and red meats.
skeletal muscle
Get plenty of bedrest.
cardiac muscle
How do pairs of skeletal muscles work together?
At the start of 400 m run your body releases adrenaline
Both muscles contract at the same time.
and carries more oxygen to the body cells.
Both muscles extend at the same time.
Your body is experiencing
While one muscle in the pair contracts, the other returns to its original
a. dermis.
b. melanin.
d. One muscle in the pair pulls on a bone, while the second muscle pulls
c. osteoporosis.
on the first muscle.
d. stress.
Skeletal muscles must work in pairs because
are able to feel pain when you touch a
a. muscle cells can only contract.
hot surface because of your
b. muscle cells can only extend.
a. skeletal and musclar systems.
c. it takes two muscles to move a bone in one direction.
b. nervous and integumentary systems.
d. when muscles work in pairs, they tire less quickly.
c. nervous and circulatory systems.
Exercise is important for muscles because it
d. integumentary and immune systems.
a. prevents muscles from becoming tired.
____ 29. As you push a door to open it, the door acts
b. helps maintain strength and flexibility.
as a
c. gives muscles more energy.
a. first-class lever.
d. prevents muscle injuries.
b. second-class lever.
If you exert a force of 20 newtons to push a desk 10 meters, how
c. third-class lever.
much work do you do on the desk?
d. fourth-class lever.
a. 200 N·m
____ 30. In a first-class lever, the fulcrum is located
b. 30 N·m
a. behind the resistance force and the effort
c. 10 N·m
d. 100 N·m
b. above the resistance force and the effort
Work equals force times
a. energy.
c. in front of the resistant force and the effort
b. velocity.
c. distance.
d. between the resistance force and the effort
d. mass.
What do machines do?
a. change the amount of force you exert or the distance over which you
exert the force
Modified True/False
b. increase the amount of work that is done
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false,
c. decrease the amount of work that is done
change the identified word or phrase to make the statement
d. eliminate friction
How can a hockey stick be considered a machine?
____ 31. Tissues perform more complex jobs than
a. It multiplies force.
organs. ________
b. It multiplies distance.
c. It changes direction.
____ 32. The process of homeostasis keeps the body’s
d. It reduces friction.
internal environment stable.
40. Lifting a 25-N bag of sugar 1 meter above the floor requires____
25 N·m
33. Shivering helps to cool your body.
of work. _________________________
Complete each statement.
____ 34. The bones that make up your backbone are
called tarsals. _______
____ 35. One function of your ligament is to help protect
your organs. __________________________
41. Organs join to form a(n) ____________________ that performs a
major function.
____ 36. Blood cells are produced in red bone marrow.
42. The material within a cell apart from the nucleus is the
____ 37. A well-balanced diet that includes the mineral
calcium can help prevent osteoporosis.
43. Homeostasis can be upset by ____________________, which is the
reaction of the body and mind to a threatening, challenging, or disturbing
____ 38. To bend a joint, one muscle extends while
another muscle returns to its original length.
44. The ____________________ protects the delicate tissue of the brain.
45. A kind of connective tissue called a(n) ____________________
____ 39. Exercise helps to keep muscles healthy because
holds together the bones in movable joints.
exercise makes muscles thicker.
46. Your wrist is able to bend and flex because it has a(n)
_______________ joint.
47. One way to keep bones healthy is to get regular
____________________ in the form of activities such as running.
48. Bones are strong and hard because they contain the minerals
____________________ and phosphorus.
49. As an infant grows, hard bone replaces most of the
____________________ that forms an infant’s skeleton.
50. The type of involuntary muscle that moves food through the
digestive tract is called ____________________ muscle.
51. A muscle is attached to a bone by a connective tissue called a(n)
52. Muscle tissue ____________________, to make body parts move.
53. The amount of work done in lifting a 25-N bag of sugar 2 meters is
the same as lifting two 25-N bags of sugar ____________________
54. The force applied to a machine is called the ____________________
55. A machine makes work easier by multiplying force or
____________________, or by changing direction.
56. Both the respiratory system and the circulatory system rely on the
__________________ system, which automatically produces movement
in the heart and the lungs.
61. Which type of joint is Joint A?
62. Which type of joint is Joint C?
63. Which joints are movable?
Which are immovable?
64. Which joint is a pivot joint?
65. What kind of motion does Joint
A allow?
66. Which joint provides the
greatest range of movement?