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Digestive System
Digestion is the breaking down of food into nutrients the
body can use.
The Digestive System is like a long tube. As the food
passes through the tube different organs change the food so
that the body may use the nutrients stored by the food.
A. Mouth
a. Teeth
b. Saliva glands
c. Tongue
B. Esophagus
C. Stomach
D. Small intestine
a. Liver
b. Pancreas
c. Gall bladder
E. Large intestine
II. Job of each
A. Teeth- grind up the food
B. Saliva gland- produces saliva which helps to
change starch into sugar.
C. Tongue- helps to move food around in the mouth
to mix with the saliva
D. Esophagus- food travels down this from the
mouth to the stomach
E. Stomach- muscles in the stomach move food
around where it is broken down further when it
mixes with juices the body produces. The food is
broken down almost entirely into a liquid.
F. Small intestine- lined with blood vessels. Little
villi absorb the nutrients and pass them on to the
blood. The blood then carry the nutrients to all
parts of the body.
G. Liver- produces bile which goes into the small
intestine which helps to break down fats.
H. Pancreas- produces chemicals to help break
down fats and starches. Produces insulin which
helps break down sugars.
I. Gall Bladder- stores the bile which was produced
in the liver. It becomes stronger and helps break
down fats in the body.
J. Large Intestine- Waste and excess water enter
your large intestine. The water is removed and
the solid waste travels through the large
intestine, out of the body.