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A Review on,
Submitted to
Mr. Ananta Raj Devkota
Course Incharge
IAAS Paklihawa
Submitted by
Gaurab Bhattarai (Exam Roll no.187)
Bhuwan Subedi (Exam Roll no. 178)
5th semester, 2071
IAAS, Paklihawa
Date of submission: 9th Mangsir
Cauliflower is most popular winter vegetable all over the world. Different micronutrients have
specific role in cauliflower production. Micronutrients although required in trace amount, play
vital role in completion of life cycle of this crop. Among all (Boron, Molybdenum, Iron, Copper,
Chlorine, Zinc and Manganese), Boron and Molybdenum are more important than others due to
its availability in soil ,mobility in plants and soil and more dependency upon PH in soil. Different
researches have shown that deficiency of these micronutrients produced different symptoms like
Whiptail, Browning, Hollow stem etc. To correct these problems they should be applied in the
field either in the form of basal or foliar application. The PH directly influence availability of
these micronutrients, hence PH should be corrected with the application of soil amendments like
lime, dolomite etc. In the present review role of micronutrients in cauliflower are discussed.
Boron (B)………………………………………………………………………..6
Molybdenum (Mo)……………………………………………………………....9
Zinc (Zn)………………………………………………………………………...11
Manganese (Mn)………………………………………………………………. .12
Iron (Fe)…………………………………………………………………………14
Copper (Cu)……………………………………………………………………..14
Chlorine (Cl)…………………………………………………………………….15
Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea, in the family
Brassicaceae. It is an annual plant that reproduces by seed. The edible part, i.e. curd is a
‘prefloral fleshy apical meristem’ and it is generally white in colour and may be enclosed by
inner leaves beforeits exposure. Typically, only the head (the white curd) of aborted floral
meristems is eaten, while the stalk and surrounding thick, green leaves are used in vegetable
broth or discarded. Its name is from Latin caulis (cabbage) and flower, an acknowledgment of its
unusual place among a family of food plants which normally produces only leafy greens for
eating. Brassica oleracea also includes cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, and collard
greens, though they are of different cultivar groups.
Scientific name: Brassica oleraceavar. botrytis L.
Common names: Cauliflower
Family name: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)
Origin and distribution
Cauliflower traces its ancestry back to the wild cabbage, a plant thought to have originated in
ancient Asia Minor, which resembled kale or collards more than the vegetable that we now know
it to be. The cauliflower went through many transformations and reappeared in the
Mediterranean region, where it has been an important vegetable in Turkey and Italy since at least
600 BC. It gained popularity in France in the mid-16th century and was subsequently cultivated
in Northern Europe and the British Isles. The United States, France, Italy, India and China are
countries that produce significant quantities of cauliflower .Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var.
botrytis) can be grown in all types of soil with good soil fertility and good water regime.
The nutrient elements which are required comparatively in small quantities are called as micro
or minor nutrients or trace elements. Micronutrients are essentially as important as
macronutrients to have better growth, yield and quality in plants. The requirement of
micronutrients (boron, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, chloride and molybdenum) is only in
traces, which is partly met from the soil or through chemical fertilizer or through other sources.
The major causes for micronutrient deficiencies are intensified agricultural practices, unbalanced
fertilizer application including NPK, depletion of nutrients and no replenishment. Cauliflower
suffers widely by Boron and Molybdenum deficiencies followed by Zinc, manganese, copper
and iron deficiencies. Cl, Cu, Fe and Mn are involved in various processes related to
photosynthesis and Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn are associated with various enzyme systems; Mo is
specific for nitrate reductase only. B is the only micronutrient not specifically associated with
either photosynthesis or enzyme function, but it is associated with the carbohydrate chemistry
and reproductive system of the plant. The significance of micronutrients in growth as well as
physiological functions of cauliflower are briefed here nutrient wise. Because of over mining of
the plant food elements by the crops, most of the micronutrients become in short-supply to the
crops and some disorders appear resulting in low yields (Joshi 1997). ). Some of the
micronutrients required by cauliflower crop become unavailable if the soil condition is acidic,
such as molybdenum. In cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) boron deficiency has been
reported very frequently (Som and Maity, 1986). At the time, external symptoms of boron
deficiency are not apparent. The first sign is the appearance of small water soaked areas in the
center of the curd. In later stages and in seriously affected plants, the stem becomes hollow with
water socked tissue surrounding the walls of the cavity. In more advanced stages, pinkish or
rusty brown area develops on the surface of the curd which is known as Red rot and cause low
curd yield. Review possesses the different research based information about role of different
micronutrients in crop production and their deficiency with its correction measures. Among all
micronutrients Boron and Molybdenum are mostly studied while others are least.
For completion of this review paper we have studied different Research and review papers,
online journals, and ebooks, surf internets, different Pdf files and books in library of IAAS
Effects of Different Levels of Boron on Cauliflower (Brassica oleraceavar. botrytis) Curd
Production on Acid Soil of Malepatan, Pokhara was conducted by Bishnu Hari Adhikary, Madhu
Ghale, Chiranjibi Adhikary, Surya Prasad Dahal and Durga Bahadur Ranabhat in Agricultural
Research Station, NARC, Malepatan, Pokhara . Experiments were conducted in two consecutive
years (2000 and 2001) at Agricultural Research Station, Malepatan to evaluate the effects of
boron levels on cauliflower curd production. A randomized complete block design with three
replications was employed. Six levels of boron (0kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg and 25 kg borax
ha-1) were tested. Fertilizers and manures were applied at the rate of 120:60:40kg N: P2O5:K2O
and 10 tons of compost per hectare in all the plots. The variety used in the experiment was Kibo
giant. The growth (plant height, leaf numbers, leaf length and fresh biomass production) was
affected by the boron levels. The maximum plant height(42.05 cm) was observed when the crop
was supplied with 25 kg borax ha-1which was almost13.95 percent higher than that of non
treated control crop. Maximum leaf numbers (12.73 plant-1) and leaf length (38.91 cm) were
observed when the crop was fertilized with 10 kg borax ha-1. The maximum biomass production
(1.06 kg plant-1)was obtained with the crop treated with 25 kg borax ha-1. The curd size
(diameter) was increased with increasing levels of borax up to 15 kg ha-1The maximum curd
diameter (10.28 cm) was produced when the crop was treated with 25 kg borax ha-1. Highly
significant effect of boron levels were observed on the curd production. The two years mean
showed an increasing curd production trend with increasing levels of borax application. The
maximum curd weight (10.9 t ha-1) was observed when the crop was supplied with 25 kg borax
ha-1. However, non significant differences on curd production were observed between 15 kg, 20
kg and 25 kg borax application per hectare.
Similarly a field experiment was conducted to study the effect of Boron on cauliflower
(Brassica oleracea L.) cv. SNOWBALL-16 at Horticultural Research Farm, Anand Agricultural
University, Anand during Rabi season of the year 2007-08 and 2008-09. The study conducted
revealed that two foliar sprays boric acid at 0.2 per cent were found better for growth attributes (
viz, plant height, number of leaves, stem length, stem diameter, days taken for marketable curd
etc.), yield attributes (viz, diameter, volume and weight of curd) and ultimately the early curd
yield of cauliflower cultivar “Snowball-16”.
Functions of Boron
Once boron has been absorbed by the plant and incorporated into the various structures that
require boron, it is unable to disassemble these structures and re-transport boron through the
plant resulting in boron being a non-mobile nutrient. Due to translocation difficulties the
youngest leaves often show deficiency symptoms first.
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Protein Synthesis
Germination and Pollination
The B requirement is much higher for reproductive growth than for vegetative growth in
most plant species. Boron increases flower production and retention, pollen tube elongation
and germination, and seed and fruit development.[10]
A Sugar Translocation
Photosynthesis transforms sunlight energy into plant energy compounds such as sugars. For
this process to continue in plants, the sugars must be moved away from the site of their
development, and stored or used to make other compounds. Deficiency of B can cause
incomplete pollination of Cauliflower.
Boron deficiency
Boron deficiency is a common deficiency of the micronutrient boron in Cauliflower. It is most
widespread micronutrient deficiency around the world and causes large losses in production and
crop quality of cauliflower. Boron deficiency affects vegetative and reproductive growth of
plants, resulting in inhibition of cell expansion, death of meristem, and reduced yield. Plants
contain boron both in a water-soluble and insoluble form. In intact plants, the amount of watersoluble boron fluctuates with the amount of boron supplied, while insoluble boron does not. The
appearance of boron deficiency coincides with the decrease of water-insoluble boron. It appears
that the insoluble boron is the functional form while the soluble boron represents the surplus.
1. Browning
Cauliflower color has to be white or pale cream. Boron deficiency and exposure of curds to
sunlight during development causes browning (Norman, 1992; Fritz et al., 2009). Direct
exposure of curds to sunlight should be avoided because it leads the curds to develop
yellow or red pigment (Fritz et al., 2009). Light can be excluded by tying the leaves when
the curd is about 8 cm in diameter. Leaves may also be broken over the head. In hot weather
blanching may take three to four days while in cold weather it may take eight to 12
Some cultivars have inner wrapper leaves which provide natural curd protection.
Condition first develops within the stem and the centre of the curd at the base of the
curd branches. This condition is not visible until curds show external discoloration. Cauliflower
left uncovered will discolor due to activation of peroxides enzyme by sunlight and the
curd will loosen in the sun’s heat. Leaves may be tied together to protect curds from the sun.
Curds develop within the tied leaves in 5 to 15 days. Different color codes required for
blanching different dates. “Self-blanching types” have no need for tying. In self-blanching
types curds are shielded from the sun by inwardly folding overlapping leaves.
2. Hollow stem
This disorder occurs in many parts of the world. In Swaziland it has been observed in locally
grown cauliflower imported from South Africa. Hollow areas extend from below curd when
the core or fleshy center splits due to uneven growth rate with the rest of the plant (Masarirambi
et al. 2013).The cavity may extend to either end of the plant to produce a cavity to the outside
environment (Loughton, 2009; Fritz et al., 2009). There is potential for infection by bacteria
and fungi and spoilage follows. This condition is most severe when growth is rapid. Several
causes of hollow stem have been reported including environmental stress (Guerena, 2006).
Sudden and rapid growth which is usually irregular, high N levels and low plant
populations are conditions which favor hollow stem (Zink, 1968; Loughton, 2009;
Boersma et al., 2009). Boron deficiency has also been reported to be associated with this
malady (Loughton, 2009).
Molybdenum is a trace element found in the soil and is required for growth ofcauliflower.
Molybdenum is a transition element, which can exist in several oxidation states ranging from
zero to VI, where VI is the most common form found in most agricultural soils. Similar to most
metals required for plant growth, molybdenum has been utilized by specific plant enzymes to
participate in reduction and oxidative reactions. Molybdenum itself is not biologically active but
is rather predominantly found to be an integral part of an organic pterin complex called the
(molybdoenzymes) found in most plants.(Williams and Frausto da Silva, 2002). The availability
of molybdenum for plant growth is strongly dependent on the soil pH, concentration of
adsorbing oxides (e.g. Fe oxides), extent of water drainage, and organic compounds found in the
soil colloids. In alkaline soils, molybdenum becomes more soluble and is accessible to plants
mainly in its anion form as
. In contrast, in acidic soils (pH <5·5) molybdenum availability
decreases as anion adsorption to soil oxides increase .When plants are grown under molybdenum
deficiency, a number of varied phenotypes develop that hinder plant growth. Most of these
phenotypes are associated with reduced activity of molybdoenzymes. Other molybdoenzymes
have also been identified in plants including xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase involved in purine
catabolism and ureide biosynthesis in cauluiflower, aldehyde oxidase (AO) that is involved in
ABA biosynthesis, and sulfite oxidase that can convert sulfite to sulfate, an important step in the
catabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids (Mendel and Haensch, 2002; Williams and Frausto
da Silva, 2002). There are recent review articles on molybdoenzymes in cauliflower (Mendel and
Haensch, 2002; Williams and Frausto da Silva, 2002; Sauer and Frebort, 2003) that cover the
extensive literature on the regulation and formation of Moco and the activity of Moco with
molybdenum-dependent apoenzymes. (Grunden and Shanmugam, 1997; Self et al., 2001).
A research was conducted to study the effect of foliar spraying with different concentrations of
application of molybdenum (Mo) on the vegetative growth, chemical content and curds yield of
cauliflower cv. Amshiry under field conditions ((Reddy et al., 1997).). Plants were sprayed with
15, 30 and 45 µg/l Mo at 20, 40, 60 and 80 days after transplanting. Results showed that 30 and
45 µg/l Mo significantly improved vegetative growth parameters, curds yield and its components
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and chemical composition of leaves and curds. From these results, it could be recommended that
molybdenum is important and essential element in the chemical fertilization management system
for the cauliflower production cultivated under Indian soil conditions.
Mo deficiency in cauliflower
Cauliflower is reported to be susceptible to Mo deficiency. The deficiency is generally known as
Whiptail in cauliflower particularly in soil with PH 5 and lowers (A.H. Eddins et. al., 2009). If
Mo is deficient in plant bed soils, some seedlings develop abortive buds or form stubby growing
point’s whiptail affected plants may be stunted and bear narrow ruffled and rolled leaves with
irregular margins. They may fail to curd or may produced loose, ricey curds with deformed
leaves in the curd. Adventitious buds may formed on the lower point of the stem of a severely
affected plants after it is transplanted to the sowing containing available Mo and the shoot and
the suckers may produce small curds.
In 1995 Devies demonstrated that whiptail which develops in cauliflower in Newzealand was
due to the deficiency of Mo. Later Hewit and Jones produced whiptail symptoms in cauliflower
plants grown in sand cultivars from which they withheld Mo.
Treatments tested for control of whiptail at Hastings, Florida.
The experiment conducted in a small plant bed at Hastings in 1951 season, 88% of snowball, a
cauliflower plants developed whiptail when grown in soil testing pH 4.6 to 4.8. The deficiency
was eliminated in plants grown in sections of plant bed where the soil had been adjusted to pH
5.2 with hydrated lime, or by spraying the seedlings and the soil with an ammonium molybdate
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Zinc is included in the Standard Soil Test. The level of soil zinc is “insufficient” or “low” when
extractable zinc is less than 2.0 pounds per acre and the soil pH are less than 6.1, and when
extractable zinc is less than 2.5 pounds per acre and the soil pH greater than 6.0. Zinc deficiency
has been observed on early-planted cauliflower during cool, wet periods, but plants usually
recover as the soil dries and warms. Zinc is routinely recommended for cauliflower grown on
sandy soils (Soil Groups 1 and 2) when the soil pH is above 6.5. A zinc application is normally
recommended for cauliflower unless a plant analysis indicates that zinc is not required. A zinc
recommendation for cauliflower is not generally made unless a deficiency is verified by means
of a leaf analysis. Both soil and plant analyses are to be used to determine if a zinc deficiency
exists. When soil zinc is “insufficient”, zinc is recommended for certain crops, the treatment rate
being between 3 to 5 pounds zinc per acre. To correct a zinc deficiency in cauliflower foliar
apply either chelated zinc, following label directions, or apply at three-week intervals a solution
containing 3 ounces zinc sulfate (ZnSO4 7H2O) dissolved in 100 gallons of water. If a zinccontaining fungicide is being applied to the foliage, additional zinc as either soil or foliar applied
will not be required. In old cauliflower field zinc toxicity can occur following years of applying
zinc-containing fungicides. Repeated use of sludge, slag, or poultry litter, all of which can
contain high concentrations of zinc, may result in soil zinc toxicity. The potential for zinc
toxicity can be reduced or eliminated by liming the soil to raise the water pH above 6.0 or 6.5,
the pH level normally recommended for the crop growing or to be grown.
Zinc Requirement for Stomatal Opening in Cauliflower
Zn deficiency induced increases in epicuticular wax deposits, lamina thickness, degree of
succulence, water saturation deficit, diffusive resistance, and proline accumulation and decreases
in carbonic anhydrase activity, water potential, stomatal aperture, and transpiration in the leaves
of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var botrytis cv Pusa) plants (Sharma P.N. et al, (2010).
Restoration of Zn supply to the deficient plants increased stomatal aperture, transpiration, and
carbonic anhydrase activity significantly within 2 h. However, leaf water potential in the Zndeficient plants did not recover within 24 h after resupply of Zn. The guard cells in epidermal
peels from the Zn-deficient leaves had less K+ than those from the controls. Stomatal aperture in
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the epidermal peels from Zn-deficient leaves was 64% less than in the controls when the
epidermal strips were floated on 125 mM KCl. Supplementing the ambient medium 25 mM KCl
with ZnCl2 enhanced stomatal aperture in both control and Zn-deficient peels, and the effect was
significant in the latter. The observations indicate involvement of Zn in stomatal opening,
possibly as a constituent of carbonic anhydrase needed for maintaining adequate [HCO3-] in the
guard cells, and also as a factor affecting K+ uptake by the guard cells.
Manganese deficiency is less likely to occur in cauliflower. Soil factors that contribute to
manganese deficiency are:
Waterlogged conditions occurring during a portion of the crop year
Poorly drained soils, natively low in manganese
When the soil pH is high (>6.0 or 6.5, depending on soil type)
Manganese deficiency can be corrected by either soil or foliar applications of manganese. For
cauliflower, 15 to 75 pounds manganese sulfate (MnSO4.H2O -26 to 28% manganese) or its
Equivalent per acre is recommended for optimum yield when the soil pH is greater than 6.4.
However on high pH soils (>7.0), correcting a manganese deficiency by a soil manganese
application may not correct the deficiency since most of the applied manganese will most likely
be converted to an unavailable form in such soils. For soybean, the best way to correct a
manganese deficiency is to apply 1 pound manganese per acre as MnSO4.4H2O as a foliar spray,
making two applications during the growing season. Another effective way to correct a Marginal
manganese deficiency is to row apply a phosphorus-containing fertilizer at planting. If a
manganese deficiency is suspected, both plant tissue and soil samples should be collected for
analysis to confirm the deficiency. Manganese toxicity is not likely to occur on most soils except
those that are extremely acidic when the soil pH is less than 5.0. In general, those crops sensitive
to manganese deficiency are likely to be sensitive to high levels of soil-available manganese.
High soil test manganese levels are easily decreased by bringing the soil pH to the level
recommended for the crop. Manganese exists in the soil solution as the manganeous (Mn2+)
cation. Other valance states may also exist under varying soil physical and chemical conditions.
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According to the Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2010, 90(1): 177-188, 10.4141/CJSS09013
conducted a trial in a field where a previous study suggested that a deficiency of manganese
(Mn) or zinc (Zn) was created by the application of limestone, with the objective to confirm
whether lime-induced deficiency is a potential problem in coastal British Columbia acidic soils.
The trial involved the application and incorporation of limestone at two rates (9 and 19 Mg ha-1)
in addition to a control with no limestone, and five foliar applications of Mn and Zn. The foliar
applications included a control, Mn at two rates (2.3 and 4.5 kg ha-1), Zn at one rate (2.3 kg ha-1)
and a combination of Mn and Zn, both at 2.3 kg ha-1. The trial was conducted at the same
location over seven growing seasons (1979-1985), with the cauliflower grown in five of those
years. The plot was fallowed in 1981 and 1983. The limestone treatments were applied in the
spring of 1979, and again in the summer of 1981, while the foliar applications were applied to
the plant each cropped season. Limestone increased plant dry matter yield in three years,
decreased it in one, and had no effect in the other. The micronutrient applications did not affect
dry matter yield in any of the years. Chemical analyses on the plants showed that limestone
increased Ca and decreased Mn and Zn concentrations. The foliar applications increased plant
Mn and Zn concentrations. Limestone, but not the micronutrient, applications influenced other
element concentrations, with decreased concentrations of potassium, magnesium, sodium,
strontium and rubidium. Iron and copper concentrations were not influenced by limestone
applications. The decreased concentrations of nutrients could not account for the yield reduction
by limestone applications in the one year, since concentrations of the nutrients measured in that
year were not significantly different to concentrations in years when yields were increased.
Further, basal applications of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and boron)
had been applied to ensure that non-treatment nutrients were not deficient. Although monthly
weather conditions were similar for one year of increased yield and one year of decreased yield,
the influence of weather on the variable response by the crop could not be discounted as there
could have been adverse weather conditions at critical stages of plant growth. Strontium and
rubidium tended to respond to limestone similar to calcium and potassium, showing that their
measurements have potential to further evaluate nutrient dynamics since they have
characteristics similar to calcium and potassium, respectively. This field trial showed that
limestone applications had many and variable effects on the availability of numerous nutrients
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and associated elements on cauliflower in addition to Mn and Zn. This showed the high degree
of complexity of limestone applications on acidic soils.
In most cases, plant iron deficiency is not due to the lack of iron in the soil, but due to soil
conditions that reduce its plant availability, such as:
High soil pH
Low soil oxygen levels caused by either soil compactions or water-logging
Prolonged periods of excessive soil moisture
High temperatures
High soil phosphorus, copper, manganese, and zinc levels
Based on these soil influencing factors plus the lack of a correlation between Mehlich No. 1extractable iron and plant response, the extractable-iron concentration in the soil is not reported.
Crops in South Carolina that may exhibit iron deficiency symptoms are pecan (when over
fertilized with zinc) on cauliflower. A foliar application of iron is the most effective way to
correct an iron deficiency by either applying a 1% solution of ferrous sulfate [FeSO4 -adding a
little sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to keep the iron in solution], or a 2% solution of chelated iron. Some
plants have been designated as “iron sufficient” due to the ability of their roots to acidify the
rhizosphere and/or to secrete phytosiderophores that complex iron at the root-soil interface, and
thereby enhance iron uptake.
Iron exists in the soil solution as either the ferrous (Fe2+) or ferric (Fe3+) cation, the valence
form being determined by soil conditions.
Copper is included in the Standard Soil Test. Copper deficiency is not a common occurrence on
South Carolina soils. However, copper deficiency is likely to occur on organic soils, mineral
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soils high in organic matter content (>5 %), and on very sandy soils that have been over-limed
and thus have a high soil pH (>6.0 or 6.5, depending on soil type). Copper is retained in available
forms in clay soils. Copper can be leached from very sandy soils low in organic matter content.
Correcting a copper deficiency from occurring in organic soils requires application rates of 20 to
50 pounds copper sulfate (CuSO4.5H2O) per acre or a foliar application at the rate of 1 to 2
pounds CuSO4.5H2O per acre. There is a very narrow range between deficiency and toxicity for
copper, and either soil or foliar-applied recommendations should be based on a deficiency
verified by a plant tissue analysis.
Copper exists in the soil solution as the cupric (Cu2+) cation.
Transport of photosynthetic electron mediated by plastocyanin.
Activator of several enzymes.
Improves the flavor of cauliflower.
Chlorine is an essential plant nutrient element, existing in the soil as the chloride (Cl -) anion.
This anion is abundant in nature and chloride excesses are more common that its deficiency.
Crop quality can be affected by the use of chloride-containing fertilizers. For cauliflower
potassium sulfate (K2SO4) or potassium nitrate (KNO3) is the recommended potassium fertilizer
source rather than potassium chloride (muriate of potash, KCl). Chlorine exists in the soil
solution as the chloride (Cl -) anion. It is needed for
O2 evolution in primary photosynthetic reaction and cyclic photophosphorylation.
The counter ion during rapid potassium fluxes, thus contributing to turgor of leaves and
other plant parts.
Required for root growth and sugar synthesis.
Involved in photochemical reaction in photosynthesis.
For depression of root rot infection
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The field experiment was conducted to study the effect of micronutrients on growth and yield of
cauliflower cv Snowball Giant in High Ganges River Floodplain Soils (AEZ 11) by (Abedin
et al, 2012). Eight combinations of micronutrients were used. The rate of micronutrients were
Zn:B:Mo:Mn:Cu:Cl::3:3:0.5:4:1:20 kg/ha in the treatments and N:P:K:S=50:50:100:20 kg/ha
were also used as basal. The results were found to be significant in most of the yield contributing
parameters of cauliflower like in leaves/plant, plant height, diameter of curd, fresh weight of
leaves, fresh weight of curd and yield. The maximum yield and yield contributing parameters of
cauliflower i.e. leaves/plant, plant height, diameter of cauliflower, fresh weight of leaves, fresh
weight of curd bulb yield were obtained from T4 ( Zn+B)but splitting of curd in T7(Zn+B+Cu)
and fresh weight of roots in T6(Zn+B+Mn). The minimum growth and yield contributing
parameters were recorded in T1(controlled). The response of Zn is more than B but both are
statistically similar in most cases and the combination of Zn and B is better for vegetative growth
and yield of cauliflower. The response of different micronutrients for cauliflower cultivation in
calcareous soils can be expressed the following orders: (Zn + B)>Zn>B>Mo. Any commercial
producers or marginal farmers will be benefited if they followed this fertilizer recommendation
because Benefit Cost Ration has been calculated in conducting the research.
Hence, prevention and/or correction of B and Mo deficiency in cauliflower on B and Modeficient soils can have a dramatic effect on yield and produce quality of cauliflower with B and
Mo fertilization. Source, rate, formulation, time and method of B and Mo fertilizer application
and proper balancing of B and Mo with other nutrients (Zn, Cl, Mn, Cu and Fe) in soil all affect
crop yield. Both soil and foliar application methods of B and Mo as well as other micronutrients
are effective in improving crop yield, produce quality and economic returns. Application of B to
cauliflower on B-deficient soils also enhanced curd size and improved cooking quality. Mo
enhance increased leaf area and helps in proper food accumulation in the product. Zinc
application has been found to neutralize toxic effect of B in some crop plants and produced
increase in overall production.
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Thank you