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Medical University of Lodz
Division of Studies in English (6MD programs)
Microbiology – course content (classes), 2016/2017
Class 1. General microbiology – bacteriological media, methods of the microbiological inoculation
and cultivation, preparation of pure cultures, the structure of the bacterial cell, staining methods of the
bacterial slides
Knowledge: the student knows the bacterial physiology, the optimal conditions for their growth in
vitro: nutritional requirements (chemical components of the bacterial cell, various requirements of
nutrients); temperature (psychrophilic bacteria, mesophiles, and thermophiles); gaseous requirements
(strictly aerobic bacteria, facultatively anaerobic bacteria, strictly anaerobic bacteria, microaerophilic
bacteria, capnophiles), pH and the osmotic pressure; the student knows the microbiological media
(liquid, semi-solid and solid, simple and enriched, selective, diagnostic and selective-diagnostic), the
techniques of the microbiological inoculation, the phases of the bacterial growth, and the methods
used to get pure cultures; the students is able to describe the bacterial growth in the liquid medium
(surface growth, turbidity, and sediment) and in the solid medium (bacterial colony characteristics),
the growth of bacteria producing pigments, the shape and the structure of the bacterial cell (the basic
and additional components), the staining methods of the bacterial preparations (simple and complex,
positive and negative, positive-negative), the types of microscopes used in bacteriology and their
application; the student knows the role of the microscopic slides in the microbiological diagnostics,
methods of the bacterial identification on the basis of the biochemical features and antigenic structure
of the bacterium.
Class 2: General microbiology – Physiology of microorganisms. The influence of the physical and
chemical factors on bacteria. Human microbiota.
Knowledge: the student is able to talk over the presence of bacteria in the human environment (the
reservoir of the pathogen, the modes of its transmission, the source of infection), the presence of
bacteria in the human body (resident and transient bacterial flora, the carriage of pathogenic bacteria),
the influence of physical and chemical factors on bacteria; the student knows the methods of the
bacteriological control (sanitization, antisepsis, asepsis, disinfection, sterilization); the tests used to
control the process of autoclaving.
Class 3: General microbiology – I. Genetics of microorganisms. II. Vaccines.
Knowledge: the students know the structure of genetic material of bacteria, ways of exchanging of
genetic material, methods which may be used to detect/investigate bacterial DNA/RNA (e.g.,
isolation, PCR, sequencing, microarrays). The student knows types of vaccines, schedules of
vaccination, advantages and disadvantages of vaccination.
Class 4: General microbiology – Antibiotics and chemotherapeutics.
Knowledge: the student knows the antibacterial drugs: beta-lactam antibiotics, amonoglycosides,
quinolones, tetracyclines, macrolides, lincosamides, glycopeptides, etc.; bacteriostatic versus
bactericidal agents, antibacterial spectrum (broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum agents), the
mechanisms of antibacterial action. The side-effects of the antibiotic therapy. Bacterial resistance to
antimicrobial agents - its origin and the ways of transmission (natural and acquired resistance, vertical
and horizontal transmission of drug resistance). Standardized techniques determining bacterial
susceptibility to antimicrobial agents (antibiogram): qualitative tests (disc-diffusion method),
quantitative tests (E-test). The clinical meaning of MIC and MBC.
Class 5: Virology – principles of diagnostics.
Colloquium no. 1 (classes 1-4)
Knowledge: the student knows the basic features of the viruses including their structure,
characteristics, and replication phases. The student is able to explain the influence of the viral
replication type on the course of the viral infection. Diagnostic process of the viral infection (clinical
material, the time of sampling, storage, transport to the laboratory, principles of specimen processing
for viral investigation, cell cultures, embryonated eggs, laboratory animals, microscopic identification,
serologic tests, molecular analysis).
Class 6: Skin infections.
Knowledge: the student knows: the student knows:
- etiological factors of skin infections (staphylococci - Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci Streptococcus pyogenes, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp., Clostridium
perfringens, Bacteroides fragilis, Fusobacterium spp., Propionibacterium acnes, Peptococcus spp.,
Prevotella spp, Veilonella spp., Bacillus anthracis, Mycobacterium leprae, Nocardia spp.,
Actinomyces spp.);
- the epidemiology, diseases, diagnostics, prevention and treatment for skin infections.
The student is able to explain the influence of the virulence factors on the course of infection.
Class 7: Infections of the respiratory system.
Knowledge: the student knows:
- the physiological flora of the respiratory system;
- the clinical forms of the respiratory system infections;
the etiological factors of respiratory tract infections (Streptococcus pyogenes, Corynebacterium spp.,
Coxackievirus, Echovirus, Rhinovirus, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Parainfluenza virus,
Respiratory syncytial virus, Coronavirus, Human bocavirus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex,
Mycobacterium other than tuberculosis (MOTT), Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus spp.,
Bordetella spp., Legionella spp., Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp.)
- epidemiology, diseases, diagnostics, prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections.
The student is able to explain the influence of the virulence factors on the course of infection.
Class 8: Infections of the digestive tract. Food poisoning.
Knowledge: the student knows:
- the physiological flora of the digestive tract;
- the clinical forms of the gastrointestinal infections;
- the etiological factors: bacteria (Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Escherichia coli, Vibrio spp.,
Clostridium difficile, Clostridium botulinum, Bacillus cereus, Campylobacter spp., Helicobacter spp.,
Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Rotavirus, Norovirus, Adenovirus, Astrovirus,
Hepatitis A Virus, Hepatitis E Virus).
- epidemiology, diseases, diagnostics, prevention and treatment for digestive tract infections.
The student is able to explain the influence of the virulence factors on the course of infection.
Class 9: Urogenital infections.
Knowledge: the student knows:
- the physiological flora of the urogenital system; the risk factors of the urogenital infections;
- clinical forms of the urinary tract infections (UTI) and genital infections;
- bacteriological analysis of urine – the methods of sampling;
- the purity degrees of the vagina; definition of bacterial vaginosis;
- the etiological factors of UTI (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Proteus spp.,
Stahylococcus saprophiticus, Leptospira spp., Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Gardnerella
vaginalis, Mobilluncus curtisi, Prevotella spp., Peptostreptococcu spp., Veilonella spp., Eubacterium
spp., Fusobacterium);
- the definitions of intrauterine infections, perinatal infections, TORCH;
- the etiological factors of vertical infections (Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae,
Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma spp., Ureaplasma spp., Parvovirus B19, Varicella-Zoster virus,
Rubella virus, Human Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus);
- epidemiology, diseases, diagnostics, prevention and treatment for urinary tract, intrauterine and
perinatal infections.
The student is able to explain the influence of the virulence factors on the course of infection.
Class 10: Sexually transmitted diseases. Colloquium no. 2 (classes 5-8)
Knowledge: the student knows: the etiological factors of sexually transmitted diseases:
I. viral: Human Papilloma Virus, Human Herpesvirus type 1 and 2, HHV-8, Moluscum Contagiosum
II. bacterial: Treponema pallidum, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Haemophilus
ducreyi, Klebsiella granulomatis;Mycoplasma spp., Ureaplasma spp.
Class 11: Infections of the nervous system,
Knowledge: the student knows:
- the factors predisposing to the central nervous system infections, the modes of transmission;
- etiological factors of meningitis and brain infections;
- microbiological diagnostics of meningitis (sampling and microbiological analysis of cerebrospinal
- the etiological factors of CNS infections:
viral: Rabies virus, Coxackie virus, Echovirus, Enterovirus, Poliovirus, Mumps virus, Measles virus,
Papovaviridae, HIV, HTLV;
bacterial: Neisseria meningitides, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, E. coli,
Streptococcus agalactiae, Listeria monocytogenes; Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Borrelia burgdorferi,
Leptospira interrogans, Treponema pallidum, Francisella tularensis, Brucella spp., Ehrlichia spp.;
- activity of neurotoxins released by Clostridium botulinum and C. tetani,
- epidemiology, diseases, diagnostics, prevention and treatment for central nervous system
The student is able to explain the influence of the virulence factors on the course of infection.
Class 12: Bloodstream infections.
Knowledge: the student knows:
- the difference between bacteremia, sepsis, septic shock and multi-organ dysfunction syndrome;
- etiological factors of bloodstream infections, and zoonotic diseases (Flaviviruses/West Nile virus,
St. Louis encephalitis virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, Murray valley virus, Yellow fever virus,
Dengue virus/, Togaviruses/Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses,
Chikungunya virus/, Bunyaviruses /La Crosse viru, Rift valley fever virus, California encephalitis
Virus, Sandfly fever virus, Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever virus, Arenaviridae /Lymphogenic
choriomeningitis virus – LCM, Lassa virus, Junin virus, Machupo virus, Filoviridae /Marburg virus,
Ebola virus; bacterial - Rickettsia spp., Coxiella burnetti, Borrelia spp., Bartonella spp, Brucella spp.,
Pasteurella spp., Yersinia spp., Francisella spp).
- epidemiology, diseases, diagnostics, prevention and treatment for central nervous system
The student is able to explain the influence of the virulence factors on the course of infection.
Class 13: Hospital-acquired infections. Colloquium no. 3 (classes 9-12)
Knowledge: The definition of the hospital-acquired infection; the etiological factors of the hospitalacquired infections, the methods used to control and prevent from hospital-acquired infections.