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SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
Grade 8 Physical Science
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Task Title
Capturing Real World Motion
Three to five - 40 minute class periods
Task Overview
Description of Task
Students will work in small groups to create and narrate a video that correctly demonstrates and
explains Newton’s Laws of Motion. The video will be geared towards helping fourth graders
understand how the laws of motion affect their everyday lives.
Newton’s three laws explain the relationship between forces and the motion of objects which students
experience and observe in their daily lives. Creating the videos in small groups allows students to
collaborate while discussing and communicating with each other about science concepts. Creating
the videos for fourth grade students will require a clear understanding of the Newton’s laws in order to
explain them in their own words.
Possible Teacher Misconceptions
Teacher may believe that all students have access to technology.
Teacher may believe that all students know how to properly use technology.
Teacher may believe that students can show deeper understanding without guidance.
Essential Question(s)
How are changes in motion important in our daily lives?
How can the motion around us be explained by scientific laws?
How can forces affect changes in the real-world?
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SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
NGSS Performance Expectations / CT Framework for Science
Apply Newton’s third law to design a solution to a problem involving the motion of two colliding
(NGSS MS-PS2-1), (CT8-1)
Plan an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an object’s motion depends on the sum
of the forces on the object and the mass of the object.
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SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
Science & Engineering
Apply scientific ideas or
principles to design an object,
tool, process or system.(MSPS2-1)
Disciplinary Core Ideas
Crosscutting Concepts
For any pair of interacting
objects, the force exerted by the Cause and Effect: Mechanism
first object on the second object and Explanation
is equal in strength to the force
that the second object exerts on
the first, but in the opposite
direction (Newtons third law)
(PS2.A: Forces and Motion)
Plan an investigation
individually and collaboratively,
and in the design: identify
independent and dependent
variables and controls, what
tools are needed to do the
gathering, how measurements
will be recorded, and how many
data are needed to support a
claim. (MS-PS2-2)
The motion of an object is
determined by the sum of the
forces acting on it; if the total
force on the object is not zero,
its motion will change. The
greater the mass of the object,
the greater the force needed to
achieve the same change in
motion. For any given object, a
larger force causes a larger
change in motion
Systems and System Models
(PS2.A: Forces and Motion)
Choose an item.
Click here to enter text.
Choose an item.
CCS Core Literacy Standards
RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science
and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or
WHST.6-8.2 Write informative / explanatory texts, including the
narration of scientific procedures/experiments or technical processes
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SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
WHST.6-8.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the
development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose,
and audience
WHST.6-8.7 Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated
question), drawing on several sources and generating
additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration
ISTE Standards
After reading their descriptions, check those that apply to performance task.
☒ Creativity
☒ Communication and Collaboration
☒ Research and Information Fluency
☒ Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
☒ Digital Citizenship
☒ Technology Operations and Concepts
Facts, formulas, information, vocabulary
Interactions between forces (Net force)
Newton’s First Law of Motion
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Vocabulary related to motion- see list
Acceleration= force/mass
Skills of the discipline, social skills, production
skills, processes (usually verbs/verb phrases)
Explain the relationship between
acceleration, mass, net force using the
formula for acceleration Acceleration=
Identify action/reaction forces in given
Apply each of the laws to given real life
4|Science6-12_ARCC_Newton’s Laws of Motion_PT
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SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
 WHST.6-8.2 Write informative /
explanatory texts, including the narration
of scientific procedures/experiments or
technical processes
 WHST.6-8.4 Produce clear and coherent
writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to
task, purpose, and audience
Big ideas, generalizations, principles, concepts, ideas that transfer across situations
Students will understand that…
 Models can be used to represent systems and their interactions.
Cause and effect relationships may be used to predict phenomena in natural or designed
Outcomes are directly affected by changing variables.
Scientific laws explain motion in the world around us.
Notes for Teachers
The terms force, motion, speed, gravity, friction, and mass were previously taught in a lower
grade but should be reviewed within the context of the class.
Before starting the performance task, students should be given material that is at a fourth
grade level to review. A video depicting fourth grade students can also be shown so that
students get a better understanding of their intended audience.
The task requires students to choose three different actions (kicking, diving, floating) within
one activity(swimming) rather than giving them the freedom to choose any three actions to
keep students from showing the same action three times (for example, hitting a ball in
baseball, softball, tennis).
You may use these for students who require more structured instructions of the performance
task. An example list is given below.
Your video project must meet the following requirements:
5|Science6-12_ARCC_Newton’s Laws of Motion_PT
© 2013 All Rights Reserved ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium
SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
Show one everyday life activity such as playing a particular sport, cleaning a house, driving
in a car, etc.
Describe three different actions (diving, floating, and kicking) within that activity
Use a different action to explain a different law of motion.
Show someone actually taking part in the activity or you may recreate a model of the
activity to use as a demonstration.
Create a video that is between 3-5 minutes long.
Create demonstrations and explanations at an appropriate level and in language a 4th
grader can follow and understand.
Include a transcript to accompany your video.
Create a quiz (5 questions) for 4th grade students to complete after viewing the video.
Possible Student Misconceptions
Students may believe that:
A force exerted on an object stays with the object
An unbalanced force is required to keep an object moving with constant velocity
Velocity and speed are interchangeable
Acceleration is only speeding up
Force is needed to keep an object in motion
A moving object stops when its force is used up
Writers don’t consider audience when making choices about language, structure, etc.
Materials & Resources
Video camera or phone
Microphone and editing software as needed
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SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
Newton's Laws Teaching Unit: Lessons and Guides to Address All Learning Styles
Explanations and examples of Newton’s laws - resource for teachers
Explanation and demos of Newton’s laws- resource for teachers and students
Games and Interactives to help explain Newton’s laws
Mini-labs on Newton’s laws- will require tweaking to make it more inquiry based
Directions for Students
Your former fourth grade teacher has asked you to help her current 4th grade students understand
how Newton’s laws of motion impact their everyday lives.
Your task is to create a video project demonstrating your knowledge of Newton’s laws of motion. The
video will show three related actions (for example, diving, floating, kicking) within an everyday life
activity (swimming) and be between 3-5 minutes long. The video should show your understanding of
Newton’s first, second, and third laws of motion. You will also need to create a short quiz for the 4th
graders to take after the video and hand in a transcript of your video.
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SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
See Attached
Suggested Inquiry-Based Instruction/Activities
In order to learn:
Students might:
(learnings identified in KDU)
(one or more learning experiences)
Demonstrate collisions between different objects
with different masses and have students
generate questions and predictions
Forces cause changes in motion
That mass affects the amount of force an
object produces
Every force has an opposite reaction force
equal in strength but opposite in direction
Newton’s First Law of Motion
Wacky Washers, Tricky Tricks
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Newton’s Race
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Balloon Rally
Activities will need to be tweaked to make them
more inquiry based. For example, Wacky
Washers can be used before teaching Newton’s
first law. Ask students to hypothesize what will
happen when they hit the bottom of the stack with
another washer. What will happen when they hit
the stack with more than one washer? Have
students actually hit the stack of washers with
different amounts of washers to find out what
really happens when they do that. Based on their
findings ask students explain what they think
Newton’s first law demonstrates or says. Adjust
other activities accordingly.
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SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
Possible Student-Generated Inquiry Experiences
Scenario 1
Give students a statement related to Newton’s laws of motion.
Use question protocol to have students generate a question/problem they can investigate in the
Ask students to set up and run their experiment (Question, hypothesis, procedure, etc).
Scenario 2
When doing a lab activity related to Newton’s laws…
Give students the objective and materials.
Ask students to set up and run their experiment (Question, hypothesis, procedure, etc).
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© 2013 All Rights Reserved ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium
SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
Grade 8 Physical Science
Topic Title
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Task Title
Capturing Real World Motion
Newton’s 1st Law
Action chosen shows a
complete and thorough
understanding of the
concept of inertia. Clear
identification of the
force(s) that affect the
object’s motion is/are
explained. Law is fully
explained within
Action chosen shows a
general understanding of
the concept of inertia.
General identification of
the force(s) that affect
the object’s motion is/are
explained. Law is
partially explained within
Action chosen shows a
minimal understanding
of the concept of inertia.
Poor identification of the
force(s) that affect the
object’s motion is/are
explained. Law is poorly
explained within
Action chosen shows
lack of understanding of
the concept of inertia.
No identification of the
force(s) that affect the
object’s motion is/are
explained. Law is
explained incorrectly
within narration.
Action chosen shows a
complete and thorough
understanding of the
relationship between
force, mass, and
acceleration. Law is fully
Action chosen shows a
general understanding of
the relationship between
force, mass, and
acceleration. Law is
partially explained within
Action chosen shows a
minimal understanding
of the relationship
between force, mass,
and acceleration. Law is
poorly explained within
Action chosen shows
lack of understanding of
the relationship between
force, mass, and
Explanation within
10 | S c i e n c e 6 - 1 2 _ A R C C _ N e w t o n ’ s L a w s o f M o t i o n _ P T
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Newton’s 2nd Law
Newton’s 3rd Law
SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
explained within
narration. Explanation of narration. Explanation of
one of the variables may more than one of the
be incorrect or omitted.
variables may be
incorrect or omitted.
Action chosen shows a
complete and thorough
understanding of
the relationship between
action and reaction
forces. Law is fully
explained within
Action shows a general
understanding of the
relationship between
action and reaction
Narration is clear,
organized, and coherent.
Language is at
appropriate learning
level of the audience.
Narration is generally
clear, organized, and
coherent. Language is at
appropriate learning
level of the audience.
Law is partially
explained within
11 | S c i e n c e 6 - 1 2 _ A R C C _ N e w t o n ’ s L a w s o f M o t i o n _ P T
© 2013 All Rights Reserved ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium
narration is incorrect. No
variables are discussed.
Action shows a minimal
understanding of the
relationship between
action and reaction
forces. Law is poorly
explained within
Action chosen shows
lack of understanding of
the relationship between
action and reaction
forces. Law is poorly
explained within
Narration shows minimal
clarity, organization, and
cohesion. Language
may be at the
appropriate learning
level of the audience.
Narration shows a lack
of clarity, organization,
and cohesion. Language
is not at the appropriate
learning level of
SCIENCE GRADE 6-8 : Newton’s Laws of Motion
Performance Task
12 | S c i e n c e 6 - 1 2 _ A R C C _ N e w t o n ’ s L a w s o f M o t i o n _ P T
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