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Daily Lesson Plans for Pre-AP Geometry
Tools of Geometry – Building Blocks Vocabulary
Wed-Thurs, August 31, September 1, 2016
Objective: I can define, describe, sketch, label, draw and compare basic geometric terms
 Warm-up: measure segments, draw segments
 View glossary entries. Share warm-up, glossary entries. Fix sketch on midpoint.
 Discussion, demonstration, popcorn questions – point, line, plane, intersections of planes,
lines, parallel lines, midpoints, etc. Come to understand that we are re-creating a
deductive system sort of like the Greeks did.
 Define “ray”. Practice naming.
 Pp 38-40: angle definitions, what do you think? Try this with angle bisector, etc. They
will be written up for homework. Angle naming practice from p 39.
 Practice naming segments, lines, rays (pp33-34: several different problems in class)
 Go over the naming practice, questions.
 Practice measuring angles, how to use a protractor.
 Homework #4: pp 42-43: 1-14. Also do glossary entries for angle, angle measure,
congruent angles, and angle bisector. Use words, sketches and labels from pp 38-40.
Fri-Tues, Sept 2, Sept 6, 2016
Objective: I can define, describe, sketch, label, draw and compare basic geometric terms.
 Warm-up: note-building activity – points, lines, planes
 Warm-up: (6th and 8th only) – naming segments, rays, lines, T/F
 Take a grade on #4 – 2 pts
 Share warm-ups and homework
 6th, 1st, and 2nd, - pass out course agreement; discuss
 Some classes – measure angles on 15-20 on p 43 if we have not already.
 Label sketch given congruence statements; write statements given labeled sketch
 Definition writing activity – pp 47-50
 View tests in 6th and 8th/ make-up issues
 HW #5 – pp 44-45:30-38; pp 51-52: 9, 11-14, 16-20 (counterexample sketches on T/F)
Quiz coming soon over 1.1-4a. Either Mon-Tues or Wed-Thurs next week – appr 35 pts
Wed-Thurs, Sept 7-8, 2016
Objective: I can define, describe, sketch, label, draw and compare basic geometric terms
and construct definitions from sketches.
 P 48 – write up definitions for parallel and perpendicular lines and copy all sketches
and labels. Write up definition for skew lines and copy sketch from board.
 Take a grade on hW #5 – 4 pts
 Warm-up: algebra worksheet – find the measure of a segment or angle with algebra
 Go over warm-up and homework. Announce quiz dates.
 Share definitions and fine tune to reach a class consensus.
 In class activity: p 51: 1-6. Use ruler and protractor. Mark with sketch marks.
 HW #6 – p 56: 1-6
 Define for homework (in Geometric truth) from pp 54-55: polygon, diagonal, convex
polygon, concave polygon, congruent polygons, equilateral polygons, equiangular
polygons, regular polygons. Finish writing up into geometric truth all the terms we
agreed upon in class. Be sure to use good sketches for every definition.
Quiz Fri-Mon, 18 pts over 1.1-2. Quiz Tues-Wed, 35 pts, over 1.1-4.
Fri-Mon, Sept 9,12, 2016
Objective: I can demonstrate mastery over naming, sketching, labeling, and measuring
segments, angles, lines, rays, planes, points, etc. I can locate linear pairs, vertical angles,
complementary, adjacent, and supplementary angles in a complex sketch.
 Warm-up: true/false over linear pairs, vertical angles, etc. Also use algebra to find
measures based on definition of midpoint and angle bisector.
 Check Geometric Truth: all in one place? All caught up? Good sketches? What to fix.
 Pass out quiz topics. Learn how to study.
 Check warm-up and homework.
 Popcorn: name the polygon based on the number of sides.
 Go over polygon vocabulary and sketches. What is important? Carefully discuss congruent
polygons and model.
 Sketching practice – 4 problems. Share.
 Quiz 1.1-2 – 18 pts
 HW #6b: p 57:17-21, 23-25. Also define from pp 60-61: types of triangles. Copy
sketches. (A triangle that…)
 All but 1st period – start review worksheet after you finish the quiz in class.
Quiz Tues-Wed, 36 pts, over 1.1-5a. Study session Tuesday morning after 8 am.
Tues-Wed, Sept 13-14, 2016
Objective: I can demonstrate mastery over basic geometric terms, sketching, naming, labeling,
interpreting, and applying algebra to definitions.
 Warm-up: worksheet finish – angle pairs, naming, identifying, algebra, T/F
 Warm-up: review from book: p 64_2-4,10-12, 19-20, p 79:23,24,26-28,30,31, p 85:
22,23,25,26, p 90:43-44
 Take a grade on HW #6a&b – 4 pts. Check HW, check warm-ups.
 Questions? Triangle definitions from pp 60-61.
 Quiz 1.1-5a – 36 pts
Thurs-Fri, Sept 15-16, 2016
Objective: I can discover, interpret, and apply angle pair relationships, including parallel lines
and transversals.
 Make-up issues. Quiz graded? Most missed, etc.
 Preview: the process of investigate, write up, apply on homework by using what you now
know to be true. You figure it out.
 Investigations 2.5.1-2 on pp 120-121.
 Write up C 1-2 on pp 120-121. Use sketches from investigations.
 Activity: naming angle pairs from top of p 126. (Make sure you know that the names
exist whether the lines are parallel or not.)
 Investigation 2.6.1 – parallel lines and transversals – congruent CA, AIA, AEA. How to
use patty paper and what it is useful for.
 Write up C-3 Parallel Lines (bottom of p 127). Use sketch from investigation.
 Sketch on board with non-congruent AIA. What would make these lines parallel?
Therefore, is the converse true for C-3? Is the converse true for C-1? C-2? Only 3.
 Write up C-4 on p 129. (parallel)
 HW #7 – p 122-3:1-10, pp129-30: 1-7. Give a angle relationship reason for each missing
angle (VA, LP, CA, AIA, AEA).
Mon-Tues, September 19-20, 2016
Objective: I can interpret angle relationships and argue deductively to find reasons.
 Warm-up: four lines, identify angle pairs. For 3 classes, do a quiz bonus
 Take a grade over HW #7 – 4 pts
 Share warm-up (popcorn out loud).
 Share HW answers on screen. Students tell why. Use #7 to talk about transversals
crossing multiple lines. Use #5 for consecutive interior angles being supplementary.
 What is a postulate? Argue deductively: If linear pairs are supplementary, then vertical
angles must be congruent. If CA are congruent, then so are AIA.
 Constructed response – 5 minutes silent, then work with partner.
 HW#8 – review handout
 View quizzes. Quiz hints for Wed-Thurs
Wed-Thurs, September 21-22, 2016
Objective: I can demonstrate mastery over angle pairs and explaining why.
 Warm-up: Identify angle pairs, give transversal, What angles are congruent if these lines
are parallel? Etc.
 Warm-up: angle “jumps” (6th and 2nd mostly)
 Finish constructed responses from last class (1st and 8th mostly)
 2nd period – Multiple Choice Practice
 Take a grade on HW #8 – 4 pts
 Go over warm-ups and homework
 Quiz – Angle Pairs – 24 pts
 Return both vocabulary quizzes. Pass out Test Topics and Review Assignment (HW #9)
Test Mon-Tues – Vocab, Angles, Reasoning, Converse – appr 70-80 pts
September 26-27, 2016
Objective: I can demonstrate mastery over vocabulary and angle pairs with reasoning.
 Warm-up: multiple choice, supplement
 Take a grade over HW #9 – 6 pts (not done in 1st and 2nd)
 Check/correct HW
 Return and question all quizzes
 Questions?
 Unit Assessment – Vocabulary and Angles – 80 pts
 Pass out project – due two weeks from today. You may sketch a practice map on notebook
paper, but do not start the final map.