Download 1301 Pharmacology Drug List

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Brand Name: Valium
Drug Class: CNS drug: Anxiolytic: benzodiazepine
Generic Name: diazepam
Usual Adult Dose: 2-10 mg by mouth two to four times daily
Therapeutic Action: A benzodiazepine that probably potentiates the effects of
GABA, depresses the CNS, and suppresses the spread of seizure activity.
Major Contraindications/Cautions:
1. Use cautiously in patients with liver or renal impairment, depression, history of
substance abuse, or chronic, open-angle glaucoma.
2. Contraindicated in patients hypersentive to drug or soy protein; in patients
experiencing shock, coma, or acute alcohol intoxication (parenteral form); in
pregnant women, especially first trimester; and in infants younger than age 6 months
(oral form).
Major Adverse Effects
1. CNS: drowsiness, dysarthria, slurred speech, tremor, transient amnesia, fatigue,
ataxia, headache, insomnia, paradoxical anxiety, hallucinations, minor changes in
EEG patters, pain
2. CV: CV collapse, bradycardia, hypotension
3. Respiratory: respiratory depression, apnea
Nursing Implications
1. Monitor periodic hepatic, renal, and hematopoietic function studies in patients
receiving repeated or prolonged therapy.
2. Monitor elderly patients for dizziness, ataxia, mental status changes. Patients are
at an increased risk for falls.
3. Use of the drug may lead to abuse and addiction. Don’t withdraw drug abruptly
after long-term use; withdrawal symptoms may occur.
Client Teachings
1. Tell patient to avoid alcohol while taking drug.
2. Warn patient to avoid activities that require alertness until effects are known.
3. Warn patient to not abruptly stop drug due to possible withdrawal effects.