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Aquatic Ecosystems Note
Aquatic Ecosystems:
 A group of _____________ dependent on one another and their water environment for
nutrients and shelter. Examples: ponds, lakes, rivers, flood plains, wetlands, etc.
List 8 organisms found in an aquatic ecosystem
There are ________ major Aquatic ecosystems
1. Marine Ecosystems
2. Freshwater Ecosystems
Marine Ecosystems
 Cover approx. _____ of the earth’s surface
Different habitats: Coral Reefs, Ocean, Intertidal zones, Estuaries
1. Coral Reefs:
 _______________________________________________________
mounds found in marine waters as a result of accumulation of calcium carbonate deposited by
marine organisms like corals and shellfish.
most varied marine ecosystems in the planet
cover less than _________of the world’s ocean.
around __________ of marine animals including different types of fishes, sponges and
mollusks are found in coral reefs
2. Oceans:
Main body of salty water that is further divided into important oceans and smaller seas.
Major oceans include:
3. Intertidal Zone:
Different types of habitats including wetlands, rocky cliffs and sandy beaches fall under
intertidal zones.
4. Esturaies
 Areas between __________________________________________ environments that are prone
to tides and inflow of both _______________________________________________
Due to this inflow, ____________________ have high levels of nutrients. There are
different names of estuaries such as inlets, lagoons, harbors etc.
Common species found in marine ecosystems include:
 Marine mammals such as seals, whales and manatees
Different species of fish including mackerel, flounder, dogfish, sea bass, et
Organisms such as the tiny planktonic, brown algae corals, echinoderms, etc.
Important points about Marine Ecosystems
Important for the well-being of both terrestrial and aquatic environments.
Vulnerable to environmental problems such as:
These can seriously harm marine biodiversity
Freshwater Ecosystems
 One of the main types of aquatic ecosystems,
only __________ of the earth’s surface is covered by them.
The water in freshwater ecosystems is non-saline (which means water has no salt content).
Approximately __________ of the earth’s fishes are found in freshwater ecosystems
1. __________________________________: Streams and Rivers
several species of insects and fishes.
Crustaceans like crayfish and crabs; and mollusks such as clams and limpets are commonly
found in streams and rivers.
Various mammals such as beavers, otters and river dolphins also inhabit lotic ecosystems.
2. ____________________________________: Lakes and Ponds
have a community of ___________________ (living organisms) and ____________________
(physical objects) interactions.
Ponds and lakes have a diverse variety of organisms including algae, rooted and floating-leaved
plants, invertebrates such as crabs, shrimps, crayfish, clams etc, amphibians such as frogs and
salamanders; and reptiles like alligators and water snakes.
3. Wetlands
Include ________________________________________________________________
Biologically, wetlands are known to be too diverse as it harbors numerous animals and plant
Plants such as black spruce, water lilies, mangrove, tamarack and sedges are commonly found in
Various species of reptiles and amphibians are also found in wetlands.
Freshwater ecosystems, which are one of the major types of aquatic ecosystems, are in danger
because of the rapid extinction rates of several invertebrates and vertebrates, mainly because of
overfishing and other activities that harm the ecosystem.
Unhealthy Aquatic Ecosystems
An unhealthy aquatic ecosystem is one where the natural state is out of balance.
These disturbances can be:
___________________ (e.g., injection of abnormally hot water into a stream)
___________________(e.g., introduction of toxic wastes at concentrations harmful to the
_______________ (e.g., introduction and propagation of non-native animal or plant species).
Symptoms of poor ecosystem health include the following:
the loss of species;
the accelerated proliferation of organisms.
 One example is algae blooms caused by an excess of phosphorous and nitrogen
compounds in the water. This condition is called
 increased incidences of tumours or deformities in animals;
 a change in chemical properties.
Perhaps one of the most significant has been a reduction of pH in water caused by acid
the presence of certain organisms that indicate unsanitary conditions.
the loss of traditional Aboriginal culture associated with the ecosystem.
Many symptoms of poor ecosystem health occur simultaneously.
What is being done in Canada?
In many cases, mechanisms exist that allow us to help restore ecosystem health or minimize
detrimental impacts caused by human use. Following are some of these mechanisms.
_________________________________: Legislation such as the Canadian
Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) is designed to ensure that Canadians and the
aquatic environment are protected from exposure to toxic substances and from the
risks associated with the use of chemicals.
___________________________________________: This approach ensures that
relationships among land use, development, water flows, water quality, and aquatic
ecosystems are considered prior to an area's land use designation.
____________________________: Measures to improve the quality of waste discharges and
to lower both water demands and effluent loading are being implemented in response to
environmental and water use concerns.
____________________________: Monitoring of chemicals in water, sediment, and
organisms helps to identify potential ecosystem problems
________________________________: For example, a fish hatchery operation can produce
young fish that a disturbed habitat can no longer supply