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Questions of the Day 2­17­15.notebook
February 18, 2015
Questions of the Day 2­17­15
1. What type of environmental issue does Brazil encounter?
Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest
2. What is a unitary government?
Where one central government is in control
3. What river does Germany use as a main waterway?
Rhine River
4. What environmental issue does Chernobyl, Ukraine deal with?
Nuclear Fallout from a Nuclear Power Plant explosion 5. What style of democracy does Brazil have?
6. What style of democracy does the UK have?
Questions of the Day 2­17­15.notebook
February 18, 2015
EQ: Who was Hernan Cortes?
Who was Montezuma II?
*Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador(conqueror)
*Cortes was famous for conquering the Aztec Empire in Mexico during 1519­1521
*Cortes learned how colonies were formed as a young adult (19)
* He was mayor of a Spanish town in Cuba at one point
*He was ordered to conquer the Aztecs and they landed in Mexico in 1519 (he had 11 ships, 500 soldiers, and 100 sailors)
*He had all of the ships burned so that no one would panic and try to return to Cuba.
*He traveled and made friends with enemy tribes of the Aztec
*He ended up with a combined 1,500 or more people willing to fight the Aztec
*The Aztec ruler was Montezuma II (he ruled the Aztec empire from 1500­1520).
*Montezuma II required high taxes from the people he conquered.
*Montezuma II was very popular with his own people.
*He welcomed Cortes into Tenochtitlan thinking him to be a god in human form
*Cortes took Montezuma as a prisoner
*He controlled Central Mexico for a few months before the Aztecs starting fighting to take Tenochtitlan back
*During a battle in 1520, Montezuma II was killed
*In 1521, Cortes and his soldiers prevailed (they won)
*Tenochtitlan was destroyed and Mexico City was built on top of the ruins
*The Spanish ruled Mexico for 300 years 2