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Computer Networks
What is a computer network
A network consists of two or more computers
that are linked in order to share resources ,
exchange files, or allow electronic
The computers on a network may be linked
through cables, telephone lines, radio waves,
satellites, or infrared light beams.
Need of computer networks
Resource sharing
➢ Peripheral Sharing
➢ Data sharing
➢ Co-operative Computation
➢ Sharing of Services
➢ Communication
Examples of networks
College network
Americal on line
Network topology
A network may be represented as a collection of
nodes, some of which are connected by links.
A given node may have links to many others.
Network topology is determined only by the
configuration of connections between nodes; it is
therefore a part of Graph theory.
Distances between nodes, physical interconnections,
(Communication by means of transmitted signals)
transmission rates, and/or (Any communication that
encodes a message) signal types are not a matter of
network topology, although they may be effecton actual
physical network.
Network topology (cont.)
Evaluation Criteria
➢ - Network performance and speed
➢ - Network reliability and redundancy
➢ - Security of the network
➢ - Acquisition and support costs
➢ - Criteria of the network bandwidth being met
➢ - Flexibility and enhanced future bandwidth
Network Topology (cont.)
Complete or fully connected
Complete Topology
A fully connected or complete topology is a network
topology in which there is a direct link between all
pairs of nodes. In a fully connected network with n
nodes, there are n(n-1)/2 direct links.
Synonym fully connected mesh network.
Complete topology
Star topology
A network topology in which peripheral nodes
are connected to a central node, which
rebroadcasts all transmissions received from
any peripheral node to all peripheral nodes
on the network, including the originating
node. All peripheral nodes may thus
communicate with all others by transmitting
to, and receiving from, the central node only.
Star topology (cont.)
Ring Topology
A network topology in which every node has
exactly two branches connected to it. These
nodes and branches form a ring. If one of the
nodes on the ring fails then the ring is broken
and cannot work. A dual ring topology has four
branches connected to it, and is more
resistant to failures.
Ring topology (cont.)
Linear Bus topology
Bus topology is such that there is a single line
to which all nodes are connected, and the
nodes connect only to this bus.
Bus topology (cont.)
Layered Approach
The OSI reference model is a hierarchical structure of seven
layers that defines the requirements for communications
between two computers.
The model was defined by the International Standards
It was conceived to allow interoperability across the various
platforms offered by vendors. The model allows all network
elements to operate together, regardless of who built them.
By the late 1970's, ISO was recommending the
implementation of the OSI model as a networking standard;
unfortunately, TCP/IP had been in use for years.
Only a subset of the whole OSI model is used today.
It is widely believed that much of the specification is too
complicated and its full functionality has taken too long to
implement, although there are many people that strongly
support the OSI model.
Purpose of OSI
The OSI model divides the functions of a protocol into a
series of layers.
Each layer has the property that it only uses the functions of
the layer below, and only exports functionality to the layer
A system that implements protocol behavior consisting of a
series of these layers is known as a 'protocol stack' or
Protocol stacks can be implemented either in hardware or
software, or a mixture of both.
Typically, only the lower layers are implemented in
hardware, with the higher layers being implemented in
Physical Layer
The physical layer defines all electrical and physical specifications fo
devices. This includes the layout of pins, voltages, and cable
➢ Hubs and repeaters are physical-layer devices. The major functions
and services performed by the physical layer are:
o Establishment and termination of a connection to a
communications medium.
o Participation in the process whereby the communication
resources are effectively shared among multiple users. For example
contention resolution and flow control.
o Modulation, or conversion between the representation of
digital data in user equipment and the corresponding signals
transmitted over a communications channel.
Data link layer
The Data link layer provides the functional and
procedural means to transfer data between network
entities and to detect and possibly correct errors
that may occur in the Physical layer. The
addressing scheme is physical which means that
the addresses are hard-coded into the network
cards at the time of manufacture. The addressing
scheme is flat. Note: The best known example of
this is Ethernet. Other examples of data link
protocols are HDLC and ADCCP for point-to-point
or packet-switched networks and LLC and Aloha for
local area networks. This is the layer at which
bridges and switches operate.
Network Layer
The Network layer provides the functional and
procedural means of transferring variable length
data sequences from a source to a destination via
one or more networks while maintaining the quality
of service requested by the Transport layer.
The Network layer performs network routing, flow
control, segmentation/desegmentation, and error
control functions.
The router operates at this layer -- sending data
throughout the extended network and making the
Internet possible, although there are layer 3 (or IP)
This is a logical addressing scheme - values are
chosen by the network engineer.
The addressing scheme is hierarchical.
Transport Layer
The purpose of the Transport layer is to provide
transparent transfer of data between end users,
thus relieving the upper layers from any concern
with providing reliable and cost-effective data
The transport layer controls the reliability of a
given link. Some protocols are stateful and
connection oriented. This means that the
transport layer can keep track of the packets
and retransmit those that fail. The best known
example of a layer 4 protocol is TCP.
Session Layer
The Session layer provides the mechanism
for managing the dialogue between end-user
application processes.
It provides for either duplex or half-duplex
operation and establishes check pointing,
procedures. This layer is responsible for
setting up and tearing down TCP/IP
Presentation layer
The Presentation layer relieves the
Application layer of concern regarding
syntactical differences in data representation
within the end-user systems. MIME
encoding, encryption and similar
manipulation of the presentation of data is
done at this layer. An example of a
presentation service would be the conversion
of an EBCDIC-coded text file to an ASCIIcoded file.
Application Layer
This layer interfaces directly to and performs common
application services for the application processes. The
common application services provide semantic
conversion between associated application processes.
Examples of common application services include the
virtual file, virtual terminal (for example, Telnet), and
"Job transfer and Manipulation protocol" (JTM,
standard ISO/IEC 8832).
The OSI model in the reality
Real-world protocol suites often do not strictly match
the seven-layer model. There can be some argument
as to where the distinctions between layers are
drawn; there is no one correct answer. However, most
protocol suites share the concept of three general
sections: media, covering layers 1 and 2; transport,
covering layers 3 and 4, and application, covering
layers 5 through 7.
The DoD model, developed in the 1970s for DARPA,
is a 4-layer model that maps closely to current
common internet protocols. It is based on a more
"pragmatic" approach to networking than OSI.
In addition to standards for individual protocols
in transmission, there are also interface
standards for different layers to talk to the ones
above or below (usually operating-systemspecific).
Example: Microsoft Windows' Winsock and
Unix's Berkeley sockets and System V Streams
are interfaces between applications (layers 5
and above) and the transport (layer 4). NDIS
and ODI are interfaces between the media
(layer 2) and the network protocol (layer 3).
Examples of Layers
Layer 7 (Application) : HTTP , FTP , NFS , NTP
Layer 6 ( Presentation) : SSL ,TLS
Layer 5 (Session) : NetBios, TCP session
Layer 4( Transport) : NetBEUI, TCP, UDP
Layer 3( Network) : NetBEUI, IP, ICMP, IPsec,
Layer 2(Data Link): Ethernet, Token Ring, PPP,
HDLC, Frame Relay, ATM, Fibre Channel
Layer 1( Physical ) RS-232, V.35, V.34, T1,
Communicaion Methods
A method of routing traffic between an originator
and a destination through switching centers, from
local users or from other switching centers,
whereby a continuous electrical circuit is
established and maintained between the calling
and called stations until it is released by one of
those stations.
The method of establishing the connection and
monitoring its progress and availability may utilize a
separate control channel as in the case of ISDN or
not as in the case of the Public Switched Telephone
Example – switching techniques
Circuit Switching
Message Switching
Packet Switching
Circuit Switching
Circuit switching is the most familiar technique
used to build a communications network.
It is used for usually for telephone networks.
It allows communications equipment and
circuits, to be shared among users.
Each user has sole access to a circuit
(functionally equivalent to a pair of copper wires)
during network use.
Circuit switching (cont.)
Consider communication between two points A and
D in a network. The connection between A and D is
provided using (shared) links between two other
pieces of equipment, B and C.
Circuit switching (cont.)
Network use is initiated by a connection phase,
during which a circuit is set up between source and
destination, and terminated by a disconnect phase.
These phases, with associated timings.
Message Switching
Sometimes there is no need for a circuit to be
established all the way from the source to the
destination. Consider a connection between the
users (A and D) in the figure below (i.e. A and D) is
represented by a series of links (AB, BC, and CD).
Message switching (cont.)
For instance, when a telex (or email) message is
sent from A to D, it first passes over a local
connection (AB). It is then passed at some later
time to C (via link BC), and from there to the
destination (via link CD).
At each message switch, the received message is
stored, and a connection is subsequently made to
deliver the message to the neighboring message
Message switching is also known as store-andforward switching since the messages are stored at
intermediate nodes en route to their destinations.
Message Switching (cont.)
Most message switched networks do not use
dedicated point-to-point links and therefore a call
must be set-up using a circuit switched network.
Packet Switching
Packet switching is similar to message switching
using short messages.
Any message exceeding a network-defined
maximum length is broken up into shorter units,
known as packets.
For transmission; the packets, each with an
associated header, are then transmitted individually
through the network.
The fundamental difference in packet
communication is that the data is formed into
packets with a pre-defined header format (i.e. PCI),
and well-known "idle" patterns which are used to
occupy the link when there is no data to be
Packet Switching (cont.)
Types of networks
LANs - Local Area Network, a computer network that spans a
distance of tens of metres at the most. LANs are very
common in offices but can also connect several offices
WANs - Wide Area Network, a computer network that spans
hundreds of metres to a few kilometres. Typically the
campus spanning network that connects different
departments in any University or larger company is called a
MANs - Metropolitan Area Network, in essence a computer
network that is meant to span a whole metropolitan area.
The Internet - the term "The Internet" is used to describe the
network of computer networks installed across the globe.
They are interconnected and most computers connect to it
via the Internet Service Providers.