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1 rain that contains large amounts of acid, mostly from human activity but partly from volcanoes
5 this forms around some deep sea vents because dissolved minerals from the water become solid again and build up very close to the
vent as the water cools quickly.
6 the smallest of the rock fragments that erupts from a volcano
10 a huge crater formed by the collapse of a volcano when magma rapidly erupts from underneath it.
12 magma __________ in silica resists flowing so the gases in the magma build up pressure until it violently erupts.
13 dense cloud of superhot gases and rock fragments that races downhill during an eruption
14 material that can erupt from volcanoes that can be as small as ash or as big as blocks or bombs
15 what magma is called once it erupts
16 similar to a hot spring but instead of liquid water, this releases steam and other gases
17 major portion of this is silica but also contains gases and is under Earth’s surface
18 a type of hot spring that shoots into the air and forms where water collects in an underground chamber and erupts through a narrow
20 the main gases in magma are water vapor and ______________________
22 an opening in Earth’s crust through which molten rocks, rock fragments, and hot gases erupt.
24 composite volcanoes have the most violent _______________________
25 some ______________ effects of volcanic eruptions include lava flow, volcanic ash, mudflow, pyroclastic flow, landslides, or steam
27 volcano shaped like a broad, flat dome.
29 hot springs that form at spreading centers in the ocean.
30 volcanoes that form in the center of a tectonic plate form over________________
2 80% of all active volcanoes above sea level are along the ______________________
3 volcanoes can have positive effects such as breaking down the new rock that is formed into _________ ________ that helps plants grow
4 most of Earth’s volcanic activity takes place where?
5 a volcano that is a steep, cone-shaped hill that is formed by the eruption of cinders and other rock fragments that pile up.
7 scientists ____________ volcanoes around the world for signs of eruptions. Some of these signs can include earthquake activity,
changes in the tilt of the ground, and temperatures in springs and lakes.
8 cone-shaped volcano built up of layers of lava and layers of rock fragments.
9 most volcanoes form along _____________ _____________
11 magma ___________ in silica flows easily and can form lava fountains
15 another name for a mudflow is __________________
17 where lava collects near the surface of Earth before it erupts or cools
19 areas of hot water in areas where magma or hot rock is near Earth’s surface.
21 volcanic ash can be dangerous for years after an eruption because it can mix with other loose materials and rainwater to create
dangerous _______________
23 shield volcanoes are built up of many eruptions of lava that is low in __________ which allows the lava to flow easily and spread out in
thin layers.
26 cinder cone volcanoes have sides that are steep and made of a ___________ pile of volcanic rock fragments.
28 the largest of the rock fragments that erupts from a volcano. Also known as bombs.