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• Ap
• Lateral
• Internal and external Obliques
Things to know
Page 224 in book
Cassette: 10 x 12 crosswise divided in half
Measures 8
Hold still
Part Position for AP
• Place patient supine on table
• Do not flex foot allow it to be in a natural
• Point toes up to ensure a true AP of lower
leg and ankle.
Central Ray
• 40 SID
• Perpendicular to a point mid-way between
• Collimate to lateral skin borders and
included distal tib/fib and proximal half of
Seen on Radiograph
The Distal tib/fib
The lateral and medial malleoli
The talus
Proximal half of metatarsals
• The other half of the 10x 12 cassette
• Shield
• Marker
Part Position
• Rotate patient on side of affect foot
• Place unaffected leg behind affected leg
• Dorsiflex foot for a true 90 degree angle
Central ray
• 40 Sid
• Perpendicular to the medial malleolus
Seen on Radiograph
Distal third of tib/fib superimposed
The talus
The calcaneus
The navicular and cuboid
Tibotalar joint open
10 x12 cassette divided in half
Part Position for oblique
• Start like on an AP
• Patient supine and heel against cassette toes
• Center ankle to center of Cassette
• Rotate leg medially (internal) 45 degrees
• Rotate leg laterally (external) 45 degrees
Central ray
• 40 SID
• Perpendicular to midway between malleoli
Seen on internal oblique
Distal third of tib/fib
the malleoli
the talus and proximal half of metatarsals
tibiofibular joint open
the lateral malleoli and talus joint open
the medial malleoli and talus partially
Seen on external oblique
• The Calcaneal sulcus
• The superior portion of the calcaneus
• The distal tib/fib superimposed anterior
The lower leg
the Views
• AP
• Lateral
Things to know
Cassette size: 14 X 17 turned diagonally
one cassette per view
Measures 10
Part position for AP
Patient Supine on table
Place shield over lap
leg fully extended
place leg in true AP position for knee and ankle
Femoral condyles parallel to IR
foot flexed to 90 degree (TOES up)
include both joints (knee & ankle) IR.
Central Ray
• 40 SID
• perpendicular to mid-leg
• Collimate to skin borders on lateral and
medial sides.
• Leave collimation open from top to bottom
• ** can go up to 44 or 48 SID to include
more of part**
Seen on Radiograph
The entire tibia and fibula
both ankle and knee joint
the condyles of tibia and femur in profile
the intercondylar eminence centered in the
intercondylar fossa
• some imposition of distal and proximal
Lateral Tib/Fib
• 14 X 17 diagonally
• shield
• Marker
Part position for lateral
• Patient on side with injured side down
• flex knee about 45 degree to ensure true
• plane of patella should be perpendicular to
• opposite leg behind injured one
• both joints included on IR
•40 SID
Central Ray
perpendicular to mid-leg
collimation to skin borders on sides
open fully top to bottom
** can go up to 44 or 48**
Seen on Radiograph
Entire tib/fib
both joints
tibial tuberosity in profile
fibula head imposed by tibia
distal fibula imposed on posterior portion of
• femoral condyles superimposed.
!!!Important Note!!!!
• If you can not fit entire leg on on film...
• You must include the joint nearest the injury
on the film and take a separate picture of the
other joint.