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Xipe Totec Aztec Figure
Xipe Totec was the Aztec god of spring (the beginning of the rainy season) and of new vegetation. He was also the patron god of goldsmiths.
As a symbol of the new vegetation that covered the earth in springtime, Xipe Totec wore the skin of a human victim. Statues and stone
masks of Xipe Totec always showed him wearing a freshly flayed skin
which is why he is known as Our Lord, the Flayed One.
Aztecs adopted Xipe Totec as a god during the reign of Emperor Axayacatl (1469-81).
A hymn sung in honour of Xipe Totec called him Yoalli Tlauana (Night
Drinker) because good rains fell during the night; it thanked him for
bringing the Feathered Serpent which was a symbol of plenty, and for
preventing drought.
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