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Africa Study Guide
Name: __KEY________________________ Class: __________ Date: _____________
What will the test look like?
When is the test?
About 30 questions total
35 total points
Questions will be multiple choice, short
answer, extended response
What else will be on the test?
Africa Map
Directions: Make sure you know the following terms.
Unjust use of power
Push Factor
Factor that causes people to leave a country
When countries interact peacefully by talking
Pull Factor
Factor that causes people to come to a country
Agreement between countries
Moving from place to place
Government that is controlled by religion
Belief that you are superior
When one country establishes control over another and enforces its laws,
rules, and government in that area
Plant life
Cutting down trees and not replacing them
Spread of deserts. Drought and overgrazing cause it.
Government where power is gained through elections and citizens have
many rights
Government where power is inherited and citizens have some rights
Government where power is gained through force and citizens have no
Lake Victoria
Largest freshwater lake in Africa and the source of the Nile
When countries depend on one another for trade
The group of people who follow the Law of Demand
Limited availability
Opportunity Cost
In a decision making situation (usually based on a scarcity) it is the second
best option. This is the option you did not pick.
Productive resource: owner
Capital Good
Productive resource: man-made
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Name the four climate zones
Arid, semi-arid, tropical, equatorial
2. Name the four vegetation zones and include a fact with each one
-Desert: no vegetation
-Sahel: borders the desert and experiences desertification
-Savanna: where most people/animals live
-Rainforest: a lot of vegetation, experiences deforestation, along the equator
3. Why do people migrate? List 2 push and 2 pull factors.
People move because of push/pull factors. Push factors: natural disasters, loss of jobs, bad government. Pull
factors: enjoyment, family, education, jobs, security
4. Why do people create governments? (remember PIP)
Protect Citizens
Interact with other countries
Perform tasks individuals can’t do
5. How do countries interact? List the 4 ways and describe each way)
-Diplomacy: talking peacefully
-Treaty: agreement in writing (like a law)
-United Nations: joining an international organization
-War: violent way
6. In your opinion, what could be a result of deforestation?
Negative results: animal habitats destroyed
Positive results: increase in lumber for products
7. What is the difference between a stable and unstable government?
Stable governments have little change, peaceful elections and transfer of power, no military coups, been
around for a awhile
Unstable governments have a lot of change, no peaceful elections, don’t transfer power, history of military
coups, constantly changing
8. What is the social studies equation with government? How does it connect to economy?
Good geography and stable government equals a good economy.
Good geography and unstable government equals a bad economy.
9. Think about the social studies equation you have learned about in class. Mozambique is a country
in Africa. Here are some facts on Mozambique:
 The Indian Ocean boarders Mozambique on the east side. Most of the country is therefore
coastal plains with a few mountains in the west.
 Natural resources: coal, titanium, natural gas, hydropower, tantalum, graphite, fish
 Imports $5.1 billion and Exports $3.2 billion
 Per Capita GDP is $1,200
 Unemployment rate is 17%
 Government is a presidential republic
 Gained independence 1975
 There are 3 political parties
 Multiple civil wars have occurred. Most recent was lasted from 2012-2014
Using the social studies equation, identify if the geography of Mozambique is good or bad and
support your answer with data from above. Next, decide if the government is stable or unstable and
support your answer with data. Finally, determine if the economy of Mozambique is strong or weak
using data to support your choice. (6 points)
Geography + Government = Economy
Geography of Mozambique is good because it boarders the ocean. That is good for trade
transportation and fishing. It also has coastal plains or flat land that would be good for farming, and
developing towns, cities, roads, schools, etc.
The government of Mozambique is unstable. It has only been an independent country for 42 years
and it has also had multiple civil wars.
The economy of Mozambique is weak. The per capita GDP is only $1,200 per year making it a
developing country. They imports $1.9 Billion more than it exports. The unemployment rate is high at
17%. A good unemployment rate would be 10% or less.