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Star Life Study Guide
Name ____________________________
Date ______________
Period ______
I. Star Life Cycle Matching
a. apparent magnitude
b. red giant
c. black hole
d. supernova
e. absolute magnitude
f. nebula
g. neutron star
h. protostar
i. super red giant
g. white dwarf
k. black dwarf
l. pulsar
1. _____ Relatively cool star that has expanded to more than 700 times as large as
our sun.
2. _____ Actual amount of light a star gives off.
3. _____ Star in which only neutrons can exist in its core.
4. _____ Earliest stage of a star’s formation.
5. _____ Amount of a star’s light observed from Earth.
6. _____ Large, cool expanding star in which helium fuses to form carbon.
7. _____ Object so dense that nothing, including light can escape it.
8. _____ Small, hot star consisting of a hot, dense core contracting under the force
of gravity.
9. _____ Dead star that doesn’t shine, out of energy.
10. _____ First star, nuclear fusion beginning to take place.
11. _____ Great explosion caused by a red giant running out of fuel.
12. _____ A rapidly pulsing neutron star.
II. Place the life stages of a star in the proper number sequence.
_____ Star becomes stable and gives off light for billions of years.
_____ Loose cloud of gas and dust.
_____ Runs out of hydrogen, the core contracts, and the outer layers expand.
_____ Star collapses and gives off a faint white light or no light at all.
_____ Gravitation squeezes the atoms so tightly that they heat up and a nuclear
reaction begins.
III. Place the life cycle of the stars in the correct number sequence.
Star like our Sun
_____ White Dwarf
_____ Red Giant
_____ Nebula
_____ Protostar
_____ Yellow Star
_____ Black Dwarf
Massive Star
_____ Supernova
_____ Neutron Star or Black Hole
_____ Main Sequence Star
_____ Protostar
_____ Nebula
_____ Super Red Giant
IV. Multiple Choice
1. _____ The two most abundant elements in stars are:
a. helium and iron
b. iron and hydrogen c. hydrogen and helium
2. _____ The sun is a medium sized star, but it looks very bright to us because it is
a. closest to us.
b. very hot
c. very luminous
3. Of the following stars the oldest are
a. yellow stars
b. red giant
c. white dwarfs
4. _____The most terrifying concept of astrophysics lies in the bottom of a black hole
called the
a. event horizon
b. accretion disk
c. singularity
5. _____ Nearly 90% of all stars are in the mid-life point of their life cycle and are called
a. red giants
b. main sequence
c. planetary nebulas
6. _____ Stars are held together by
a. magnetic forces
b. electrical forces
c. gravitational forces
7. _____ The surface temperature of a star can be estimated based on the star’s
a. size
b. color
c. age
8. _____ A star is born when
a. gas and dust collapse inward
b. nuclear fusion starts in the core
9. _____ Most of the stars in the Milky Way will end their lives as a
a. white dwarf
b. neutron star
c. black hole
10. ____ Which probably describes a blue-white star?
a. large mass, hot
b. large mass, cool
c. small mass, cool
11. ____ When two black holes join together they form a/an
a. giant black hole
b. white hole
c. worm hole
12. ____ The ____ marks the edge of the black hole.
a. event horizon
b. accretion disk
c. singularity
13. ____ A white star is hotter than
a. a blue-white star b. a red star
c. all other stars
14. ____ The life history of stars is studied by examining stars’
a. sizes
b. energy output
c. colors
d. all of these
15. ____ Suppose a star that is 500 light years away form the earth explodes tonight.
Astronomers will know about this
a. at once
b. in 500 years
c. in 500 light years