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NEO Surveyor Thomas M. Randolph Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Copyright 2011 California Institute of Technology 1 NEO Surveyor Concept • Can launch as a secondary payload • Launch flexibility for rendezvous with any target between Venus and Mars • No launch date restrictions • < 3 year mission time • 2-4 spacecraft in Discovery budget • Single string, block redundant • All previously flown components • SEP with gravity assists Copyright 2011 California Institute of Technology 2 Movie Copyright 2011 California Institute of Technology 3 Launch Configuration Dedicated Launch Shared Launch Shared Launch • Maximum 4 spacecraft • Dispensed from ESPA Grande ring adaptor • Can launch anytime to target by using lunar gravity assists Dedicated Launch • Maximum 6 spacecraft on Atlas V • Maximum 4 spacecraft on Falcon 9 • Can launch anytime to target Copyright 2011 California Institute of Technology 4 Surveyor Spacecraft Performance Propulsion Delta v capability (300 kg wet mass) > 4 km/s Power > 2 kW at 1 AU from the Sun Telecom > 15 kbps at 2 AU from Earth Payload < 30 kg mass allocation for instruments Control Pointing stability < 0.03 deg/s Copyright 2011 California Institute of Technology 5 Heritage Spacecraft Components MBSAT GD xenon tank MBSAT Fakel Hall thruster ery 2010 NH10ZDA007O Phoenix ATK Ultraflex solar arrays Pro Appendix J.10 Herit J.10.1-8. Command and data handling subsystem (C&DH) heritage. e um- ed s Unit Board er D Image High Voltage Electronics Assembly ProviderDawn JPL Design Manufacture Use Partial Full Partial Ball Aerospace Partial: Full: Full: MRO GDidentical SmalltoDeep Space Transponder Backplane Standard machined Identical to STPSat 2 STPSat 2; Box enmetal chassis used BRE larged for additional on XSS-11, TACcard 2 Tacsat 2 SAT2, BRESTPSat avionics Standard processes used by BRE Full: Full: Full: Identical Rad750 used Standard processes Identical to Kepler and BAE on Kepler and used on Kepler, WorldView-1 PROBA 2 Galileo Star Tracker Enhanced 3U WorldView. Similar to WISE, & WV RAD750 WISE. BRE Environment Partial Partial: Launch environments on ELV more benign; Proteus thermal control designed to maintain temps within allowable range; Radiation <STPSat-2 Full: Launch environments on ELV more benign; Proteus thermal control designed to maintain temps within allowable range; Radiation <STPSat-2 Grail Goodrich Reaction Wheels Partial: Full: Partial: Full: Different proportions of Standard processes Different proportions of Launch environments on standard circuits used used by BRE standard circuits used ELV more benign; Propreviously on various previously on various teus thermal control deCopyright 2011 California Institute of Technology missions, evolution of missions; LADEE signed to maintain temps Prior Use Partial Partial: LEO & GEO use XSS-11, TACSA STPSat 2, classi Full: Flying on Deep I pact, Kepler, WIS and WorldView-1 Partial: STPSat-2 launc Fall 2010 6 Payload Options Trade Parameters Dv - Payload Mass - Trip Time Multibody rendezvous with large imager suite Multibody rendezvous with imager suite, small surface payload, and longer mission time Single body rendezvous with imager suite and radar payload Copyright 2011 California Institute of Technology 7