Download 1 Materials and Methods For the MARCM analysis, embryos were

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Materials and Methods
For the MARCM analysis, embryos were collected over 2 hours and aged for a further
three hours at 25°C. they were then heat shocked 1hour at 37°C and aged at 25°C to third
instar before analysis. Wildtype clones were generated by the cross yw, elav-gal4,hsFLP; FRTG13, tubulin-gal80 x yw; FRTG13,UAS-mCD8-gfp. ham1 homozygous clones
were generated by the following cross yw; E7-2-36, ham1, FRT40A/CyO x elav-gal4,
UAS-mCD8-gfp, hs-FLP; tubulin-gal80, FRT40A/+.
Fig. S1
Injection of ham dsRNA into embryos carrying the MD marker E7-2-36.
ham dsRNAi leads to a protein null. In embryos carrying the MD marker E7-2-36, ham
dsRNAi leads to the substitution of ES by MD neurons. Thus ham dsRNAi phenocopies
the ham1 phenotype and provides evidence that ham1 is a null allele.
A-D: Buffer (A) and ham dsRNA (C) injected embryos at early stage 17. An abdominal
dorsal cluster is illustrated. ELAV:red, labels all sensory neurons, E7-2-36:green, labels
all MD neurons. A: A buffer injected embryo has a wildtype complement of neurons, the
cluster contains 8 MD, and 5 ES neurons. C: In this ham dsRNA injected embryo there
are 11 MD and one ES neuron. B, D: Diagrammatic representations of A and C
respectively. The ES neurons are represented by red filled circles and MD neurons by
yellow filled diamonds.
Table S1
Quantification of HAM expression in ham dsRNA injected embryos.
Injection of ham dsRNA into wild-type embryos leads to the complete loss of HAM
protein expression, and hence causes a HAM null. HAM expression in these embryos
was assayed by immunohistochemical staining with anti-HAM antibody at stages 12-14
when in uninjected or buffer-injected embryos HAM expression is at maximum levels.
ham dsRNA injected