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Biology Agriculture
Structures and Functions of Animal Systems Test
Name: ______________________Period: __________________ Date:__________
Instructions: Read and follow all directions. Short answers items are designed to
indicate mastery of objectives as presented in class.
Part A: Short Answer
1. Explain why it is important that livestock have a skeletal system.
2. Explain the main differences between monogastric and ruminant animals.
3. Why are reproductive technologies’ so important in livestock production?
Part B: Match the structures by writing the CAPITAL letter from the right-hand
column in the space provided by the structures in the left-hand column
___4. Cerebrum
___5. Heart
___6. Kidneys
___7. Lungs
___8. Ovaries
___9. Pituitary Gland
___10. Red Marrow
___11. Rumen
___12. Smooth muscle
___13. Capillaries
___14. Cecum
___15. Fallopian Tube
___16. Hormones
___17. Left Atria
___18. Meat
___19. Medulla Oblongata
___20. Rectum
___21. Red Blood Cells
___22. Vas Defrens
___23. Trachea
___24. Rumen
A. Skeletal System
B. Muscular System
C. Digestive System
D. Pathway System
E. Respiratory System
F. Circulatory System
G. Nervous System
H. Endocrine System
I. Excretory System
Part B: Multiple Choice, circle the letter next to the correct answer.
25. An example of muscle that is INVOLUNTARY is _________________.
a. cardiac
b. smooth
c. skeletal
d. urinary
26. Smooth muscle is found in the _________________________.
a. quadriceps (thigh muscle)
b. intestines
c. heart
d. biceps (arm muscle)
27. Which of the following is a monogastric animal?
a. cow
b. sheep
c. pig
d. elk
28. Which of the following is a ruminant animal?
29. A horse has a _________________________ digestive system.
a. simple monogastric
b. monogastric with a funcitonal cecum
c. ruminant
d. polygastric
30. The abiltiy to bring food in from the small intestines to the bloodstream is called
a. uptake
b. conversion
c. absorption
d. ingestion
31. Blood flows away from the heart in __________.
a. capillaries
b. veins
c. arteries
d. venules
32. __________ blood cells fight infection while ___________ blood cells carry oxygen.
a. red/white
b. large/small
c. white/red
d. small/large
33. Blood is received by the heart in the ________________, and received from the
lungs by the _____________.
a. right ventricle/left ventricle
b. left atrium/right atrium
c. left ventricle/right atrium
d. right atrium/left atrium
34. The part of the brain where memory and thinking is the _____________ while
involuntary organs are controlled by the__________________________.
a. medulla oblongata/cerebellum
b. cerebrum/cerebellum
c. cerebrum/medulla obongata
d. medulla oblongata/cerebrum
35. The _____________ produces a hormone that regulates how fast our food is turned
into energy.
a. pituitary gland
b. thyroid gland
c. adrenal gland
d. hypothalmus
34 The ____________ produces a hormone that causes our hearts to beat faster and
digestive system to slow when
we are placed in a “fight or flight” situation.
a. pituitary gland
b. thyroid gland
c. adrenal gland
d. hypothalmus
35. Placing semen into the female reproductive tract by means other than natural
mating is:
a. artificial insemination
b. cloning
c. superovulation
d. embryo transfer
36. The reproductive glands where eggs are produced are the _______________.
a. ovaries
b. testes
c. cowper’s
d. pituitary
37. The reproductive glands where sperm is produced are the _______________.
a. ovaries
b. testes
c. cowper’s
d. pituitary
38. Removing fertilized eggs from one cow and placing them into another is called:
a. artificial insemination
b. cloning
c. superovulation
d. embryo transfer
39. A cell formed by the union of the egg and sperm nuclei is a ________________.
a. embryo
b. fetus
c. clone
d. zygote
40. Correctly label chambers and the way the blood flows through the heart?
41 The correct order of the female reproductive tract is: (from the outside in)
a. vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, uterine horns, fallopian tubes, ovaries.
b. vulva, uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes, uterine horns, ovaries.
c. vagina, vulva, cervix, uterine horns, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries.
d. vagina, vulva, cervix, uterus, uterine hons, fallopian tubes, ovaries.
42 The correct order of the male reproductive tract is: (from the inside out)
a. testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, epididymis, prostrate gland, cowper’s
gland, penis
b. testes, vas deferens, cowper’s gland, prostrate gland, seminal vesicle,
epididymis, penis
c. testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, prostrate gland, cowper’s
gland, penis
d. testes, epididymis, vas deferens, cowper’s gland, seminal vesicle, prostrate
gland, penis