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Communicating complex ideas course outline
There are five modules in the course.
The diagram above shows how they fit together. In the resource you can click on the headings to find out about the modules – in this
document the explanation is shown in the first column of the below table.
The scenarios in the course are all relevant to occupational therapy and working in a healthcare profession.
Each topic is broken down into the sections showed below. A brief description of content in each section is
There is also a quiz at the end of each section.
Principles of communication complex
Communication information about
technical or specialist topics to general
audiences has its own unique set of
challenges. This module covers the
principles of communicating complex
ideas and introduces a conceptual model
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Find out more
In at the deep end
Step by Step
Pick any question to get started
Jump in and have a go
Work through some ideas
and situations
What is the point?
Effective Experts?
Translating expert-ese
Headline News
What is communication?
What is a complex idea?
What are the key principles of communicating
complex ideas?
What are the barriers to communicating
complex ideas?
How do I make myself clear?
How do I reflect and evaluate my
which can be applied to all your
communication needs.
Within the organisation
This module focuses on communicating
complex ideas to colleagues within your
own organisation. It considers who you
need to communicate with and why, with
practical tips on choosing appropriate
modes of communication. Writing,
speaking and presenting information
within your organisation will all be
Why might I need to communicate ideas?
Who am I communicating with inside the
What am I communicating within the
What techniques and tools can I use?
How should I explain things in writing
How do I explain things verbally
How do I give a presentation?
How do I ensure I achieve my objectives?
Why might I need to communicate ideas?
Who am I communicating with beyond the
What am I communicating beyond the
How do I engage people beyond the
What techniques and tools can I use?
How should I explain things in writing?
How do I explain things verbally?
How do I give a presentation?
How do I ensure I have achieved my
Who are the media?
What should I expect from the media
How do I communicate with the media?
How do I ensure I’m targeting the right
What is the difference between TV, radio,
print and online?
What are the challenges when dealing with
the media?
Beyond the organisation
This module focuses on communicating
complex ideas to audiences outside your
organisation. It considers who you need
to communicate with and why, with
practical tips on choosing appropriate
modes of communication. Writing,
speaking and presenting to external
audiences are all explored as well as
blogs and video communication.
Dealing with the media
The media are a very specific audience
with unique needs. This module helps
you understand how journalists work and
shows you how to communicate
effectively with them. It considers
different PR techniques an gives practical
tips on what to say, what not to say and
‘saying on message’.
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Which channel
The lift pitch
Writing with meaning
Body language
Choosing channels
Video star
Get blogging
Back to school
A press man calls
Not a know-it-all
Dealing with news media
Write your own news
Challenging situations and
This module provides practical tips on
communicating controversial and
extremely complex topics as well as
handling risk and uncertainty. It also
considers the needs of international
audiences, the range of alternative
communication methods and
appropriate troubleshooting strategies.
How do I communicate extremely complex
How do I communicate with international
How I handle risk and uncertainty?
How to I communicate controversial ideas?
What ethical issues might I face?
How do I prevent things going wrong?
What do I do when things go wrong?
What other approaches could I consider?
Risky business
The course also includes a Resource centre which has links to further resources under the following headings
About communication
Formal communications
Information communications
There is a section once you have completed the course where you can produce your certificate and submit feedback.
You can build up you personal profile including finding out what kind of learning works best for you.
There is a learning tools section with the following features
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The best laid plans
Staying on message
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