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Global Studies:3/24/2014
• I/O – Examine key aspects of the “Road to WWII”:
Japanese aggression in the East, and Hitler’s
aggression in Europe.
• Key Question: (What does Hitler do, after he is
appointed Chancellor and has consolidated his
power,) to regain “lost territory” in Europe.
• Key Terms: Rhineland; Sudetenland; Lebensraum;
Appeasement at Munich
• CCS: 2;5
• Homework #4: Due Today: 25 Points/Mein Kampf. #5:
Pages 788 – 798 for Wednesday. (Text Book Notes)
• Quiz on Wednesday on your class notes and Hmwk.
Books that did not
conform to Nazi
beliefs were burned
in mass bonfires.
Indoctrination at a young
• School children joined the Hitler Youth
• Hatred of Jews
• Nazi Ideology used anti-Semitism in Germany to
gain the favor of the people.
Hitler blamed the failure of the German economy and
loss of World War I on the Jews.
Where we are…
• Italy and Germany have fascists governments
• The Soviet Union has a totalitarian leader
• France, Great Britain, and the US want to keep
peace and avoid war at all costs.
Global: 3/27/2015
• I/O – Examine critical events leading up to the start
of WWII: Japan’s Fascism and Hitler’s violations of
the Treaty of Versailles
• Key Question: What steps were taken by Adolph
Hitler to expand German Territory?
• Key Terms: Rhineland; Anschluss; Appeasement;
Sudetenland; Kristallnacht; Nazi Soviet NonAggression Treaty.
• Hmwk #3: “25 Points/Mein Kampf” due.
• Due to several economic issues, the Japanese
began desiring stronger leadership then their
democracy offered.
• Japan became a
militarist country in
an effort to
increase their
strength and
influence around
the world.
Emperor Hirohito
• The emperor is the head of the country while
the military is responsible for running the country.
Famous Pictures
Militarists as Nationalists
• A strong military requires service from
dedicated, loyal, and nationalistic soldiers.
Expand or Explode
• Japan must
expand to solve its
economic and
problems, or it will
Japanese Goal
• We will build a
Pacific Empire to
gain space and
1931: Japan conquers
• This is the first challenge to the League of
Nations who was supposed to uphold peace in
the world.
Japanese Response
• Japan ignored the League of Nations and withdrew
from it in 1933. Then they attacked China.
Nanjing Massacre
Failure has a price
• The League of Nation’s failure to stop Japan
encourages fascist leaders in Europe to create
empires of their own.
Mussolini Attacks
• During the Scramble for Africa, Italy lost to the
native Ethiopians. This time Italy came back with
a vengeance.
The League of Nations
• The League disagreed with Mussolini’s attempts,
but did little more then tell him that.
Hitler Takes a Chance
• “Germany will not obey the military restrictions
listed in the Treaty of Versailles.”
The League says…
• The League of Nations issues a mild
condemnation against Hitler.
Hitler Again
• Hitler uses German troops and invades the
Rhineland in 1936.
France and Great
• France does not want
another war.
• Great Britain suggests
• Giving in to an aggressor to keep peace
Hitler annexes Austria
Appeasement Once
• See how it works
is, you keep the
land you have but
do not acquire
any more, do you
Rome-Berlin Axis
• Mussolini realizing Hitler’s strength requested him
as an ally.
Axis Powers
• Japan
appreciated the
empire building
strategies of
Germany and
Italy so they joined
them to form the
Axis Powers.
General Hideki Tojo
Civil War in Spain
• Fransico Franco vs. Spanish Democracy
• Hitler and Mussolini sent forces to Franco
Hitler Invades
• March 1939 Hitler invades.
Confronting Hitler
• France and Great Britain ask the Soviet Union
and Stalin to help them stop Adolf Hitler.
Remnants of World
War I
Stalin’s Response
• Stalin spoke with France and Great Britain but
spoke with Hitler at the same time.
Stalin’s Desire
• Stalin would rather side with Hitler then the allies,
but it depended on the offer.
Nonaggression Pact:
August 1939
• Hitler and Stalin agree to not attack one
another. Not allies, but not enemies.
September 1, 1939
• Hitler invades Poland. He is not going to stop.