Download THYME – (Thymus species) Perennial, sun. Low growing plants that

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THYME – (Thymus species) Perennial, sun. Low growing plants that are
excellent in borders, rock gardens and walkways. The small leaves are used in
teas, meat dishes and vegetables.
Caraway – (Thymus herba-barona ‘Caraway’) – Tiny fragrant leaves with
small rose-purple flowers. Leaves can be used to flavor meats and soups.
Also ornamental, 2-5”.
Creeping – (Thymus serphyllum) Slender, creeping stems and round
leaves with lavender blooms. Handles light foot traffic. Drought tolerant,
ornamental, 4”.
Doone Valley – (T. x ‘Doone Valley’) Glossy, lemon scented leaves with
yellow variegation in cooler temperatures. Reddish-purple flowers, 4”.
English – (T. vulgaris) Dark green leaves. Most common variety for
cooking, 8”.
Lavender – (T. vulgaris ‘Lavender’) Fragrant foliage, lavender flowers,
ornamental, 10”.
Lemon Variegated – (T. x citriodorus ‘Variegatus’) Green and yellow
variegated leaves with
a strong lemon scent and creeping habit. Lavender flowers, 4-6”.
Lime – (T. citriodorus ‘Lime’) Light green foliage. Mild citrus scent.
Growing, 4-6”.
Orange Balsam – (T. v.‘Orange Balsam’) Orange scented leaves, light
pink flowers, 6”.
Pink Chintz – (T. praecox ‘Pink Chintz’) A mat-forming plant with tiny
green leaves and pink flowers. Good between pavers, ornamental, 2”.
Silver – (T. citriodorus ‘Silver’) Green leaves edged in white. Compact
plant, 8”.
Wedgewood – (T. vulgaris ‘Wedgewood’) Fragrant, light green leaves
with a darker green variegation, 10”.
White Creeping – (T. praecox ‘Albus’) Tiny bright green leaves with
white flowers. Creeping habit, ornamental, 2”.
Woolly – (T. pseudolanuginosus) Soft, silver-gray wooly foliage, pink
flowers. Used for edging in stones and other ornamental uses. Grows
well in dry locations, 1-2”.
WATERCRESS – (Nastuturtium officinale) Perennial, sun. Leaves have a
peppery taste. Used in soups, salads and sandwiches. Needs to be grown in
moist soil, 8-10”.