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The Service Provider shall provide detention services for detainees at the following institutions:
Theo Lacy Facility
501 The City Drive South
Orange, CA 92868
James A. Musick Facility
13502 Musick Road
Irvine, CA 92618
The Service Provider shall provide detention services for not more than 72 hours at the following
Intake & Release Center (IRC)
550 N. Flower Street
Santa Ana, CA 92703
A. Triage – Medical and Mental Health Screening. Information from the Triage process will
be one of the factors used in determining the housing location of the ICE detainee (either
at Theo Lacy or James A. Musick).
B. Initiate medical and/or mental health chart as needed
C. Assessment of medical and/or mental health condition.
D. Prescribe medications and other treatments as needed
E. Up to 72-hour hold for the following (depending on bed availability):
1. ICE detainees found during the Triage process to have medical or mental health
conditions that may reasonably be stabilized within 72 hours.
2. ICE detainees with mental health conditions requiring specialized housing pending
transfer by ICE to another Service Provider
3. ICE detainees during the course of their detention experience acute onset or
worsening of medical or mental health conditions that cannot be accommodated by
the Service Provider and are pending transfer by ICE to another Service Provider.
III. Services Provided at Theo Lacy
This is a male only facility.
Summarized below are examples of the types of
conditions/diseases/ailments that can be treated/accommodated based upon the local inmatepatient population. The final determination for medical conditions which will be accepted will
be at the discretion of the CMS Medical Director or his designee. Any chronic medical
condition/disease state that can be reasonably managed in an outpatient ambulatory care setting,
including but not limited to:
A. Asthma
B. Hypertension
Attachment I - Medical Services Provided by Facility
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C. Type I and II Diabetes Mellitus
D. HIV/AIDS if medication is approved by ICE and cost of the medication is reimbursed to
the Service Provider in accordance with Article I.D of this Agreement.
E. Communicable diseases (CDs)[Caveat: Accommodation of detainees with CDs that
require contact isolation only as a control measure will be dependent upon the availability
of single-celled housing at that facility]
F. Patients/Detainees that require temporary use of walkers, crutches, casts, and wheelchairs
G. Detoxification for acute mild alcohol and opiate withdrawals (Not long-term
detoxification treatment)
H. In-dwelling urinary catheters
I. Hunger Strikes (due to time commitment and required documentation, only 2 Hunger
Strike detainees will be accepted at a time without staffing revision)
J. Ambulatory Post Surgical Care
K. Minor wound care
L. CPAP Treatment (this will be dependent on the availability of electrical outlets in the
M. Physical disability requiring minimal assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs)
N. Coumadin therapy if medication is approved by ICE and cost of the medication is
reimbursed to the Service Provider in accordance with Article I.D of this Agreement.
IV. Services Provided at James A. Musick
This facility accommodates both male and female ICE detainees. ICE detainees housed at the
James A. Musick facility must be ambulatory and have relatively low medical or mental health
needs. The final determination for medical conditions which will be accepted will be at the
discretion of the CMS Medical director or his designee.
V. Medical Refusals for ICE Detainees
Summarized below are examples of the types of conditions/diseases/ ailments which cannot be
accommodated for ICE detainees at the Theo Lacy and James A. Musick facilities. The final
determination for refusals will be at the discretion of the CMS Medical Director or his designee.
The following are examples of general conditions which may warrant a decision of medical
refusal by the Service Provider: If the below issues are resolved, the ICE detainee can be reevaluated for medical acceptance or re-entry:
A. Conditions requiring acute hospitalization and/or “around the clock” monitoring
B. End stage medical disease states that have resulted in significant physical disability
and/or incapacitation of the ICE detainee.
C. Infectious disease conditions during the communicable phase of disease that require
airborne infection isolation, i.e. tuberculosis, acute varicella (chickenpox), etc.
D. Demonstrable suicidal, homicidal, self-mutilating or gravely disabled/psychotic behavior
and/or ideations
E. Mental health conditions/disease states that require specialized housing.
Attachment I - Medical Services Provided by Facility
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VI. Hospital/Out-Patient Provider/Emergency Transport Services
A. ICE detainees who are not accepted into the custody of the Service Provider during the
course of the triage process because of a need for immediate hospitalization shall be
taken by ICE to its contracted hospital. Service Provider shall not be responsible for
completing a Treatment Authorization Request (TAR) in instances in which the ICE
detainee was not accepted into the custody of the Service Provider.
B. If ICE detainees are determined during the course of their detention to require
hospitalization, medical transportation shall be coordinated by the Service Provider to a
hospital willing to accept ICE reimbursement and payment conditions. The Service
Provider shall comply with all Department of Immigration Health Services (DIHS)
Treatment Authorization Request (TAR) procedures.
C. ICE detainees requiring off-site medical services shall be transported by the Service
Provider to receive the required medical care. The Service Provider shall comply with all
DIHS TAR procedures.
D. The cost of all medical services provided off-site shall be the responsibility of ICE.
Attachment I - Medical Services Provided by Facility
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