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Intro. To Greek Mythology Notes
What are myths? Myths are _t__________________ stories of
gods, kings, and heroes. They show the
__r__________________between gods and people.
Mythology was a form of early _s_____________ to Greeks
because it helped explain the __u______________________.
 __H________________ and ___H____________ are some early
Greek poets.
 The twelve main gods and goddesses are called The
_O____________________. They live on Mt.
 The Olympian Gods are Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter,
Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes
and either Hestia, or Dionysus.
1. ZEUS=_J_______________. He is the _K_______ of the gods,
god of thunder and __L_________________. Symbol=
2. HERA=__J_______________. She is the goddess of
_m_____________. She is married to __Z_______________
and is also his sister. Symbol=__P_________
3. POSEIDON=_N_____________________. He is the god of the
_S__________ and ___E_____________. Brother to Zeus.
Symbol= T
4. DEMETER=___C_____________. She is the goddess of
__A__________________. Sister to Zeus. Mother to
_P_____________________. Symbol=___S__________OF
5. ARES=__M_________________. He is the god of
__W___________. Son of Zeus and Hera.
Symbol=____D_________OF W__________
6. APOLLO=___A__________________. He is the god of light,
__M___________, and shepherds. Twin brother of Artemis.
7. ARTEMIS=___D__________________. She is the goddess of
moon, the hunt, and __W______________________. Apollo’s
twin sister. Symbol=__C__________M_______.
8. APHRODITE=____V________________. She is the goddess of
___L____________. She is married to ___H_____________.
Her son is ____E______________. Symbol=__S_____________
9. HEPHAESTUS=__V________________. He is the god of the
__F_____________. Son of Zeus and Hera.
ATHENA=___M_________________. She is the goddess
of __W______________ and wisdom. She emerged from Zeus’
head fully grown. Symbol=__A___________, O________
HESTIA=___V____________. She is the goddess of
__H__________ and home. Sister to Zeus. Symbol= T
HERMES=___M_______________. He is the messenger of
the ___G____________. Symbol=___W_________H______
DIONYSUS=__B_____________. He is the god of
__W_________, revelry, and drama.
*HADES=__P________________. He is the god of the
__U_________________. Brother to Zeus. Married to