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Q: How much weight will I lose?
A: Weight-loss results vary from patient to patient, and the amount of weight you lose depends on several things. The band needs to be in the right position, and you need
to be committed to your new lifestyle and eating habits. Obesity surgery is not a miracle cure, and the pounds won’t come off by themselves. It is very important to set
achievable weight-loss goals from the beginning. A weight loss of 2 to 3 pounds a week in the first year after the operation is possible, but one pound a week is more
likely. Twelve to eighteen months after the operation, weekly weight loss is usually less. Remember that you should lose weight gradually. Losing weight too quickly
creates a health risk and can lead to a number of problems. The main goal is to have weight loss that prevents, improves, or resolves health problems connected with
severe obesity.
Q: How do the weight-loss results with the LAP-BAND compare to those with the gastric bypass?
A: Surgeons have reported that gastric bypass patients lose weight faster in the first year. At five years, however, many LAP-BAND patients have achieved weight loss
comparable to that of gastric bypass patients. You should focus on long-term weight loss and remember that it is important to lose weight gradually while reducing
obesity-related risks and improving your health.
Q: Does the LAP-BAND require frequent office visits after surgery?
A: Check-ups are a normal and very important part of the LAP-BAND System follow-up. Monthly visits with the bariatric programs office is extremely important especially
during the first year or two to assist the patient in learning how to use the Lapband as a tool. Learning involves the correct eating techniques, learning about satiety,
correct type of food and to ensure the Lapband is adjusted into the “Green Zone”.
Q: How is the band adjusted?
A: Adjustments are done in the surgeon’s office, and local anesthesia is used. A fine needle is passed through the skin into the access port to add or subtract saline.
This process most often takes only a few minutes and most patients say it is nearly painless.
Q: Will I need to take vitamin supplements?
A: Yes. Consuming smaller amounts of healthy food will require a chewable multivitamin and a calcium with vitamin D supplement. At your regular check-ups, your
specialist will evaluate whether you are getting enough vitamins.
Q: What about other medication?
A: You should be able to take prescribed medication though you may need to use capsules, break big tablets in half or dissolve them in water so they do not get stuck in
the stoma and make you sick. You should always consult your bariatric surgeons office as some medications can damage the tissue lining of your stomach and result in
problems with the Lap-Band.
Lap band information: