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Hindu Community and Cultural Center
1232 Arrowhead Ave, Livermore, CA 94551
Shiva-Vishnu Temple
A Non-Profit Organization since 1977
Tax ID# 94-2427126; Inc #D0821589
Tel: 925-449-6255; Fax: 925-455-0404
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namo Narayanaya
MKA 2010 β€œYES” Youth &Seniors Committee presents Dhanvantari homam, Yoga and Ayurveda progarm.
Sri Dhanvantari Homam on DEC 6TH, 2009
Suggested donation
08:00 AM Shiva and Vishnu Suprabhatham
Dhanvantari 08:30 AM -10:00 AM Homam
10:00AM Purnahuthi
Yoga &
10:30 AM – 11:30AM Yoga Program
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Ayurveda seminar/workshop
Lunch follows
Grand Sponsor: $251
Sponsor all day functions: $108
$ 28
For further information,
please contact :
Temple Manager @925-449-6255
Event coordinator
For registration or more information email to:
[email protected] with Subject Dhanvantari Homam.
Login ID:
Phone #:
Amount ($):
Anand Gundu @ 209-832-9539
Birth star:
Lord Dhanvantari was born in the royal household of Kasi during dvapara yoga. He developed ascetic tendencies even as a young boy and
performed severe austerities. Lord Brahma persuaded Him to accept lordship over the city of Kasi and since then He bacame known as Kasiraja. As a king He prepared the samhitas on Ayurveda in eight divisions for the benefit of humanity. Lord Dhanvantari's teachings are
recorded in the Agni Purana 279-289 as well as through the teachings of His disciple Sushrutha. There might have been more than one
Dhanvantari according to literature.
According to the ancient text Charaka-samhita, the "Science of Life and Longevity" Ayurveda, is eternal. Lord Dhanvantari is depicted with,
holding medical herbs in one hand and a pot containing rejuvenating nectar called amrita in another. He appears in the Vedas and Puranas as
the physician of the gods (devas), and the controller (god) of Ayurvedic medicine. Hindu worshippers pray to Sri Dhanvantari asking him for
good health for themselves and/or others. This homam is believed to alleviate physical ailments and bestow good health.