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What is
Phonics – Reading and writing
Blending - to draw individual sounds
together to read/pronounce a word, e.g. n-ap, blended together, reads nap
Digraph — two letters making one sound,
e.g. sh, ch, th, ph.
Trigraph - three letters making one sound
e.g. igh
Split digraph - two letters, split, making one
sound, e.g. a-e as in make or i-e in site
But my child already
knows those letters?!
Learning a letter consists of:
1.Distinguishing the shape of the letter from
other shapes
2.Recognising the sound (phoneme) associated
with that letter shape.
3.Writing the shape of the letter with the correct
movement, orientation and relationship to other
4.Naming the letter
5.Being able to recall and recognise the shape of
a letter from it’s sound
6. Writing the Willowbrook way
How do we teach reading?
Hearing the initial sound in a word
cat begins
with c
2) Sound out the letters
slowly. Then a little quicker.
Continue to sound out the
word until your child can
hear it
3) Help them to succeed
every time they read a word
c-a-t (slowly)
c-a-t (a little
quicker) c-a-t
Read words and learn to break the words down to
read independently.
To understand what they have read.
Hear and write the sounds they can hear. Not always
correct spelling.
Eg. elephant they may write
Writing simple sentences and starting to use finger spaces
Willowbrook writing
Building words
Using magnetic letters or
moveable letters to make
Using pictures to help!
Three letter words
Beginning with 3 letter words (cvc) i.e.
cat, and moving on to 4 letter words
(ccvc) i.e. chip.
This includes diagraphs i.e. ch
Tricky words
Children have to learn to read and write
them. You cannot sound them out!
Use the red words sent home. Choose 1 or 2
words a week ONLY. You could practise them
in the following ways;
Cut up the words
Stick them on the wall, fridge, cupboard etc…
Read, cover and say
Hide them around a room, find them and read them
Look at the word, read it, cover it up, write it and check your
- High five the words, saying them at the same time