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All your plants will enjoy a regular feed of liquid fertiliser such as ‘Miracle-Gro’.
The plants need a well manured plot and like to grow up a ‘wigwam’ of canes.
Remember, beans do not like the cold so grow in a sheltered spot. After
flowering, tiny beans will start to grow. The plants must be kept watered and fed.
Try to find a sunny spot in the garden (or plant in a large pot). Do not plant
the onion too deep in the soil. It is best to put the plant 1 cm below the
surface of the soil or in the pot. As the onion grows the leaves will get
very tall and may need to be supported with some canes and string.
Feed your onion regularly and keep the soil moist.
Bring your onion to the Show with all its leaves.
Onion grown in pot
The soil needs to be very fertile and must be kept well watered. It is better to have
just a few fruits on your plant to grow really big …. remove the others.
If your plant starts to grow and to travel too far across your garden cut off the tips of
the shoots.
These Squash are very good to eat in soups or roasted in the oven but keep the
biggest for the Show!
Tomatoes can be grown in a grow-bag, a pot or in the soil. Put in a sunny place out of the wind or, if you
have one, in the greenhouse. As the plant grows it must be supported with strong canes. Small side shoots
will appear up the stem close to the main leaves - these shoots need to be removed. Be careful not to take
off the flower truss.
When the plant has flowered, tiny green tomatoes will start to grow.
Remove all of them from this truss except 1 to grow big and strong (over 300g each).
Do this with 3 trusses so you have 2 spares. Other trusses can be left to grow
and to be eaten. Tomatoes are very hungry and thirsty and need to have regular
meals just like you so use liquid fertiliser regularly. Pinch out the growing tip after 5-6
trusses have set.
Sunflowers need a sunny, warm place to grow. Dig a hole at least a 50cm square and
as deep, filling it up with some compost and put a good layer of soil on the top.
Plant your sunflower in the middle of the square and water well. Sunflowers are very
hungry and need lots of food and water to grow. Your plant will grow quickly, so it
will need lots of water, at least 10 litres per day with a soluble fertiliser.
After the Show remember to come back and collect the head as the seeds can be eaten
by birds in your garden.
Please bring your ALL YOUR ENTRIES to the Showground on Sunday,
24th August between 2.30-4.00 pm.
More Growing notes can be found at