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The training programme in Orthodontics is to structure and achieve the following four objectives
Knowledge of:
1. The dynamic interaction of biologic processes and mechanical forces acting on they stomatognathic
system during orthodontic treatment.
2. The etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment planning of various common Orthodontic
3. Various treatment modalities in Orthodontics preventive interceptive and corrective.
4. Basic sciences relevant to the practice of Orthodontics.
5. Interaction of social, cultural, economic, genetic and environmental factors and their relevance to
management of oro - facial deformities.
6. Factors affecting the long-range stability of orthodontic correction and their management
7. Personal hygiene and infection control, prevention of cross infection and safe disposal of hospital
waste, keeping in view the high prevalence of Hepatitis and HIV and other highly contagious
1. To obtain proper clinical history, methodical examination of the patient, perform essential diagnostic
procedures, and interpret them and arrive at a reasonable diagnosis about the Dentofacial
2. To be competent to fabricate and manage the most appropriate appliance -intra or extra oral,removable
or fixed, mechanical or functional, and active or passive - for the treatment of any
orthodontic problem to be treated singly or as a part of multidisciplinary treatment of orofacial
1. Develop an attitude to adopt ethical principles in all aspects of Orthodontic practice.
2. Professional honesty and integrity are to be fostered
3. Treatment care is to be delivered irrespective of the social Status, cast, creed or colleagues
4. Willingness to share the knowledge and clinical experience with professional colleagues
5. Willingness to adopt, after a critical assessment, new methods and techniques of orthodontic
management developed from time to time based on scientific research, which are in the best interest of the
6. Respect patients rights and privileges, including patients right to information and right to seek a second
7. Develop attitude to seek opinion from allied medical and dental specialists as and when required.
1. Develop adequate communication skills particularly with the patients giving them the various options
available to manage a particular Dentofacial problem and to obtain a true informed consent from them for
the most appropriate treatment available at that point of time.
2. Develop the ability to communicate with professional colleagues, in Orthodontics or other specialities
through various media like correspondence, Internet, e-video, conference, etc. To render the best
possible treatment.