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SQL Engine API Description
DB Manipulation Methods.
Following is a method specification for all significant methods contained by the
SQL Engine object :
Name: createUpdateQuery
Parameters: EngineUpdateQuery engQuery
Returns: An integer signifying the number of rows updated by the procedure.
Description: Executes an update query according to the fields and values specified in the
engQuery parameter. The method will generate the SQL update query using the metadata
stored on the server. Notice that this method can only update a single table/view and does
not support multiple tables/views update. Nevertheless the conditions for this query can
include several tables/views.
Name: createInsertQuery
Parameters: EngineInsertQuery engQuery
Returns: A string representing the generated SQL insert query.
Description: Executes an insert query according to the fields and values specified in the
engQuery parameter. The method will generate the SQL update query using the metadata
stored on the server. Notice that this method can only insert into a single table/view and
does not support multiple tables/views insertion. Nevertheless the conditions for this
query can include several tables/views.
Name: createSelectQuery
Parameters: EngineQuery engQuery
Returns: An ArrayList object representing the given query results. The ArrayList is
compiled of sub ArrayLists. Every sub ArrayList represents a row in the query result.
Each Object within the sub ArrayList represents a column in the specific row represented
by the sub ArrayList.
Description: Generates and Executes a select query according to the data given in the
engQuery parameter. The method uses the metadata stored on the server to generate the
Name: getSortBy
Parameters: ArrayList fields
Returns: A string representing the “order by” part of the generated SQL query.
Description: Generates the “order by” part of the SQL query according to the fields
given as a parameter. The method uses the metadata stored on the server.
Name: getWhere
Parameters: ArrayList tablesNum, ArrayList conditions
Returns: A string representing the “where” part of the query. Generated according to the
tables and conditions indicated by the parameters.
Description: Uses the given tables and conditions to generate the “where” part of the
query. Uses the metadata stored on the server to generate the string. This return string
will include the joins between the tables and the specified conditions associated with
these tables.
Name: getFieldFullName
Parameters: string fieldName
Returns: A string representing the full name of the field specified as a parameter. The
full name includes the table name and the field name as they appear in the physical
Description: Queries the metadata database in order to find the physical table and field
name to use in subsequent queries.
Name: getFieldFullName
Parameters: int fieldId
Returns: A string representing the full name of the field specified as a parameter. The
full name includes the table name and the field name as they appear in the physical
Description: Queries the metadata database in order to find the physical table and field
name to use in subsequent queries.
Name: getConStr
Parameters: string fieldName
Returns: A string representing the connection string that will be used to access the
database which holds the field given as a parameter.
Description: This method will query the metadata database in order to find the specified
field’s associated physical database. Following the physical database name extraction the
method will query the connection string that will be used later on the execute the queries.
Name: executeMetadataQuery
Parameters: string metaQuery
Returns: An ArrayList representing the metadata SQL query’s results
Description: This method will generate and execute a metadata query. The query is given
as a standard SQL query and will not be formatted by the method. The method will
execute the given query on the metadata database located on the server.
Name: executeRemoteQuery
Parameters: string metaQuery, string conStr
Returns: An ArrayList representing the result of the given SQL query. The ArrayList is
compiled of sub ArrayLists. Every sub ArrayList represents a row in the query result.
Each Object within the sub ArrayList represents a column in the specific row represented
by the sub ArrayList.
Description: This method will generate and execute a query on the remote database. The
query is given as a standard SQL query and will not be formatted by the method. The
method will execute the given query on the remote database using the connection string
given as a parameter.
Name: executeRemoteChange
Parameters: string metaQuery, string conStr
Returns: An integer representing the number of rows affected by the query.
Description: This method will generate and execute an insert/update query on the remote
database. The query is given as a standard SQL query and will not be formatted by the
method. The method will execute the given query on the remote database using the
connection string given as a parameter.
Name: getAllFields()
Returns: An ArrayList object containing all the fields in the system.
Description: This method will query the metadata database in order to find all the field
available for the user. The method will return the fields’ “friendly” name for later use.
This method uses the metadata database located on the server.
Name: getFieldTableName
Parameters: string fieldName
Returns: A string representing the physical table name that contains the field given as a
Description: This method will query the metadata database and return the physical table
name that contains the field given as a parameter. This method uses the metadata
database located on the server.
Name: getFieldTableId
Parameters: string fieldName
Returns: An integer representing the physical table id that contains the field given as a
Description: This method will query the metadata database and return the physical table
id that contains the field given as a parameter. This method uses the metadata database
located on the server.
Name: getFieldGivenName
Parameters: int fieldId
Returns: A string representing the “friendly” name of the field given as a parameter.
Description: This method will query the metadata database in order to find the “friendly”
name associated with the field id given as a parameter. This method uses the metadata
database stored on the server.
Name: getTableFullName
Parameters: int tableId
Returns: A string representing the name of the physical table given as a parameter.
Description: This method will use the metadata database stored on the server to find the
physical name of the table specified in the parameter as a table id.
Name: getJoins
Parameters: ArrayList tables
Returns: A string representation of the “join” part in the “where” section of the query.
Description: This method will query the metadata database stored on the server in order
to find the necessary join conditions, which will join the tables stored in the ArrayList
object given as a parameter. This method will return a string that should be combined into
the “where” section of the query.
Name: getInnerJoins
Parameters: ArrayList tables
Returns: A string representation of the “join” part in the “select” section of the query.
Description: This method will query the metadata database stored on the server in order
to find the necessary join conditions, which will join the tables stored in the ArrayList
object given as a parameter. This method will return a string that should be combined into
the “select” section of the query.
Web-service user Methods.
Name: public ArrayList AvilableFields()
Parameters: None.
Returns: an ArrayList which contains all of the Available fields.
Description: this function returns all of the available fields of the Current DB, all fields
are returned as an Array list which is encapsulated in a SOAP envelop.
Name: public ArrayList ProcessQuery(string Query)
Parameters: string Query, which represents the Query to the DB.
Returns: an array list which contains all of the Wanted Fields.
Description: this is actually a function which allows to perform "select" queries: this
Method phrase the Presented Query, sends it to the DB, and returns the answer to the
User encapsulated in a SOAP envelop
** Presented Query should be of following Format:
" SELECT field-1 .. field-n WHERE cond-1....cond-n <ORDER value1....value-n>"
where uppercase words are obligatory words in the command format
lowercase words represent user values
<> is optional filed
Name: public int UpdateQuery(string Query)
Parameters: string Query, which represents the Query to the DB.
Returns: an array list which contains all of the Wanted Fields.
Description: this function allows updating any Desired Field at the DB.
**Presented Query should be of following Format:
" VALUE val <CONDITION cond>"
where uppercase words represent Obligatory words
< > represent nonObligatory words
lowercase words represent user strings/values
Name: public int InsertNewQuery(string Query)
Parameters: string Query, which represents the Query to the DB.
Returns: an array list which contains all of the Wanted Fields.
Description: this method will allow inserting a new field into the DB
**Presented Query should be of following Format:
"INSERT field VALUE val"
where uppercase words are obligatory words in the command format
lowercase words represent user values