* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Analyzing Rock Strata and Fossils Investigation Name______________________________________ Date_____________________ Directions: Welcome to the wonderful world of stratigraphy. You are all now certified expert scientists and it is your job to look at the pictures of the rock layers in the envelope to see what we can learn from the past. The Layers are lettered and are listed on the left side of the picture. You will be using computers to research. Use the picture below to: Research under what conditions do each type of rock form Look at the fossils that are in each of the layers of rock and determine the climate during the time they were living Determine the approximate age of each layer Put the layers in order from oldest to youngest Rock Type Conditions Rocks Form Sandstone Shale Limestone Dolomite Name of Organisms Climate Approx. Time/Period Crinoids Ichthyosaur Brachiopod Pelecypod Foraminifera Gastropod Sharks Tooth Placoderm Horn Corral Eurypterid Graptolite Trilobite Ammonite Once you have the layers in the proper order answer the following questions 1. What do you notice about the organisms when you put them in order from oldest to youngest? List at least three things a. b. c.