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Compilation of information contained in
recently submitted national communications
from non-Annex I Parties relating to concerns
and difficulties and related capacity gaps in
preparing their national communications
Second meeting of the reconstituted CGE
Manila, Philippines, 27 September 2010
Tshering Sherpa, Associate Programme Officer
UNFCCC secretariat, Financial and Technical Support Programme
Compilation of information contained in recently submitted national communications from non-Annex I Parties
relating to concerns and difficulties and related capacity gaps in preparing their national communications
In implementing its work programme to provide technical assistance to NAI Parties in
preparing their national communications, the CGE identified the need to also assess
information contained in recently submitted national communications, in addition to
conducting the two afore-mentioned surveys.
Secretariat extracted information contained in 27 recently submitted national
communications, comprising 17.6% of all non-Annex I Parties. This information was
compiled in a template.
The template used three questions corresponding to paragraphs 2 (a-c) of the terms of
reference of the CGE contained in decision 5/CP.15 to extract information contained in
different sections of national communications. Information extracted included difficulties
faced by non-Annex I Parties in preparation of information on the individual sections of the
natioal communicataions; difficulties faced in using the guidelines contained in decision
17/CP.8; and challenges faced in ensuring sustainability of national communication
preparation process.
Compilation of information contained in recently submitted national communications from non-Annex I Parties
relating to concerns and difficulties and related capacity gaps in preparing their national communications
• Key observations
a) Information related to paragraph 2(a): Identify concerns and difficulties and related
capacity gaps highlighted by Parties in preparing their national communications:
Lack of adequate individual and institutional technical capacity – V&A assessment
of socio-economic sectors and in conducting mitigation assessment
Lack , inadequacy or unreliability of existing data
GHG inventory – fuel wood, enteric fermentation, fuel combustion in industry,
LULUCF and solid waste
Poor management of available information and insufficient level of coordination
among different stakeholders on national level
Lack of climate scenarios for a country or region and lack of regional climate
prediction models and downscaling models for assessing vulnerability in different
sectors. Particularly with lack of well developed methodologies and tools
worldwide for V&A studies particularly for health and socio-economic sectors
Compilation of information contained in recently submitted national communications from non-Annex I Parties
relating to concerns and difficulties and related capacity gaps in preparing their national communications
• Key observations
Absence of specific emission factors on country or sub-region
Inadequate financial resources for e.g. funding provided not adequate to
implement all activities related to preparation of national communications
Compilation of information contained in recently submitted national communications from non-Annex I Parties
relating to concerns and difficulties and related capacity gaps in preparing their national communications
(b) Information related to paragraph 2 (b) - challenges encountered in using the
Limited capacity, including on application of models recommended by IPCC to
assess GHG emissions reduction potential
Absence of specific emission factors
Lack of adequate data, including on evaluation and prioritization of adaptation
(c) Information related to paragraph 2 (c) – challenges in ensuring sustainability of
national communication preparation process
Mobility of experts and lack of institution or their instability
Use of consultants and lack of archiving of data
Lack of institutional arrangements for data collection, quality assurance and
control and data sharing
Lack of awareness on impact of climate change on development
Compilation of information contained in recently submitted national communications from non-Annex I Parties
relating to concerns and difficulties and related capacity gaps in preparing their national communications
Other issues identified
Lot of Parties have included information on difficulties faced in implementation of
mitigation and adaptation projects in their countries, including:
Lack of research, technology and financing to build local capacity to implement
mitigation and adaptation actions, including policy framework for adaptation
Lack of financial resources to implement priority project
Higher cost associated with cleaner technologies
Difficulties encountered in preparation of INC remains in preparation of SNC – Niger
used the example of
Compilation of information contained in recently submitted national communications from non-Annex I Parties
relating to concerns and difficulties and related capacity gaps in preparing their national communications
a) Measures identified in national communications to address the constraints:
 Training on use of guidelines, in developing and using analytical models
 Need for improvement in data modelling including emission scenarios and climate
change impacts scenarios at a local scale as well as monitoring system.
 Improve research, collection and regular updating of information at the national
 Comprehensive improvement of observation, weather and climate forecast,
monitoring, early warning systems,
 Need to develop and reinforce capacity on individual and institutional level,
including on how to integrate climate change into development priorities
 Greater cooperation between international and national entities working on climate