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Unit 1 Analogy Examples
Vocabulary Term
Analogy (______is like ______ because ...)
The angles (A) and (C) on the outside of the parallel lines on
the ramp are examples in the video game Donkey Kong of
alternate exterior angles because they are on the outside of
the parallel lines on different sides of the transversal
The ramp 1 top upper corner (D) and bottom of the ramp
underneath (B) are like alternate interior angles in your math
problem because they are both inside the parallel lines
(represented by different levels you travel in the game to
reach the top to beat Donkey Kong) and opposite of the
transversal (ramp).
The squares of the rubik’s cube are congruent because they
are equal in size and shape. In geometry congruent means
The blowing up of a balloon is similar to the dilation of a triangle,
because you go from a round deflated piece of latex to an inflated
balloon. (remember in geometry with dilations the objects are similar)
Linear Pair
Two twin beds side by side to make up a full size king bed is like
a linear pair of angles that equal 1800.
A reflected image in a lake like the tree above is like a
geometrical reflection because both flip the image over a line of
reflection that is the same size and shape.
Reflection Line
The treeline in the photo above is like a line of reflection because
it is the middle point at which the word reflection is flipped over.
The arms of the pinwheel represent a rotation, as you spine or
move the pinwheel.
Same-side Interior
The two inside corners of the middle window pane above would be
like same-side interior angles.
Same-side Exterior
The parallel arrows demonstrate a real life example of same side
exterior angles if you are on the outside of the transverse arrow.
Scale Factor
The scale factor is like how many times bigger your balloon is
after it is inflated.
The ocean horizon is like the x-axis because both are horizontal
lines (running left-right).
The telephone pole in the picture is like the y-axis which run in
the up-down or north south directions.
Coordinate Point of a
An image on a satellite picture, or a point on a map is like a point
in a coordinate plane.
The images of a map could be broken down in quadrants like a
coordinate plane system.