* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Global Tectonics: Competing Theories Global Tectonics: Competing Theories During the Program 1. Which group of people accused Galileo of heresy and placed him under house arrest? 2. Name one navigator who proved that the Earth was not flat. 3. What were Galileo’s theories based on? 4. What was one thing Galileo discovered with his telescope? 5. When did Dutch mapmaker Abraham Ortelius first notice that the shapes of Africa and South America fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle? 6. What was the name of the German meteorologist who in 1915 first suggested that these two continents might once have been joined? 7. List three things that were found to be the same on both sides of some of the continents that were thought to have been connected. 8. Approximately when was this movement of the continents first recognised as a scientific theory? Global Tectonics: Competing Theories 9. What is the approximate average thickness of the Earth’s crust? 10. Hess’ discovery of mountains on the sea floor led to what new concept? 11. Sea floor spreading is thought to occur at what type of plate boundary? 12. An example of mountains formed when two continental plates converge is? 13. The San Andreas Fault in the USA is an example of what type of boundary? 14. The global expansion theory suggests that the Earth was once how small compared to now? 15. What is one criticism of the global expansion theory?