Download Primrose (Primula)- a flower that occurs mainly in Europe and Asia

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Primrose (Primula)- a flower that occurs mainly in Europe and Asia in areas with
temperate climates, mostly in the Himalayas and China. Some of its species occur
up to the mountains of New Guinea. These flowers date back to 10-70 cm high, of
varying habit, elongated leaves, or ovate, often mossy, forming a rosette. The
flowers are different colors, a funnel or bell-shaped crown, seated alone, often
collected in a inflorescence (spike, umbel, a cluster). Primrose is both protected and
belongs to the family Primulaceae, including approximately 550 species of
perennials. In Poland 7 species grows wild primroses, among others amounted to
(elatior).The best known species primroses primrose is a doctor (Primula Versi L.),
which has medicinal properties, it is how a decorative plant like the rest of his
Performed Merita Furlani :)