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Chapter 11
Networks of Networks
FIGURE 11.0.F01: Switchboards were the first exchanges.
Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints &
Photographs Division, [LC-DIG-ggbain01423]
FIGURE 11.0.F02: Point-to-point network: a tin can telephone.
Reproduced from Boy’s Book of Science, John Pepper
FIGURE 11.0.F03: Star network.
© Holly Kuchera/ShutterStock, Inc.; © 2009fotofriends/ShutterStock, Inc.
FIGURE 11.0.F04: Bus or “party line” network.
FIGURE 11.0.F05: Tree network, or hierarchy.
FIGURE 11.0.F06: A mesh network example.
FIGURE 11.0.F07: Adding a layer to handle internet routing.
FIGURE 11.0.F08: Sending a packet from one LAN to another.
FIGURE 11.0.F09: Control panel of an ARPANET IMP.
Photographed by Dr. Richard Smith at the
Computer History Museum, California
FIGURE 11.0.F10: Old and new Internet routing structures.
FIGURE 11.0.F11: Address locations in packet headers.
FIGURE 11.0.F12: Dotted decimal notation for Internet addresses.
FIGURE 11.0.F13: Major IP packet fields (IPv4).
FIGURE 11.0.F14: ARP packet contents.
FIGURE 11.0.F15: Command to display the ARP cache.
FIGURE 11.0.F16: Interpreting a network mask.
TABLE 11.0.T01: Scope of addressing information in internet packets
FIGURE 11.0.F17: Reachability depends on address scope.
TABLE 11.0.T02: Layer 2 reachability matrix for Figure 11.17
FIGURE 11.0.F18: Typical low-cost commercial gateway.
Courtesy of Dr. Richard Smith
FIGURE 11.0.F19: Layout of the Wireshark window.
© Wireshark Foundation
FIGURE 11.0.F20: Ethernet header displayed in Wireshark.
© Wireshark Foundation
FIGURE 11.0.F21: ARP Request displayed in Wireshark.
© Wireshark Foundation
FIGURE 11.0.F22: ARP Response displayed in Wireshark.
© Wireshark Foundation
FIGURE 11.0.F23: IP header displayed in Wireshark.
© Wireshark Foundation
FIGURE 11.0.F24: Network gateway display of hosts on the LAN.
© Netgear
FIGURE 11.0.F25: Output of a simple nmap command.
FIGURE 11.0.F26: Nmap port listing using the -sV option.
FIGURE 11.0.F27: Nmap of a Windows 7 host.
FIGURE 11.0.F28: Nmap of a Windows 7 host with -PN and -O options.
FIGURE 11.0.F29: Reachability problem.
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