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Physiology and Pathophysiology 2
Quiz on Antacids and Acid Reducers
1) What is another name for a group of medications, commonly known as acid reducers?
a) Heartburn killers
b) H2 blockers
c) PDE-5 inhibitors1
d) MAO inhibitors2
2) Antacids are taken
a) orally and transcutaneously
b) mostly orally but in severe cases via IV administration
c) orally
d) all above
3) How do H2 blockers work to reduce the amount of gastric acid?
a) They block histamine.
b) They neutralize gastric acid.
c) They reduce appetite.
d) They block proton pumps.
4) What are the common indications for taking H2 blockers?
a) peptic ulcers
b) GERD3
c) dyspepsia
d) all the mentioned
5) What are the benefits of acid reducers (H2 blockers) over commonly used antacids?
a) Long duration of action
b) Milder aside effects
c) Short onset of action
d) More cost-effective
phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors
monoamine oxidase inhibitors
gastroesophageal reflux disease
6) For quite a long period of time H2 blockers were the leaders among the medications to
treat heartburn, GERD and ulcers until a new class of medicines was discovered. Name this
class of medications, which managed to surpass acid reducers in terms of effectiveness and
a) antacids
b) immune suppressants
c) MAO inhibitors
d) proton pump inhibitors
7) Are acid reducers available by prescription or over-the-counter?
a) only by prescription
b) only OTC
c) there are prescription and OTC versions
8) What is the safety profile of acid reducers?
a) very safe medications
b) moderately safe medications
c) unsafe medications with adverse effects
9) How do antacids work to treat heartburn?
a) They reduce the amount of acid produced.
b) They create a protective layer in the stomach.
c) They improve gastric acid digestion.
d) They neutralize acid.
10) In what cases should antacids be considered as a treatment option?
a) mild heartburn symptoms
b) moderate to severe heartburn symptoms
c) peptic ulcers
d) stomach and duodenal ulcers
11) What is the obvious benefit of antacids over H2 blockers?
a) They work faster.
c) They are safer.
b) They work for longer.
d) They cost less.
12) For how long should one use antacids as a maximum?
a) 3 days
c) 2 weeks
b) 1 week
d) As long as symptoms occur
Urinary Tract Infection
Indicate whether each sentence below is true (T) or false (F). Then check with the video.
A. A lower urinary tract infection is an infection of the ureter, the bladder or both.
B. A bladder infection is also called a lower urinary tract infection.
C. Among the most common symptoms of BI are a burning sensation while urinating, a
pressure or painful sensation in the lower abdomen, increased need to pass urine
without much urine coming out during urination.
D. There is always blood in the patient’s urine.
E. The most common cause of BI is a bacterial infection from the anal canal.
F. Some factors that increase the chances of a BI are insufficient fluid intake, sexual
intercourse, bad hygiene, pregnancy and cold or draught.
G. Women are more prone to BI than men because women have a longer urethra
offering a better environment for germs to thrive.
H. A BI is an annoying and painful complaint which is often difficult to get rid of.
I. Antibiotics are often prescribed to prevent complications like an infection of the
ureter, kidney, pelvis, etc.
J. Drinking 2l of water daily may prevent from BI.
K. When suffering from BI you should resist the urge to urinate as frequent urination
irritates the urinary tract and causes greater pain.
Neurologic System and Mental Health Vocabulary
Guess the defined words. The first letter has been given.
lacking body or muscle tone
a medical condition in which a part of your body becomes weaker or
smaller because you are not using it or because blood is not reaching it
b…………………………. d………………………….
manic depressive illness
d…………………………. a serious illness affecting someone’s brain and memory in which they
gradually stop being able to think or behave in a normal way, typically
affecting older people
d…………………………. a medical condition in which a person is so unhappy that they cannot
live a normal life
d…………………………. confusion about where one is or what direction one is moving in
e…………………………. a serious medical condition that affects the brain and makes you
suddenly shake in an uncontrolled way or become unconscious
e…………………………. a time when someone is affected by an illness or a medical condition
g…………………………. the way that someone walks
j…………………………. a sudden reflex or involuntary movement.
l…………………………. a usually minor or temporary failure; a slip
l…………………………. p………………………….
spinal tap
m…………………………. s………………………….
a chronic degenerative disease marked by patchy
destruction of the myelin that surrounds and insulates nerve fibres and
mild to severe neural and muscular impairments
m…………………………. a low indistinct sound or utterance.
o………………………….-c…………………………. d…………………………. a mental disorder where people
feel the need to check things repeatedly, perform
certain routines repeatedly
p…………………………. a………………………….
a sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear
a very strong feeling of disliking or being afraid of someone or
a tremor characterized by a circular movements
of the tips of the index finger and thumb, typical of
Parkinson's disease
stiff, hard, unyielding
a fit
s…………………………. g………………………….
characterized by short steps, with feet barely
leaving the ground and producing an audible shuffling
s…………………………. s………………………….
poorly pronounced speech
the action of deliberately killing yourself
a slight shaking movement in your body or your voice
that you cannot control
a sudden slight uncontrolled movement of your body
Use the words from the exercise above in the sentences. Don’t forget to put them into the
correct from.
1) He spoke with a ______________________ voice.
2) My neighbour had been ______________________ depressed for 10 days before he
took his own life.
3) ______________________ who experience simple partial seizures will not lose
4) The disease, which usually originates from contaminated wounds, is characterised by
overall ______________________ or stiffness and convulsive spasms of the muscles.
5) He was feeling ______________________ and didn’t know what to do.
6) She is extremely ______________________ about heights.
Birth Control Pills Video
Match the words in the table to form logical phrases.
tissue lining
Fill in the gaps in the sentences according to the video.
 As the level of estrogen begins to rise, it causes the normally ……………. mucus inside
the cervix to ……..
 In uterus estrogen causes the ……………….. to thicken, which prepares it to ……………..
a fertilized egg.
 The ………………….. in hormonal levels causes menstruation.
 Without ovulation there is no egg …………………… for fertilization so a woman cannot
……… pregnant.
 Combination pills usually come in 28-day packs depending on the ……………… of pill.
 Inactive pills …………………… the hormone levels in the body to drop so that bleeding
during the menstrual cycle can …………………………..
 Women may ………………………… progestin-only pills if they can’t …………………………… the
estrogen in combination pills due to side ………………………. or other medical reasons.
 For the ………………………………… protection against pregnancy it is important to take
progestin-only pills at the same ……………………… every day.
atonic (adj)
/eɪˈtɒnɪk; æ-/
atonický (bez napětí)
atrophy (n)
atrofie, zakrnění
bipolar disorder (n)
/baɪˈpəʊlə dɪsˈɔː(r)də(r)/
bipolární porucha
dementia (n)
disorientation (n)
draught (n)
duodenal (adj)
duodenální, dvanácterníkový
dyspepsia (n)
epilepsy (n)
episode (n)
epizoda, záchvat
estrogen (n)
fertilization (n)
/ˌfɜːtɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ or /ˌfɜ:rtləˈzeɪʃən/ oplodnění
gait (n)
způsob chůze, držení těla
germ (n)
bakterie, mikrob
heartburn (n)
pálení žáhy
jerk (n)
cukání, škubnutí, trhání
lapse (n)
výpadek, vynechání, selhání
mumbling (n)
mumlání, huhňání
myelin (n)
obsessive (adj)
nutkavý, obsedantní
overwhelm (v)
přemoci, zdolat
panicky (adj)
panický, vyděšený
phobia (n)
pill-rolling (n)
/pɪl ˈrəʊlɪŋ/
pohyb obou prstů oproti sobě
rigid (adj)
tvrdý, nepružný
seizure (m)
shuffle (v)
šourat se, belhat se
slurred (adj)
mumlavý, špatně artikulovaný
suicidally (adj)
/ˌsuːɪˈsaɪdəli; ˌsjuː-/
surpass (v)
předčít, překonat
tremor (n)
třes, roztřesení
tremulous (adj)
rozechvělý, roztřesený
twitch (n)
škubnutí, škubání, cukání
unyielding (adj)
nepoddajný, tvrdý, tuhý