Download Siemens Insio now for severe hearing loss

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Erlangen, 14 October, 2015
EUHA Congress, October 14-16, 2015, in Nuremberg, Germany
Siemens Insio now for severe hearing loss
• binax available for the first time in ITC and CIC in-the-ear hearing aids for the
severely hearing impaired.
• World's first Power CIC with OneMic directional microphone system.
• Significant advantages for directional hearing and speech comprehension.
Sivantos is presenting new Siemens Insio in-the-ear hearing aids (ITEs) for people with
severe hearing loss at the 60th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians
EUHA in Nuremberg. In the ITC (in-the-canal) and the particularly small CIC
(completely-in-canal) models, they provide the world's smallest ITE solution for this
target group with all the technological advantages of the Siemens binax hearing aids.
Now, for the first time in such tiny housings, the innovative binaural OneMic directional
microphone system enables previously unprecedented directional hearing and speech
comprehension even for people with severe hearing loss. The former hearing aid
division of Siemens AG has been operating under the name Sivantos since the
beginning of 2015. It develops, produces and sells Siemens brand hearing aids.
With the Siemens Insio ITEs, which have been available in different models since
spring 2015, the hearing aids in the left and right ears can continuously and
automatically exchange and jointly process important settings and even audio signals
with their partner device in the other ear. This is possible due to the Siemens e2e
wireless 3.0 technology using the microphone or microphones in the left and right
hearing aids, depending on the model, forming a virtual microphone network. This
enables them to mimic natural hearing processes.
Sivantos Group
Corporate Media & Public Relations
Erika Weigmann
Reference number: 5/2015/tp
Hearing aids with binax, binaural OneMic directionality and e2e wireless 3.0 provide
their wearers with multiple advantages for hearing and comprehension. As a result,
wearers can more successfully pick out their dialogue partner from the background
noise and listen to them with less effort even in difficult acoustic environments. Now,
with the new Insio models presented at the EUHA, this top-class technology is also
available for the first time in the world in small and very discreet in-the-ear hearing aids
for the severely hearing impaired. At the same time, the new Insio hearing aids can
also be fitted to many of this group who were previously unable to wear ITEs because
of their in-the-ear anatomy.
This has become possible due to new construction methods and the extremely energy
efficient binax technology. Lower energy consumption in spite of the higher
amplification of 65 decibels necessary for this target group was a crucial factor for
being able to manage with the smallest batteries. In addition, the new Insio models are
also optimized in audiology terms to the specific requirements of the severely hearing
impaired. Along with the especially important directional hearing, this also includes an
innovative process aimed specifically at the speech-relevant frequencies.
In situations where hearing aid wearers prefer to control certain settings themselves,
such as volume or sound, they can remotely control the new Siemens Insio device
conveniently and discreetly using the free touchControl app which is available for both
Apple and Android smartphones. The optional easyTek streamer via which a wide
variety of modern communication and consumer electronics can transmit their sound
directly to the hearing aids adds a further level of convenience. There is also a free
smartphone app available for easyTek.
For the first time ever, the new Insio models therefore provide even people with severe
hearing loss with all the advantages of Siemens top ITEs currently available in the
smallest housings. Further information about Siemens hearing aids can be obtained
Contact for journalists:
Erika Weigmann
Phone: +49 9131 308 3449 ; E-mail: [email protected]
Press photos
The Siemens Insio family of
hearing aids. Even the
particularly small CIC (front) is
now available for people with
severe hearing loss.
Copyright: Sivantos
New: In the ITC (in-the-canal) and the
particularly small CIC (completely-incanal) models, the Siemens Insio
devices provide the world's smallest ITE
solution for the severely hearing impaired
with the technological advantages of the
Siemens binax hearing aids.
Copyright: Sivantos
The Siemens Insio: A multitude of
technology in a tiny space.
Copyright: Sivantos
The Siemens Insio links to
consumer electronics thanks to
easyTek and can be remotely
operated via a smartphone app.
Copyright: Sivantos
Press photos for download:
About Sivantos Group
The businesses of Siemens’ former hearing aid unit have been combined into the Sivantos Group since the beginning of
2015. The origins of Sivantos go right back to 1878, when Werner von Siemens invented a telephone receiver which
made it considerably easier for the hard of hearing to follow conversations. Today, Sivantos Group is one of the world’s
leading manufacturers of hearing instruments. With its 5,000 employees the Group recorded revenues of € 690 million
and a reported EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) of € 126 million in the 2014 business year. Sivantos’
international sales organization supplies products to hearing aid specialists and sales organizations in more than 120
countries. Particular emphasis is placed on product development. The declared goal is to make Sivantos with its brands
Siemens, Audio Service, Rexton, A&M, HearUSA and audibene the market leader in the years to come. The owners of
Sivantos are the anchor investors EQT together with the Strüngmann family and Siemens as co-investors.
Further information can be found under