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Lesson 1 – Access Basics
Microsoft Office XP:
Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Understand databases.
Start Access and open a database.
Identify parts of the Access screen.
Identify the database objects.
Understand database terminology.
Create a new database and a new table.
Design, modify, name, and save a table.
Navigate a database and enter records.
Print a table and exit Access.
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Terms Used in This Lesson
Datasheet view
Design view
Field name
Primary key
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Start Access and Open a Database
Click the Start button, select Programs, and
click Microsoft Access.
The Access startup screen appears, giving
you the option of opening an existing
database or creating a new one.
See Figure 1-1 in student book,
Access startup screen
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Open a Database
From the New File task pane, click More files
and choose a database from the Open dialog
Create a new database by clicking the Blank
Database option in the New section of the
New File task pane.
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Identify Parts of the Access Screen
The Access screen has a title bar, menu bar,
and toolbar.
The Status bar is at the bottom of the screen.
See Figure 1-3
in student book,
Access screen
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Identify the Database Objects
Tables store data in a format similar to that of a worksheet. All database information is
stored in tables.
Queries search for and retrieve data from tables based on given criteria. A query is a
question you ask the database.
Forms allow you to display data in a custom format. You might, for example, create a form
that matches a paper form.
Reports also display data in a custom format. Reports, however, are especially suited for
printing and summarizing data. You can even perform calculations in a report.
Data access pages let you design other database objects so that they can be published to
the Web.
Macros automate database operations by allowing you to issue a single command that
performs a series of operations.
Modules are like macros but allow much more complex programming of database
operations. Creating a module requires the use of a programming language.
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Understand Database Terminology
Record - complete set of database fields.
Field - categories of data that make up
Field name - name that identifies a field.
Entry - data entered into a field.
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Create a New Database
Create a new database by choosing New
on the File menu. The Access startup
screen appears.
In the New File task pane, choose Blank
See Figure 1-6 in
student book,
Access startup
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Create a New Table
Create a new table by clicking Tables on
the Objects bar.
Click the New button and the New Table
dialog box appears where you can choose
a way to create a table.
See Figure 6-3 in
student book,
New Table dialog box
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Design, Modify, Name, and Save a
Design the table - enter the field name, data
type, and description.
Save and name the table - choose Save on
the File menu.
Modify the table – go to Design view and
make changes.
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Navigate a Database and Enter
To display a table in Datasheet view (table is similar
to a spreadsheet), select the table and click Open or
click the Datasheet View button on the toolbar.
Enter records directly into the table using Datasheet
Press Enter or Tab to move to the next field as you
enter data.
Changes are saved automatically – no need to save.
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Print a Table and Exit Access
Choose Print on the File menu or click the Print
button on the toolbar to display the Print dialog box.
Choose to print all records, only those selected, or
for long tables, the pages to print.
Click the Setup button to change the margins.
Click the Properties button to change the orientation.
Exit Access by choosing Exit on the File menu.
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
Access is a database management system which
allows you to store, retrieve, analyze, and print
You can open an existing database from the File
menu or from the New File task pane displayed on
the right side of the screen.
A database is a collection of objects which work
together to store data, retrieve data, display data,
print reports, and automate operations. The object
types are tables, queries, forms, reports, macros,
and modules.
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark
Access – Lesson 1
A record is a complete set of data. Each record is
made up of fields. Each field is identified by a field
name. The actual data entered into a field is called
an entry.
Creating a database creates a file that will hold
database objects. To store data, a table must first be
As in other Office XP applications, you exit Access
by choosing the Exit command from the File menu.
Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course
Pasewark & Pasewark