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«S. Diaghilev and his
innovators of arts.»
Student of the 6th form
Sonya Baklanova
Adviser: Chernikova Galina
What is the ballet? According to the dictionary It’s kind of stage
performance as an art; it is a dramatic performance by a group of
dancers without a dialogue or singing, illustrating a story.
The current paper deals with S. Diaghilev’s companions mostly A.
Benois and L. Bakst with their certain achievements in the
development of Ballet Art.
The main subject of this paper is the importance of a painterdesigner in collaboration with a choreographer and composer as a
new intensity of S. Diaghilev’s Ballet Russes appeared in Russia
for the 20 years of his life.
The sub question can be creative ways of some S. Diaghilev’s
companions given in their development.
Many Britannian experts are coming to believe that S. Diaghilev
possessed great talent as an impresario. He strongly believed with a
From the music followed the choreography. Then, Alexander Benois,
who was a scenic designer, introduced Michel Fokine to the ballet
group – A. Benois had been affected by Fokine. This young
choreographer modernized old-fashioned ideals to ballet with rules
of mime and movement. Together with the a plan setting out in detail
Fokine’s rules for reform of ballet were: “In the ballet the whole
meaning of story can be expressed by the dance.”
Alexander Benois
Alexander Benois, a Russian
theatre art director, painter and
ballet librettist, together with
Leon Bakst and Sergey
Diaghilev set up the influential
«World of Art» Journal. Benois
grew up in an atmosphere of
love and respect for the arts.
Moreover, Benois’s collaboration
with Stravinsky and Michel
Fokine presented some of the
greatest dance drama in history
and helped found modern ballet.
Nikolai Roerich
Nikolai Konstantinovich
Roerich is known for his
historical sets and stage
design. Besides, Roerich
made a great contribution to
Russian culture. As a stage
designer he worked for such
directors as Nikolai Yevrenov,
Konstantin Stanislavsky and
Sergey Diaghilev. However,
Nikolai Roerich wasn’t only a
scenic designer for Diaghilev’s
Ballet Russes.
Leon Bakst
Lev Samoylovich Rosenberg,
known as Bakst, revolutionized
theatrical design both in
scenery and in costume. In
1900 he began to design first
at Hermitage court theatre and
then at imperial theatres.
Appart from, Bakst’s sets and
costumes, in which he
combined bold designs and
rich colors.
Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse was a French
artist, noted for his use of color
and his fluid, brilliant and
original draftsmanship. As a
draughtsman, printmaker and
sculptor, but principally as a
painter, Matisse – is one of the
best-known artists of the
twentieth century.
Mikhail Larionov
Mikhail Larionov – is a famous
painter and Russian decorator,
who obtained French
nationality. His cultural life was
very active. Larionov was a
graphic artist. Larionov’s
startling costumes always
caused an uproar. The historic
role of Rayism was recognize
at the exhibition “Cubism and
Abstract Art” in New York in
To conclude, we are pleased with the fact that S. Diaghilev’s life is
closely connected with some cities of the world, but it was Perm,
which influenced his formation as a man of arts.
We’d like to underline that S. Diaghilev, who never choreographed a
ballet himself, possessed a singular flair for bringing the right people
together and again coming back to the great impresario. Besides, S.
Diaghilev first of all created the climate and the conditions, in which
the artist around him could work.
No living person could remember ballets of such quality. The art of
theatre, however also depends very much upon luck, and S.
Diaghilev was lucky in group of people gathered around him.
Thank you!