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Subject: Physical Science
Unit #_7_
Unit Name_Electricity and Magnetism _
Big Idea/Theme:
The flow of electric charges in a circuit is a source of electrical energy and can induce
magnetism, and vice versa.
Culminating Assessment:
 Students will apply their knowledge of scientific inquiry, magnets, coils, and
currents to design and complete laboratory activities investigating electromagnetic
induction by building a simple generator.
 Students will apply their knowledge of scientific inquiry, electricity, and circuits
to design and construct simple series and parallel circuits during a laboratory
 On a written assessment, students will be able to solve problems involving Ohm’s
law, diagram and label series and parallel circuits, and using a diagram of a
generator identify, label, and sequence the steps of the production of the electric
current used to charge their cell phone (real world).
Unit Understanding(s)
Unit Essential Question(s):
Students will understand that…
 What is charging by friction?
 objects can acquire a static electric
 What is charging by induction?
charge through friction, induction,
 What is charging by conduction?
and conduction.
 How are objects charge by friction,
 Relationships exist among voltage,
induction, and conduction?
resistance, and current in Ohm’s
 What is voltage?
 What is resistance?
 the formula V = IR can be used to
 What is current?
solve problems related to electric
 What is Ohm’s law?
 What are the relationships among
 An electric circuit can be
voltage, resistance, and current in
represented by drawing a circuit
Ohm’s law?
 How do you use the formula V = IR
 simple series and parallel electrical
to solve problems related to electric
circuits function differently.
 alternating current (AC) and direct
 What are the circuit diagram
current (DC) are similar.
symbols for resistor, switch, and
 A relationship of magnetism to the
voltage source?
movement of electric charges.
 How do you represent an electric
circuit by drawing a circuit
 How does a simple series circuit
Static electricity
Charging by induction
Electrical power
Magnetic domain
Alternating current
How does a parallel circuit
How are the functions of simple
series and parallel electrical circuits
What is alternating current (AC)?
What is direct current (DC)?
How are AC and DC similar in
terms of the production of
electricity and the direction of
current flow?
What is magnetism?
How do magnets produce electrical
Electric current
Ohm’s law
Voltage difference
Series circuit
Magnetic field
Charging by contact
Parallel circuit
Magnetic pole
Electric motor
Direct current
Circuit breakers
Students will know… / Students will be able to…
 Describe how electric charges exert forces on each other.
 Distinguish between conductors and insulators.
 Explain how objects become electrically charged.
 Describe how voltage difference causes current to flow.
 Explain how batteries work.
 Define Ohm’s law.
 Describe the difference between series and parallel circuits.
 Recognize the function of circuit breakers and fuses.
 Explain how a magnet exerts a force.
 Describe the magnetic field produce by an electric current.
 Explain how an electromagnet produces a magnetic field.
 Describe how electromagnets are used.
 Explain how an electric motor operates.
 Define electromagnetic induction.
 Describe how a generator produces an electric current.
South Carolina Academic Standards:
The student will demonstrate an understanding of how scientific inquiry and
technological design, including mathematical analysis, can be used
appropriately to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.
Explain how objects can acquire a static electric charge through friction,
induction, and conduction.
PS-6.6 Explain the relationships among voltage, resistance, and current in Ohm’s law.
PS-6.7 Use the formula V = IR to solve problems related to electric circuits.
PS-6.8 Represent an electric circuit by drawing a circuit diagram that includes the
symbols for a resistor, switch, and voltage source.
PS-6.9 Compare the functioning of simple series and parallel electrical circuits.
PS-6.10 Compare alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) in terms of the
production of electricity and the direction of current flow.
PS-6.11 Explain the relationship of magnetism to the movement of electric charges in
electromagnets, simple motors, and generators.
Interim Assessment (formative)
 Formal/Informal Pre-assessment
 Class Participation
 Teacher Observations
 Graphic Organizer
 Notebooks
 Exit Slips
 Writing assignments
 Laboratory assignments
 Group Work
 Quizzes
 Tests
 Projects
Key Criteria (to meet the standard/rubric)
See rubric guide for the following rubrics:
 Brochure
 Lab Report
 Poster
 PowerPoint