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The Planets Within Our Solar
The Different Planets
• There are nine planets in total
• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Mars
• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• Pluto
• This planet is closet of all nine planets
to the sun.
This planet orbits around the sun and
takes only 88 days to do so.
This planet was named after a Greek
God name Mercury or more commonly
known as Hermes.
This planet takes 59 days to go from
day to night.
This planet does not have a moon that
orbits it.
This planet is one of five that you can
see without a telescope.
• A year on this planet only lasts for 262 days
• This planet is the second from the sun
• This planet was named after the Roman
Goddess of love
This planet is closest to the earth
This is the hottest planet in the solar system
Water vapor and sulfuric acid cover this planet.
This planets atmosphere is made up of carbon
• This planets atmosphere is made up of 21%
• This is the only planet with water on the surface
• This planet is very fragile and has split into
multiple tectonic plates separating the land
• This planet has a leap year because it takes the
earth 365 ¼ days to orbit around the sun
• When this planet orbits the sun it does so at a tilt
providing it with seasons
• This planet is the planet that relates to
earth in multiple ways
• This planet also has seasons but no
atmosphere to protect the heat, this causes
very cold temperatures
• This planet has dust storms that can cover
the entire planet within a few days
• This planet has polar ice caps just like earth
• This planet has a very distinct red tint to it
• This planet is the largest in the solar system
currently, over 300 times larger than earth
• This planets days last 9.8 hours compared to
earths 24
• Because this planet spins so fast the
appearance in constantly changing due to
• This planet is made of helium, ammonia,
hydrogen and methane
• This planet has 64 moons
• This planet has rings around it that are
composed of ice
• This planet takes 29 ½ years to make it around
the sun once compared to the planet earth that
only takes 1
• This planet takes 10 hours to spin on its axel
• This planet is spinning so fast there are
consistent hurricanes and bad windstorms.
• You cannot see this planet from earth without
a telescope
• This planet has 27 moons the orbit it
• Most of this planet is frozen methane and
ammonia creating its blue color
• This planet has 13 rings around it that are
very hard to see
• When studying this planet they noticed it
moved farther out into space, this led to the
discovery of the planet Neptune
This planet spins on its axis in only 165 days
This planet has 13 moons
This planet takes 165 years to orbit the sun
You need a large telescope to view this planet
from earth
• The orbit of Uranus was what caused
Neptune to be discovered, because of
Neptune's gravitational pull
• This planet orbits the sun in an oval shape
causing different distances from the sun at
different times
• This planet takes 248 ½ years to orbit the sun
• Because of the differences that this planet has
from the others in the solar system it was
named a “dwarf planet”