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Unit 3 Indian
Performing Arts
Influences of Culture
Caste System
• A system where people
are classified by
• One must remain in the
occupation they are
born into.
these practices influence
the performing arts?
• A religion where the
goal is to achieve
oneness with the
supreme world-soul.
• The soul and spirit is
the essence of life.
Sanskrit Drama
• Sanskrit – the language of the noble classes.
• Sanskrit Drama – performed for the noble people
in court and told stories based on Indian myth.
• Sudtradhara – the leader of the Sanskrit drama
troupe who was the main actor and managed the
• Natyasastra translates to “The Study of Theatre”
or “The Art of Theatre”
• Natyasastra is an encyclopedia of theatrical
practice that describes:
- the origin of theatre
- the theatre space
- the gestures, posture, music, dance, and
voice used
The Nine Rasas
Rasa – “essence”, the powerful feeling portrayed
by an actor and felt by the audience.
1. Love
2. Humor
3. Anger
4. Grief
5. Wonder
6. Disgust
7. Fear
8. Courage
9. Peace
QUESTION: Which rasa do you relate most
with? Which one do you relate least with?
• Kathakali – a dance
drama without dialogue
that requires quick
footwork and complex
movements with exact
timing with the music.
• Kathakali is about
clashes between good
and evil, but good
always wins.
Characteristics of Kathakali
• Presented at sunset by torchlight
• Traditionally lasted all night, but now for 3-4
• Violence/death are shown onstage in pantomime
• Demons and gods are featured
• Actors pray before preparing for the character.
Kathakali Costume/Makeup
• Cutti – plactic or paper
structure secured to jawline
of actor by spirit gum.
• Vellinakam – long, polished
silver tips added to left hand
of actor to lengthen fingers
and draw attention to hand
• Chilanka – bells tied around
female’s ankles to sound the
foot movements.
Indian Musical Instruments
Tabla – a pair of drums
whose pitches can be
Sitar – large, longnecked stringed
instrument with 18-20