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Homework Assignment – Complete and Place in Binder
Chapter # 12: Shock
1. Inadequate circulation of blood throughout the body is called ________.
A) hypotension
B) shock
C) perfusion
D) hypoxia
2. What are the three components of the “perfusion triangle”?
A) Arteries, veins, capillaries
B) Plasma, red blood cells, platelets
C) Heart, brain, lungs
D) Heart, blood vessels, blood
3. You suspect your patient is in shock. You note the patient's skin is pale. This is likely
due to ___________.
A) an increased heart rate
B) peripheral vasodilation
C) peripheral vasoconstriction
D) hypothermia
4. Shock due to severe infection is called ________.
A) septic shock
B) neurogenic shock
C) anaphylactic shock
D) hypovolemic shock
5. Your patient has a decreased cardiac output and poor myocardial contractility. This will
likely lead to ___________.
A) hypovolemic shock
B) cardiogenic shock
C) neurogenic shock
D) septic shock
6. Foods, medications, and insects are common causes of ________.
A) septic shock
B) anaphylactic shock
C) neurogenic shock
D) psychogenic shock
7. Your patient is in shock, but the body's defense mechanisms are currently able to
maintain adequate circulation. This is called ___________.
A) compensated shock
B) decompensated shock
C) late shock
D) irreversible shock
8. As you approach a patient lying at the side of the roadway, you observe severe
bleeding from the leg. What should your first action be?
A) Check for a pulse.
B) Control the bleeding.
C) Open the airway.
D) Administer oxygen.
9. When should nonlifesaving interventions be performed for your multisystem trauma
A) En route to the hospital
B) Prior to transport
C) During the primary assessment
D) Immediately after the injuries are discovered
10. To protect vital organs, the body compensates by directing blood flow away from
organs that are more tolerant of low flow, such as:
A) the skin.
B) the heart.
C) the brain.
D) the lungs.
11. Pulmonary edema and impaired ventilation occur during:
A) septic shock.
B) neurogenic shock.
C) cardiogenic shock.
D) anaphylactic shock.
12. Which of the following injuries would MOST likely cause obstructive shock?
A) Liver laceration
B) Cardiac tamponade
C) Simple pneumothorax
D) Spinal cord injury
13. Distributive shock occurs when:
A) an injury causes restriction of the heart muscle and impairs its pumping function.
B) severe bleeding causes tachycardia in order to distribute blood to the organs
C) temporary but severe vasodilation causes a decrease in blood supply to the brain.
D) widespread dilation of the blood vessels causes blood to pool in the vascular beds.
14. In an acute injury setting, neurogenic shock is commonly accompanied by:
A) hypovolemia.
B) tachycardia.
C) diaphoresis.
D) hypothermia.
15. Hypovolemic shock caused by severe burns is the result of a loss of:
A) plasma.
B) platelets.
C) whole blood.
D) red blood cells.
16. When assessing a patient with signs and symptoms of shock, it is important to
remember that:
A) the patient's respirations are deep during the early stages of shock.
B) blood pressure may be the last measurable factor to change in shock.
C) multiple fractures are the most common cause of hypovolemic shock.
D) irreversible shock often responds well to a prompt blood transfusion.
17. When treating an 80-year-old patient who is in shock, it is important to remember
A) compensation from the respiratory system usually manifests with increased tidal
B) the older patient's central nervous system usually reacts more briskly to
compensate for shock.
C) medications older patients take for hypertension often cause an unusually fast
heart rate.
D) changes in gastric motility may delay gastric emptying, which increases the risk for
18. A 25-year-old unrestrained female struck the steering wheel with her chest when her
car hit a tree while traveling at a high rate of speed. She has signs and symptoms of
shock, which you suspect are the result of intrathoracic bleeding. Which of the
following interventions will provide this patient with the greatest chance for survival?
A) High-flow oxygen administration
B) Full immobilization of her spine
C) Intravenous fluid administration
D) Rapid transport to a trauma center
19. Which of the following is the ONLY action that can prevent eventual death from a
tension pneumothorax?
A) Early administration of high-flow oxygen
B) Rapid administration of intravenous fluids
C) Decompression of the injured side of the chest
D) Positive-pressure ventilation with a bag-valve mask
20. A 20-year-old male has a large laceration to his wrist. He is holding a blood-soaked
towel over the wound, but it continues to bleed rapidly. You should:
A) apply pressure to the brachial artery.
B) apply a tourniquet proximal to the wrist.
C) administer high-flow supplemental oxygen.
D) wrap the towel with pressure bandages.