Download Plural Nouns - Irregular Plurals

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Type: Comprehensive Grammar
Title: Plural Nouns - Part 3
Level: Level 1
Tags: level 1, beginner, plural nouns, singular nouns, irregular plurals
NOTES TO TRAINER - These notes are for trainers only. They are not visible to learners.
To identify the correct ways to change nouns to their plural forms
Plural Nouns - Irregular Plurals
Some nouns
change in
spelling when
changed from
singular to plural
child - children
man - men
mouse - mice
tooth - teeth
foot - feet
goose - geese
deer - deer
moose - moose
sheep - sheep
Some nouns have
singular and
plural forms that
are exactly the
Many nouns with irregular plurals come from foreign languages, like Latin or French.
alumnus - alumni
cactus - cacti
fungus - fungi
To change some
nouns ending in
us to plural form,
change us to i.
oasis - oases
parenthesis - parentheses
crisis - crises
matrix - matrices
appendix - appendices
index - indices
beau - beaux
chateau - chateaux
tableau - tableaux
datum - data*
bacterium - bacteria
phenomenon phenomena
antenna - antennae
formula - formulae
vertebra - vertebrae
To change some
nouns ending in
is to plural form,
change is to es.
To change some
nouns ending in
ix or ex to plural
form, change ix
or ex to ices.
To change some
nouns ending in
eau to plural
form, add x.
To change some
nouns ending in
um or on to
plural form,
change um or on
to a.
To change some
nouns ending in a
to plural form,
add e.
*It is more common to use "data" as a singular noun. (Example: "The data is interesting.")