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Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
• Carbohydrates are organic compounds that
contain carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and Oxygen
(O) in the ratio of 1 carbon atom and 1 oxygen
atom for every 2 hydrogen atoms.
• The sugar glucose contains 6 carbon atoms, 12
hydrogen atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms.
• C6H12O6
• Two or more sugar molecules can be
assembled to form increasingly complex
• The two main carbohydrates found in food are
simple carbohydrates (sugars) and complex
carbohydrates (starches and dietary fiber).
Simple Sugars: Monosaccharides &
• Simple carbohydrates are naturally present as
simple sugars in fruits, milk, and other foods.
• Plant carbohydrates can be refined to produce
sugar products like table sugar and corn syrup.
Simple Sugars: Monosaccharides and
• The two main types of sugars are
monosaccharides and disaccharides.
• Monosaccharides consist of a single sugar
molecule (“mono” meaning one and
“saccharide” meaning sugar).
• Disaccharides consist of two sugars chemically
joined (“di” meaning two).
• The most common monosaccharides in the
human diet are glucose, galactose, and
Monosaccharides: The Single
• Glucose
Found in fruits, vegetables, honey
“Blood sugar”—used for energy
Virtually the only fuel used by the brain.
It is the most abundant simple carbohydrate
found in nature.
• It makes up at least 1 of the 2 sugar molecules in
every disacharide.
Monosaccharides: The
Single Sugars
• Fructose
Found in fruits, honey, corn syrup
Also called levulose or “Fruit sugar”
Fructose tastes the sweetest of all sugars
Used as a sweetener in foods
Monosaccharides: The
Single Sugars
• Galactose
• Found as part of lactose in milk
• Rarely occurs as a monosaccharide in food
• Chemically bonded to glucose to make lactose
Disaccharides: The Double
• Disaccharides—two linked sugar units
• Sucrose: glucose + fructose
• “Table sugar”
• Made from sugar cane and sugar beets
• When a label lists sugar as an ingredient, it is referring to
Disaccharides: The Double
• Lactose: glucose + galactose
• “Milk sugar”
• Found in milk and dairy products
Disaccharides: The Double
• Maltose: glucose + glucose
• Found in germinating cereal grains
• Product of starch breakdown
• Maltose is fermented in the production of beer
Joining and Cleaving Sugar Molecules
Complex Carbohydrates
• Complex carbohydrates are chains of more
than two sugar molecules.
• Short chains may have as few as three
monosaccharide molecules.
• Long chains (polysaccharides) can have
hundreds or even thousands.
Complex Carbohydrates
• Starch
• Long chains of glucose units
• Amylose–straight chains
• Amylopectin–branched chains
• Found in grains, vegetables, legumes
Complex Carbohydrates
• Glycogen
• Highly branched chains of glucose units
• Body’s storage form of carbohydrate
• Oligosaccharides are short carbohydrate
chains of 3 to 10 sugar molecules.
• Dried beans, peas, and lentils contain the two
most common ones: raffinose and stachyose.
• Human milk contains more than 100 different
• Some bind to bacteria to help them pass.
• Some serve as dietary fiber.
• Some assist in brain development.
• Polysaccharides are long carbohydrate chains.
• Some form straight chains, while others
branch off in all directions.
• Their configuration makes them either
digestible (starch) or indigestible (dietary
• Plants store energy as starch.
• Dietary sources of starch:
• Grains such as wheat, rice, corn, oats, millet,
and barley.
• Legumes such as peas, beans, and lentils.
• Tubers such as potatoes, yams, and cassava.
• Animals store carbohydrates in the form of
• It is also called animal starch.
• Glycogen consists of highly branched chains of
• Glycogen is stored largely in the skeletal
muscle and liver.
Complex Carbohydrates: Fiber
• Dietary + Functional = Total Fiber
• Indigestible chains of monosaccharides
• Nonstarch polysaccharides: long chains
• Cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, gums, mucilages
• Lignins
• Found in fruits, vegetables,
grains, legumes
Dietary Fiber
• Soluble fibers dissolve in water.
• Insoluble fibers do not dissolve in water.
• Soluble fiber from psyllium and oats has been
shown to lower blood cholesterol levels.
Sources of Dietary Fiber
• Only plant foods contain dietary fiber.
• Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, legumes,
soybean, and some fruits and vegetables.
• Insoluble fiber is found in wheat bran and
most whole grains.
Carbohydrate Digestion and
• Mouth
• Salivary amylase begins digestion of starch
• Small intestine
• Pancreatic amylase completes starch digestion
• Brush border enzymes digest disaccharides
• End products of carbohydrate digestion
• Glucose, fructose, galactose
• Absorbed into bloodstream
• Fibers are not digested, are excreted in feces
Carbohydrates in the
• Functions of glucose
Energy source
Spares body protein
Prevents ketosis
Excess stored as glycogen
• In liver and muscle
Carbohydrates in the Body: Regulating
Blood Glucose
Carbohydrates in the Diet
• Recommended carbohydrate intake
• AMDR = 45–65% of calories
• Daily Value (for 2,000 kcal) = 300 grams
• Dietary Guidelines
• Variety of grains, fruits, vegetables
• Moderate sugar intake
• Current consumption
Carbohydrates in the Diet
• Increasing
• Grains, especially
whole grains
• Legumes
• Vegetables
Whole Kernels
• Germ – the innermost part. Can grow into a
new plant. Rich in protein, oils, vitamins, and
• Endosperm – largest middle portion. High in
Whole Kernels
• Bran – protective coating. Dietary fibers.
• Husk – inedible covering. Also called chaff.
Refined Grains
• When grains are refined, the process removes
the outer husk and bran layers. It sometimes
also removes the inner germ of the grain
Refined Grains
• This is done when making white flour from
wheat and making white rice from brown.
Carbohydrates in the Diet
• Moderating sugar intake
• Use less added sugar
• Limit soft drinks, sugary cereals,
• Choose fresh fruits or those canned
in water or juice
Photo © CSquared Studios/Photodisc
Carbohydrates in the Diet
• Nutritive Sweeteners
• Natural v. refined
• Sugar alcohols
• Artificial Sweeteners
Acesulfame K
Carbohydrates and Health
• High sugar intake
• Low-nutrient content
• Contributes to tooth decay
• If excess kcal, contributes to obesity
• High fiber intake
Better control of blood glucose
Possible reduced cancer risk
Reduced risk of heart disease
Healthier gastrointestinal functioning
An Apple a Day…
• The old adage, “An apple a
day keeps the doctor away”
has persisted over time due to
actual health benefits from
• Apples have a high pectin
content, a soluble fiber
known to be an effective GI
Photo © Photodisc
• Cellulose forms the nondigestible, fibrous
component of plants.
• It is part of grasses, trees, fruits, and
Increasing Fiber Intake
• To increase your fiber intake, eat more breads,
cereals, pasta, rice, fruits, vegetables, and
• Eat fruits and vegetables with the peel, if
possible, as this is high in fiber.
• Add fruit to muffins and pancakes.
• Add legumes, such as lentils and pinto, navy,
kidney, and black beans to casseroles.
ADA Position on Nutritive and NonNutritive Sweeteners
• It is the position of the American Dietetic
Association that consumers can safely enjoy a
range of nutritive and non-nutritive
sweeteners when consumed in a diet that is
guided by current federal nutrition
recommendations, such as the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans, and the Dietary
References Intakes, as well as individual health
Ailments Resulting From
• Birth Defects
• Brain Cancer
• Diabetes
• Emotional Disorders
• Epilepsy / Seizures
Sugar and Children’s
• In a study designed
to determine
whether or not sugar
truly affects a child’s
behavior, the results
indicated that dietary
sugar does not cause
adverse behavior.
Photo © Eric Gevaert/ShutterStock, Inc.
Dental Health
• Good dental hygiene,
adequate fluoride, and proper
nutrition help maintain
healthy teeth.
• A well-balanced diet contains
vitamins and minerals crucial
for healthy bones and teeth.
• To help prevent dental caries,
avoid continuous snacking on
high-sugar foods.
ADA Position on Health Implications
of Dietary Fiber
• It is the position of the American Dietetic
Association (ADA) that the public should
consume adequate amounts of dietary fiber in
the form of plant foods.
Effects of Excess Fiber
• With all of its health advantages, high fiber
intake can cause problems, especially in those
who drastically increase their fiber intake in a
short period of time.
• A sudden increase in fiber can cause increased
intestinal gas and bloating.
• If you increase your fiber intake, you should
also increase your water intake to prevent
Total Fiber
• Dietary fiber consists of nondigestible
carbohydrates and lignin that are intact and
intrinsic in plants.
• Functional fiber refers to isolated,
nondigestible carbohydrates that have
beneficial physiological effects in humans.
• Total fiber is the sum of dietary fiber and
functional fiber.
Babies and Honey
• Because honey and Karo
syrup may contain spores of
the bacterium Clostridium
botulinum (botulism), they
should never be fed to infants
younger than one year of age.
• Infants do not produce as
much stomach acid as older
children and adults, which can
allow the spores to germinate
in the GI tract.
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