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Urania’s Well
Life After the
The astrology of
world events
Outer planet
Ingress charts
 Cosmos
“That we can think of no
mechanism for astrology is
relevant, but unconvincing.
No mechanism was known,
for example, for continental
drift when it was proposed
by Wegener. Nevertheless,
we see that Wegener was
right, and those who
objected on the grounds of
unavailable mechanism
were wrong.”
Carl Sagan(?)
Points About
Points About
All predictions
have some
Points About
Planets correlate,
they do not cause
Larger patterns of
Points About
Individuals have
more choice than
What archetypal
energies are we
being given to
work with?
Outer Planet
A collectivelyinherited
unconscious idea,
pattern of
thought, image,
etc., that is
present in
individual psyches
Outer Planet
Archetypes are
Outer planets
rule the collective
Image from the Gaian Tarot
Moving beyond
Values and belief
Growth and
Lord of Time and
Innovation and
Illusion and
Lord of the
Death and rebirth
Magic and the
What’s Next
“I wish it need not have
happened in my time,"
said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf,
"and so do all who live to
see such times. But that is
not for them to decide. All
we have to decide is what
to do with the time that is
given us.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
The Urania-Pluto
An historically
number of hits on
this aspect
Saturn to Urania
Saturn to Pluto
Jupiter to Urania
Jupiter to
Saturn to
Jupiter to Saturn
and Neptune
Saturn to
Jupiter to Pluto
then Urania
Jupiter square
Pluto and oppose
Urania to
Saturn enters
Urania enters
Urania to
Neptune (45 °)
Jupiter square
Jupiter enters
Saturn to Pluto
Jupiter to Pluto
Great Mutation
Winter Solstice
Great Mutation:
Jupiter and Saturn
in the Air signs
What We
Can Do
You are a catalyst
Know what you
stand for
Break free of
imprinted patterns
Moving Right Along 
Define Mundane Astrology o Astrology of world events o Focus primarily on the outer planets, lunar cycles, and other techniques such as cardinal ingress charts (define) 
Some points about prediction o Planets do not cause, but they correlate. Like quantum mechanics, we don’t need to answer all the questions about how it works to put it to work for us. o Astrological correlations are reliable. Anyone who studies astrology realizes this – Tarnas o Astrology does correlate – not 100%, but neither is weather prediction, or sociology or psychology or any science having to do with human beings. o These correlations help us understand larger patterns of consciousness that are unfolding and allow us to adjust our own lives accordingly in line with our will and desires. o There is more choice personally than socially as to how we work with these patterns of consciousness, but the personal IS social/political/spiritual. These are the energies we are given to create with o What’s important is not the details, but the overall archetypal energies we are being offered to work with Outer Planet Archetypes 
Archetypes are “a collectively‐inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present in individual psyches” and also “a constantly recurring symbol or motif in literature, painting, or mythology” Outer planets rule the collective unconscious and show us what we are working on collectively 
Jupiter o Jupiter lets us see beyond the archetypal complexes that form the boundaries of our culture into new possible ways of being. o Media manipulates the archetypes we pay attention to. o Jupiter rules media, publishing, law, religion and philosophy, higher education, wealth of a nation, foreign policy and trade relations. Principle of growth and expansion, values and belief systems. 
Saturn o Lord of time and space o Principles of manifestation, form and structure, restriction, discipline, order, authority and will. o Rules government and its controlling institutions, structures, business, land owners, older people, conservatism. 
Urania o First transpersonal planet – Urania o Principles of innovation and change, dissidence, scientific discovery, reforms, awakening, genius, rebellion o Rules technology, revolutions, nuclear energy (with Pluto), aeronautics, space travel, electricity, 
Neptune o Takes us into the Spirit world o Principles of interconnectedness, spirituality, deception, illusion, fantasy, glamour, imagination and mysticism o Rules the oceans (but you knew that), places of retreat or confinement (ashrams, monasteries, prisons, hospitals), utopian ideas and socialist political movements, drugs, oil and gas (with Pluto), scandals, fraud popular opinion, mystical states of mind, crime (with Pluto), infectious disease 
Pluto o Lord of the Underworld o Principles of transformation, death and rebirth, personal and collective power, the subconscious, magic and the occult, the Shadow archetype o Rules large government and business institutions, psychology, mobs, nuclear power, sexual mores, crime, mining, resource extraction, some forms of healing What’s Ahead 2015 
UPS final aspect – where we’ve been with this. Certainly a lot of political and social upheaval, but human squabbles are not the truly transformative meaning of this aspect, which is unprecedented. There are always social, political and financial upheavals. What is unprecedented is our effect on the planet. Never before have we seen: o An underwater oil well blowout that decimated the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico o A meltdown of three nuclear reactors that continue to pollute. The site is still not stabilized. o Numerous garbage patches of plastic on and in the oceans o Fracking and its associated earthquakes and pollution of aquifers o Massive and widespread soil degradation and erosion o Population of 7 billion o Peak oil, phosphorus, etc. 
There are many lessons to be learned from this aspect, but none more important than this. We are alive because the Earth is alive, and as we destroy more and more of the web of life on this planet, we destroy ourselves. 
It is my hope that this last year of the square will involve Urania, the awakener, bringing our mass consciousness to awareness of the ultimate destructiveness of our current way of life, and Pluto, the transformer, will help us heal the web. Urania can gift us with awareness and insight, Pluto with resources and deep magic. 
We’ll see other manifestations of awakening to power, of destruction and transformation, particularly in governments and business institutions. We’ll see upsets and tensions and numerous challenges to the status quo and there will be a lot of shouting and flag‐waving and other distractions. But I believe that from this year on, we will not be able to avoid looking at the destruction we have wrought on the environment. Eventually, we will come to understand that the foundation of any economy is the environment. 
The other major UPS issue is freedom vs. control – look for that in your own life. The key is stepping into your own power, and being willing to change 
Early May – Saturn sets off Uranus. Watch for major struggles between status quo and demands for change. Possible major scientific breakthrough 
Late June – Saturn sets off Pluto through a semi‐square, and the two planets are also in mutual reception for the last time. Jupiter is also trine Urania. There is a lot of deep power combined with fiery energy here. Think about how you can use that in your magic. Work with discipline and intuitive insight. On the world stage, this may well be the last hurrah of the plutocrats. 
August brings a square of Jupiter to Saturn (Leo/Scorpio) and both pinging Pluto. The global economy will be tested during this series of squares, also problems focused around “law and order”, dogmatism, dramatic power plays. Quite possibly the beginning of an economic contraction that will snowball into 2016. 
In September, there is an opposition between Jupiter and Neptune that suggests fraud and scandal, particularly in the areas of religion. Problems with fisheries. On a personal level we can use this energy to expand our spiritual presence in our daily lives. 
In November, Saturn sq. Neptune. Issues of infectious disease, problems with the world oceans, and economic fraud and scandal. Reality bites. 2016 
The Jupiter sq. Saturn aspect is exact on March 23rd and May 26th, in the middle degrees of Virgo, where the Urania cj PL occurred in the mid‐sixties. It is likely we will revisit a lot of the revolutionary ideas and ideals of that time, but in a more practical and less theoretical manner. 
Saturn Neptune square in June and September, with Jupiter op. Neptune forming a T. Problems with international finance, fraud and scandal. Also, more issues with the oceans. Reality bites again. MA triggers the sq. in late August. This is when we are most likely to see public health problems as well as smokescreens and confusion around financial and legal matters. Also, a strong possibility of religious wars – verbal, legal, or lethal. Ideologies of cruelty and fear. 
In November, Jupiter makes its first sq. with PL and then in December, it opposes Uranus. Shades of the UPS. Big transformations, at least some of them in the realm of the 1%. The inequality of the economy will be front and center 2017 
Dominated by Jupiter square Pluto and oppose Urania, as above. Saturn Urania trine – practical applications of scientific breakthroughs, stabilization of revolutionary changes Urania Neptune semi‐square – clashes involving science vs. religion, oceans. Saturn moves into Capricorn we move into the business of business and government – what’s working, what’s not? What alternatives do we have to capitalistic models that destroy the environment and funnel massive amounts of resources into the hands of the few by externalizing environmental production costs. 2018 
Urania enters Taurus in May – changes in agricultural production, money and resources will be emphasized over the next 7 years. Urania semi‐square Neptune in June and Dec. More as 
above Jupiter trines Neptune May and August – some mediation for the world’s oceans, also charity, philanthropy, mysticism 2019 
Jupiter sq. Neptune through September Jupiter > Capricorn in November – both presage class struggles, religious overreach, fraud, financial speculation, scandal. 2020 
Saturn cj. PL early Jan Jupiter cj PL April, June and November Jupiter cj Saturn at Solstice